Gert big grins



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53,299 posts

258 months

Tuesday 7th October 2003
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Just been for a test drive in a 7, courtesy of the nice man at

Now I just have to work out how to fit my long, broad, big footed self into one. Dunno how I managed on the slalom day, as I had to take my shoes off to get to the accelerator today.

The wife tells me I can't afford an SV. Any suggestions? It's mainly the pedals that are the problem, but my shoulders were wedged against the door.


Original Poster:

53,299 posts

258 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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jeremyc said:

you great big girl's blouse.

Thanks mate! No need to shout.


Original Poster:

53,299 posts

258 months

Wednesday 8th October 2003
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1.6 roadsport. Not really quick enough, but oddly enough much harder to get sideways than the slalom day ones.

It was much much tighter than I expected/remembered, and the pedals were defo closer together as I was wearing the same shoes and my foot got stuck behind the brake. I sat in a few other Roadsports and had the same problem. Maybe Merrick could explain??

As far as the Caterham academy goes. Dunno, can't decide. I'm generally all of a dither over the whole MR2 for Claire/Caterham for me or Elise/S2000 compromise.

Think I might have to buy some pixie boots.


Original Poster:

53,299 posts

258 months

Thursday 9th October 2003
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My length is fine (ooer missus). The pedals were on the middle setting. Width was the main problem, both around the feet and in the cockpit. My legs were held very close together. IIRC the roadsports at the slalom day had no padding over the transmission tunnel, whereas the one I tested had a fair bit. A quick release wheel would help too.