Saturday 19th Nov - Morning Drive/Lunch...

Saturday 19th Nov - Morning Drive/Lunch...



Original Poster:

12,578 posts

285 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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burriana said:
Brilliant run out, thanks for organising Justin and Daz. The first bit was especially good fun, reminded me of the gallops from Greg's house to V.max smile

Lovely lunch spot too.
Haha, yes, it was interesting for me chalpua and the bike playing catchup after being held up at the lights wink


3,160 posts

261 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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Yep, really enjoyed the drive and the lunch. Thanks Daz/Justin.


23,974 posts

287 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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Original Poster:

12,578 posts

285 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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del 203

12,728 posts

252 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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Original Poster:

12,578 posts

285 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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1,432 posts

169 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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Brilliant run out and a top spot for lunch, the Astons ar$e looked superb in the mist.


23,974 posts

287 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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del 203 said:
If only my tyre had lasted another seven miles then I too would have enjoyed the lunch. smile

Anyway, a ride to Worcester and back in a diesel Transit is a fitting alternative. hehe

del 203

12,728 posts

252 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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jeremyc said:
del 203 said:
If only my tyre had lasted another seven miles then I too would have enjoyed the lunch. smile

Anyway, a ride to Worcester and back in a diesel Transit is a fitting alternative. hehe

If its any consolation the burger was lick



22,612 posts

264 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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A great run and a good choice of pub. Got to say we've had pretty good weather for the last two BTaP runs. Hope it's good again next year.


729 posts

242 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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Hugheisy/Daz, just a quick word of thanks for organising the run, had a fantastic time!

Loved the sound of Al's redhead at full chat. And the Nick's flamespitting was awesome!

Definetely keen to head back to that pub as well, quality food.

Many thanks


3,160 posts

261 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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BrendonJ said:
.... you feeling Brendon??? ....recovered from yesterday?? Must admit, yesterday's drive was probably more eventful than Saturday's!!


2,630 posts

187 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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BrendonJ said:
And the Nick's flamespitting was awesome!
Cheers chap smile i loved the tyre smoke from yours and the sound smile

and hope you ahd safe trip back smile


729 posts

242 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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tony_666 said: you feeling Brendon??? ....recovered from yesterday?? Must admit, yesterday's drive was probably more eventful than Saturday's!!
Still broken. Yesterday's drive was a nightmare, syndi was b0lloxed after skulling wine at lunch and keep playing with all the dials in the car and trying to sit on the window ledge, all whilst i was trying to drive whilst being in absolute agony after my 'incident'. Eventually got home and had to start on the red wine to help with the pain.

You guys make it ok?


1,273 posts

256 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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BrendonJ said:
Still broken. Yesterday's drive was a nightmare, syndi was b0lloxed after skulling wine at lunch and keep playing with all the dials in the car and trying to sit on the window ledge, all whilst i was trying to drive whilst being in absolute agony after my 'incident'. Eventually got home and had to start on the red wine to help with the pain.

You guys make it ok?
Nightmare drive back eventually got in at 9pm frown Syndi was hilarious hehe


3,160 posts

261 months

Monday 21st November 2011
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RVIANT said:
Syndi was hilarious hehe
...the lorry driver got more than he expected!!!

touching cloth

11,706 posts

242 months

Tuesday 22nd November 2011
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jeremyc said:
f only my tyre had lasted another seven miles then I too would have enjoyed the lunch. smile

Anyway, a ride to Worcester and back in a diesel Transit is a fitting alternative. hehe
Starting a Btap curse JC, did you not have a car related issue in 2010 also? Albeit causing a late arrival on the Friday rather than missing lunch on Saturday.


16,556 posts

257 months

Tuesday 22nd November 2011
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BrendonJ said:
Loved the sound of Al's redhead at full chat. And the Nick's flamespitting was awesome!
Cheers Brendon, but I was only in third most of the time wink

Dare I ask what happened to put you in so much pain?


3,160 posts

261 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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burriana said:
Dare I ask what happened to put you in so much pain?
....probably not a good idea on a public furum!!!


2,517 posts

205 months

Wednesday 23rd November 2011
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tony_666 said:
....probably not a good idea on a public furum!!!