Lotus 7 - S4



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183 months

Sunday 28th February 2010
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Hi Everyone I'm new to this forum
Anyone else currently drive an S4?
Anyone else previously drive an S4?


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Monday 1st March 2010
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Hi Stu
After 2100+ BC posts Booted out by the dictators and bully boys therein, because i have opinions which didn't agree with theirs, and I dared to ask Q's they couldn't or wouldn't answer:-(
Hopefully free discussion is possible on this forum, like the skiing and photography forums I also inhabit:-))
Think positive I've saved the £45 L7C subs - thats a decent amount of Blat fuel so can't be bad


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183 months

Monday 1st March 2010
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Yep I understand many others have left BC too, shame the 7 really deserves a better National owners 'club'.
Locally the S Wales area Lotus 7 club is excellent, all down to the enthusiam of the S wales area reps.
One Numpty question how do you get the 'Smilies' to work on PH?
Maybe Its my PC but I can't get em' to work:-((
Normally you just double click on 'em but this don't work on PH smilies


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Monday 1st March 2010
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Hang on I can't get smillies to work yet, posting photo's - man that'll be in several months time if I'm luckybiggrin
But luxury my car ain't - heater, carpets, windscreen, hood, wipers and all that type 'o junk went in the bin as soon as I bought it, it's a stripped out basic 7 just like CC intendedsmile
Well I've tried a few smilies have they worked??
Maybe - what you drivin' and how do you drive - I don't do cruising convoy's


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183 months

Monday 1st March 2010
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smokinHello - well that's great to know there's another S4 on here, mines a 1970, you can read all about mine on the simplesevens website. I wrote the article 'Return of the tank'. Let me know what you think.
Have had plenty of great feedback from that article and I met the American who owns the site - John Donohoe during the L7 club 50th anniversary bash in Norfolk a few years ago - a real nice guy.
Met a few other S4 owners there too, surprisingly there are few S4's used in anger these daysfrown
I got the smilies to work, now all I gotta do is remember all the codessmile


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183 months

Monday 1st March 2010
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Yours is the only other S4 I've seeen with Aeros - Mine now has Aeroscreens - awesome. my article on simplesevens is several years old. and I've also binned the rollbar [saved almost 5kg]
Incorrigible - OK laugh why not pop along to the S Wales 7 meet in Chepstow?
Don't want this thread to get political, but yep that's about it, they hate S4's too. - but I can hack that, that's just their opinion, which they're entititled to.
It was the thread censorship which was unfair, and withdrawing my posting rights without any warning. Of course the BC bully boys get away posting whatever without problemsfrown


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183 months

Monday 1st March 2010
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Took me ages to find an S4, after I'd done my full Mods & rebuild, I came across my original S4 for sale at a dealers, would loved to have bought it back but it was totally wrecked, Had most of the original S4 bits missing, and the dealer was advertising it as an original T/C. which was total bks, I fitted the T/c engine into it in 1975!!
Oh he also wanted £9K for it, and the car needed a new chassis, I suspect he still has it for sale!!
Do you use your car much?
I do about 5-6K miles a year in mine.
I agree the aeros are fantastic on an S4, my wife loves 'em too which is a bonus!!
I have all my original S4 bits so I could return my car to it's original spec, if I ever needed to. When the HLR[Historic Lotus register] first saw my car I had plenty of verbal abuse for changing it's spec;-)
Only major problem with the massive power increase is that the rear AO21r tyres only last 800mileseek
Whereabouts do you live?
I'm in Mid Wales which has some great 7ing roads.


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183 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2010
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Hey Al
Good to know you're on the 'Darkside' too, It's begining to feel right homelybiggrin
How's SWMBO performing lately? We missed you both last Saturday - right quiet it wassmilesmile
Are you Blatting Thursday or Sat?
If we get any more snow it's the tintop for mefrown


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183 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2010
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Dieter7s4 - Mike
Originality is OK for the anoraks eg [HLR], I need the car to perform as good as poss on Blats. Hence the engine upgrades etc. I've done quite a bit more than is in my simplesevens article - Aeroscreens SCCR 5speed box etc. And the car is now as good as I want, certainly on the power front I have ample for the S4 chassis, probably too much, hence the rear tyre wear.
You say you car was originally a 1300GT does it have the chassis rail running underneath the Sump??
The S4 chassis ain't the most rigid, and I read somewhere that 1300GT chassis omitted this rail under the sump, which certainly wouldn't help in this regard.
Ive stiffened mine up with the front and rear tiebars which makes a real improvement.
Does you car leak from the petrol cap? Mine does and I've tried everything to cure this irritating problem without success. Maybe i'm cornering too fast and that's the probbiggrin
My latest upgrade is a new front ARB & droplinks to try to cure the front brakes grabbing/locking under heavy braking.
My 2 Brother inlaws live near Southhampton though I never make it down to that part of the country.
If you ever get to Wales maybe we can have a blat, be good to blat with another S4.biggrin


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183 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2010
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Dave J
smokinI don't believe itbiggrin
They'll ban you too if they find out you're posting behind their backs.biggrin
I'm up to 12 posts and no aggro so far, why ain't BC like this??
I'll be blattin' this week provided we don't have any more Snow,
How's your Steering Rack - fitted it yet?
How's Lisa? Tell her you passed on the bloody cold to us, Bon & I both have it, and we're blaming you.
How's the steak & kidney's - full to the brim me hopesbiggrin
CU Thursday


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183 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2010
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Yep Brian Sopers wife's car, normally see Him and family at Stoneleigh in May, also saw him at the 50th Bash in Norfolk. Nice guy, last time I was talking to him he'd just fitted the rear strut in the boot of her car.
On the Taffia fish n chip run we sometimes get a yellow S4 who joins the run at the half way point, seen him a coupla times it's a Yellow K reg 1600gt with a side exhaust like yours, but has Alloy side panels? I have a photo of this car somewhere, when I figure out how to get photo's onto PH I'll post it up.
I don't think the petrol leak is caused by the cap seal, I bought a complete new cap - still leaks just as bad, I even welded a hinged flap inside the tank filler hole to try and cure the prob - no chance frown
It's a real pain coz like you say more than half full and the gas leaks like niagara. I really need a bigger tank, my Dutton has a 12 gallon tank which is great for touring and long Blats. At 7.5 gals the 7's is simply too small, although the situation has improved since I fitted the Zetec which is much more frugal than the Xflow.
No pre-meet blat Thursday AFAIK, But Saturday is on. If it ain't snowing I may take the 7 thursday, I aint used it since the first week of Decfrown


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183 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2010
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Here's afew of the S4's Ive seen over pass 10 years.
Hope the photo uplinks OK
Maybe you know the owners?
Or maybe the owners frequent this forumbiggrin


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183 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2010
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Yellow car has all the original bits except the wings and exhaust, the guy rebuilt it himself.
White TC car was very Original/Tatty with the flat tc bonnet only 2nd one i've seen with that style bonnet.
It was for sale on Ebay 2-3years ago, The seller wanted ~£7500 starting price, the car had been welded in front box sectionfrown and needed a new chassis IMO, seller wouldn't drop down on price, and I don't think the car sold. It would've been a fair buy at ~£5K bearing in mind the cost & amount of work to swop chassis.
Red 'Swiss' registered car is a one owner car - Roger Savary I think is the owners name, met him briefly at 50th bash blat.
Blue car was owned by a stuck up pratt who wouldn't talk to me about itmad
Red Uk car featured in the classic & sports car feature on lotus 7's - can't remember the date of publication. And was also at Stoneleigh last year, in fact he parked next to my car I have a photo somewhere, and I think the 2 S4's were also Featured in 'Low Flyin'
The owner of Silver/blue car saw my Simplesevens article and contacted me, he lives up north somewhere 1600Gt it is.
Do you have any photo's of S4's you've seen?


Original Poster:

1,325 posts

183 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2010
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Good link to them photo's
Black car was for sale about 8-9years ago in Switzerland - In fact I almost went to look at it!
Red car pic is from C&SC article.
Pale yellow car is owned by a German who's name escapes me, I met him at 50th bash too though he didn't have the car with himfrown
The B&W Photos car was the original demonstrator, I have an original cutting from Sunday mirror July 1970 which features it;-))

Edited by S47 on Wednesday 3rd March 19:15


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183 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2010
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Never expected you to come over to the darksidebiggrin
What happened? Didn't take you long to find me.
Great to see you [and Bridget?] on here.
Bon's on here too, see if you can find her handle - i doubt itbiggrin
Mines too obvious really.
What happened to your BC handle? I thought it rather good, or did Bridget have some influence on the new un'laugh
We'll have to hook up for another beerBlat this summer.
Is your car back on the road?
I'm hoping to have the first 2010 Blat on Saturday.

Edited by S47 on Wednesday 3rd March 19:14


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183 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2010
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More S4's from the archive.
Surely someone else has some S4 photo's to upload


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183 months

Thursday 4th March 2010
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3D ignition for a X flowsmokin
What type of problem? The emerald was straightforward on my car - Once I managed to get the engine to start that is;)
Your BC name embarassing - yeh right. I'll have to ask Bridget, she'll reveal the truth after a few beersbiggrin
cool About he B&B, how many others did you tell? I think the place is now full of 7'ssmilebiggrin
should be a good weekend.


Original Poster:

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183 months

Thursday 4th March 2010
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Good to see you on the darkside toobiggrin
Nevr thought you'd be on here.
Cu in 10min at the pubbeer


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183 months

Friday 5th March 2010
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Many thanks for sharing with us your early memories of you trips in the luggage space of an S4cool
When I first posted a similar theread on BC, I never had any positive replies like yours, It's good to know there's people out there with fond memories of S4'sthumbup
That's certainly one I haven't heard. My best recollection of my first S4 was driving to Braintree in Essex from my home in S Wales, to buy a Lotus Twin Cam engine, I transported it home ~190miles on the passenger seat with the twim webers a few inches in front of my face - the anticipation was Phenomenal, and my adrenalin levels have never ever reached them dizzy heightsbiggrin
Nice Picsmokin


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183 months

Sunday 7th March 2010
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Here's a German Car for your enjoyment RHD too
Anyone know the owner??