


42,639 posts

267 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Podie said:
drivin_me_nuts said:
The idea of a later summer ball is far more appealing.
Unless "summer" is like 2012 and everyone ends up soaked, with a tide mark up to their knees...
Ah yes, the summer I got married and decided to have a Marquee wedding, the highlight was when the dancefloor started floating away


57 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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What or who are RWR?

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

261 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Shnozz said:
I think you will find you always were my dear. It must have been between about 2002 - 2008 though as it was Hants based.
My memory died after 2005, I have no memory of it smile


17,949 posts

214 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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garyhun said:
What or who are RWR?
Race What Race - A collective of like minded individuals/friends who attend Lemons and do nothing but avidly watch the race, drink no beer and then swear nothing ever happened.

HHGTTG - Mostly Harmless


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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James P said:
Not sure how you have got to here from my starting point that a group of 180 of so people attending a single event being likely to include at least one group that others people might perceive to be a clique. I don't think that I was ever one of the people accusing RWR and hangers-on as a clique anyway and you were the one who brought DD's into the mix.

I should have at least given you someone to talk about disparagingly on Thursday so that is my job done and the important thing of course is that you got to use your favourite smiley again rolleyes
I was taking the piss James, something I do all the time smile

I didn't say, or imply that you did - I know you better than that, they're your friends why would you say they were cliquey?

Poley started on about DDs and he was the one that brought up RwR! I merely told him what I knew about it ATM - I haven't made it for 18 months due to lack of work/work being in the wrong location, know my contract ends in December & I'd be able to go at Christmas and as it's October asked a few what would be happening at Christmas & was told its to be discussed in the pub.

I confused as to why you would think you would be the topic of conversation, unless of course you turned up & it was how pleased everyone was to see you. If you plan to turn up, I shall be sorry to miss you - I won't be there until Christmas as my Mum is dying & I'm not doing any social events at the moment. If Mum makes it that far I won't be there then either.


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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drivin_me_nuts said:
The idea of a later summer ball is far more appealing. The idea of a marquee, some form of more formal entertainment and such like has an attraction for me at least far greater than a warm pie and dave-doubledecks playing the greasemeddley (well Ok, the last bit is a bit of dramatic license, but i'm sure you get the gist of it).

This event needs a total revamp.
The event does need a total re-vamp, but a summer ball isn't feasible as already mentioned in the thread too many clashes - that idea in Autumn would work thumbup

I know for my pocket the further away from Christmas the better! (I'm not good at budgeting my £££ laugh)


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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drivin_me_nuts said:
Give it a rest you lot. Your responses are both as bhy as each others and the real world interactions you have. Enough already.

It's enough to put anyone off ever attending a PH gathering again. FFS.
My apologies, I turned the page & saw this after I had replied.

I'm also sorry if I have come across as bhy frown I haven't meant any of my posts as bhy, just facts frown

I promise I shall not rise to the bait & respond again.

ETA - I really & truly don't meant to come over as bhy, but I am under a lot of emotional stress at the moment (as I think I've made clear!) so if my posts are not being read as I mean them to be (humorous or factual) I'm really very sorry.

Edited by ali_kat on Tuesday 29th October 16:54


57 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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ali_kat said:
My apologies, I turned the page & saw this after I had replied.

I'm also sorry if I have come across as bhy frown I haven't meant any of my posts as bhy, just facts frown

I promise I shall not rise to the bait & respond again.
You need to go home for a good spanking you bad bad girl! smile


15,877 posts

237 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
quotequote all
garyhun said:
You need to go home for a good spanking you bad bad girl! smile


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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markmullen said:
garyhun said:
You need to go home for a good spanking you bad bad girl! smile
I can't see what you've posted at work! weeping

hahahahahahaha Gary!

James P

2,964 posts

240 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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ali_kat said:
James P said:

As I have said before sorry to hear about your mother, that obviously takes your priority over every else.

I may have rather missed the point of what you were trying to say and how you were saying it, in which case I apologise. However I do suspect that you are not aware of everything that has gone on since your birthday party in July 2011 but this is not, if anything ever will be, the time or the place for that to be aired.

Apologies all, can we get back to BTaP now?


27,675 posts

274 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Definitely no clique.


15,099 posts

244 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
quotequote all
drivin_me_nuts said:
garyhun said:
What or who are RWR?
Race What Race - A collective of like minded individuals/friends who attend Lemons and do nothing but avidly watch the race, drink no beer and then swear nothing ever happened.

HHGTTG - Mostly Harmless
Phew, that's that mystery solved for me too! biggrin

Maybe meeting PHers in real life is a bad idea after all?


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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James P said:
I know that silly You're my mate!

Shnozz said:
Definitely no clique.
yes Just mates tongue out



17,949 posts

214 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
quotequote all
Impasse said:
drivin_me_nuts said:
garyhun said:
What or who are RWR?
Race What Race - A collective of like minded individuals/friends who attend Lemons and do nothing but avidly watch the race, drink no beer and then swear nothing ever happened.

HHGTTG - Mostly Harmless
Phew, that's that mystery solved for me too! biggrin

Maybe meeting PHers in real life is a bad idea after all?
Not at all. PHers may come across as a grizzly lot on these boards, but in 'real life' the ones I have met have been ace - so many good friends.


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
quotequote all
Impasse said:
Maybe meeting PHers in real life is a bad idea after all?
Nope, I've made some of my very best friends through PH - even introduced JamesP to his (now) wife smile

Shnozz is right, there are cliques, but it is not cliquey iykwim.

You can walk into a bar full of locals & feel excluded because of the cliques

You can walk into DDs/BTaP & are made to feel welcome to be there.


15,099 posts

244 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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You see, of all the respondents to this thread it's only natural that the two most compassionate would come out with a similar answer contrary to my posed question. Normal people may disagree with your summation! hehe


17,202 posts

232 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
quotequote all
Impasse said:
Phew, that's that mystery solved for me too! biggrin

Maybe meeting PHers in real life is a bad idea after all?
Yes, very much so.

I met my best mate through PH, and have ended up helping him renovate his house, babysit his daughter, goddammit, it was so much easier when it was just some random person on the internet I argued about cars with wink


10,857 posts

270 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Perhaps the whole idea of BTAP has run its course and it's time to move on?

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

261 months

Tuesday 29th October 2013
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Fish suggested picking a sunday service that has surrounding fields or something and have a relaxing BBQ evening the night before and camping beforehand? But its always nice to get proper dressed up and have a proper Doo.