Did you get out?


Out Run

Original Poster:

151 posts

286 months

Tuesday 30th December 2003
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Went out in the R500 on Sunday morning. Blue sky, frosty conditions, small boys waving from the side of the road, snort of exhaust, wind in my hair, jumpers for goalposts...

Came back and said to my wife 'never let me sell that car'. It doesn't matter what mood I am in or what the weather is - I just love that car and would regret it the moment I saw it leave.

Just thought I would put my awe in....

Out Run

Original Poster:

151 posts

286 months

Wednesday 31st December 2003
quotequote all
86turbo, just looked at your profile and have to say what a great photo that is of your car and backdrop. Expect to see goodies and baddies running around in the bushes behind....