Official breathalyser thread

Official breathalyser thread



850 posts

193 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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JonRB said:
Thanks for providing the service Sam - very much appreciated.

Must confess to being surprised to have blown only 0.77 this year compared to previous years where it was more like 1.4 - 1.6 although having said that, this year I deliberately held off drinking until early evening rather than as soon as I arrived.
I second Jon's words - very much thank you, especially as you had to get up ludicrously early to be there, I was amazed to see you there at 7-something when I wandered in, trying to work out which way round the hotel was smile


75,316 posts

275 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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FamilyGuy said:
I was amazed to see you there at 7-something when I wandered in...
Some people had only just gone to bed then! (Not me - I was a lightweight and toddled off at around 3.15am)

FamilyGuy said:
... trying to work out which way round the hotel was smile
hehe legend. smile


303 posts

190 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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I embarrassingly blew 0.15! My lowest to date and I didn't have to drive!!! Best make up for it at DD's next month!!


11,635 posts

254 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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LadyB said:
I embarrassingly blew 0.15! My lowest to date and I didn't have to drive!!! Best make up for it at DD's next month!!
And I blew my highest! When I'm blowing more than LadyB (no pun intended biggrin) then things have gone wrong for one of us...


39,791 posts

287 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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LadyB said:
I embarrassingly blew 0.15! My lowest to date and I didn't have to drive!!! Best make up for it at DD's next month!!
Good luck with your E30 hunt. No your not having mine.


21,627 posts

195 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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Impressed someone beat the 1.80 I blew last year at 10:30am.

I was a little delicate for a few days after that and the drive home was a little interesting to say the least and had to go with Mario as the alcohol smell coming off me put catcussed off driving.

Shame I couldn't make it at all this year due to extended illness and I night drinking with you guys would have not done the recovery any good at all.


75,316 posts

275 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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Du1point8 said:
Impressed someone beat the 1.80 I blew last year at 10:30am.

I was a little delicate for a few days after that and the drive home was a little interesting to say the least and had to go with Mario as the alcohol smell coming off me put catcussed off driving.

Shame I couldn't make it at all this year due to extended illness and I night drinking with you guys would have not done the recovery any good at all.
Yeah, it was a shame you weren't there. Although fortunately I didn't need my guardian angel this year. hehe


33,574 posts

215 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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Du1point8 said:
Impressed someone beat the 1.80 I blew last year at 10:30am.
Was that from casualty? You were mullered last year - properly so. Well done.
Next year eh? beer

Ahhh Moneypenny

4,100 posts

225 months

Thursday 24th November 2011
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1.4 felt ok though!


850 posts

193 months

Friday 25th November 2011
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I was down to 2.0 by the time we left. (About 11:30 - there is no point in asking for accuracy about anything that happened that day) Not me driving, may I add. H&S would have kept me at an "appropriate distance" from even Scalextric. smile

Edited by FamilyGuy on Friday 25th November 01:17


75,316 posts

275 months

Friday 25th November 2011
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FamilyGuy said:
I was down to 2.0 by the time we left. Not me driving, may I add. H&S would have kept me at an "appropriate distance" from Scalextric. smile
I trust you kept the windows open so that L didn't suffer from "passive drinking" from the alcoholic fumes you were breathing out. hehe


850 posts

193 months

Friday 25th November 2011
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In fairness, although my liver seems to have let the side down a bit my stomach stood up to the job, which according to the car park outside reception, wasn't always the case smile