First Caterham - buying advice…

First Caterham - buying advice…



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255 months

Tuesday 20th February
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So, I turn 40 this year and feel I’m due a mid-life crisis fun car.

I’ve hankered after a kit car ever since my college years when a few friends were into them. One mate built a Tiger Super 6 with a crossflow in it. A other built a Sylva Striker - and after my first passenger ride in this little 100hp rocket, I was hooked. Then his dad bought the rights (or something like that, I think) to sell the Fisher Fury in the early 2000s and I cadged a lift one day in a 170hp Vauxhall red top machine. A mate had a little Stuart Taylor (I think) with a Kawasaki ninja bike engine in it. I was sold for life, it seems…!

Anyway, fast forward 20 years and all my promises of a kit car by 30, a fun car before children etc etc have all evaporated in the seemingly ever increasing pace that the years are passing me by… I figure if I don’t do it now, the next time I think about it I’ll be 60, and will be limited by being able to climb in and out of the things…

I’m fortunately in a position where I have approximately £16k or so I could spend on a fun car. I’m not quite in a position (with young children) to take on the job just yet of a self-build project, (although that does remain the dream), so I’ve arrived at the prospect of a 2nd hand. Caterham as something that might fit the bill, and keep some decent resale value to help, should I want to go down the self build route later on.

Obviously this limits me to the lower, “entry level” end of the market, but that is more than fine with me. I recall the buzz of a car that light with just 100hp, so a standard 1.6 road sport with 135-140hp will be more than enough.

The question is where to go next? I see a couple of 7 specialists with multiple listings here on PH, as well as a smattering of specialist dealers across the country after a quick google. It looks like my budget is realistic for an entry level 7 and there seems to be a choice of a handful of cars to pick between.

I’m really after any recommendations of places to go, places to avoid, potential pitfalls in my plan, shortcomings in the models I’m looking at in my budget, things to look out for (or avoid altogether), or any general purchasing/test driving advice….

Thanks in advance!


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2,120 posts

255 months

Wednesday 21st February
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BertBert said:
Where in the country are you OP?
Fairly central - in the Bedfordshire region.

Thanks for all the advice so far chaps, I’ve started delving into the various options and specs that might be available to me, whilst resisting the urge to budget creep…


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255 months

Thursday 22nd February
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Thanks for the continued input - I’ve been availing myself of the various forums etc.

I’m not discounting a car with a live axle (as the general consensus of opinion seems to be that whilst they may not be quite as refined as a de-dion car, they’re still a lot of fun in their own right), and there seem to be a few live axles cars in the price bracket I’m looking at.

When it comes to possible resale though, do people find live axled cars stick around longer as everyone wants a de-dion equipped car?

Similarly, what’s the view of the 8v Vauxhall engines? Perhaps the 1.6 may be a little underpowered versus my hopes/expectations, but I’ve spied a keenly priced 1.8 8v car (with a decent 135hp) in the classifieds. Worth a look, or is it the equivalent of buying a house cheap because there’s a pylon in the garden which you then can’t sell later when/if the time comes…?


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2,120 posts

255 months

Thursday 22nd February
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CanAm said:
O/P I've sent you Mail.
Thanks smile Nothing’s come through yet, but I’ll keep an eye out!


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255 months

Saturday 24th February
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WombleCate said:
To echo an earlier comment, and, try and predict what you’ll want to use it for. The ideal spec for early morning blat/ touring/ track/ race do differ.
I anticipate using it for weekend morning fun drives, occasional summer sunny Friday drives to work, warm evening country pub outings, and a car to travel to events in - trips to Goodwood FoS/airshows, that sort of thing.

I do live quite close to Bedford autodrome, so I expect I might take it out on the odd track day or two as well, but that’s of secondary importance to a fun road car really. Certainly at this stage.

So I think I’m leaning more towards the leather “full” seats rather than the plastic shells, full windscreen, heater, no roll cage type of car. I’m also only 5”9’ and twelve stone, so no need for an SV or lowered floors.


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2,120 posts

255 months

Monday 26th February
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AinsleyB said:
The comfort of the seat is surprisingly not what it looks like.

Back in the summer I borrowed one of Caterham's demo cars, drove it round Wales for 4 days sitting in the Tillet race seats. They are basically plastic shells with zero padding.

Very comfortable. No aches or pains.

The leather ones look soft and comfy but the race ones were fine. The car was on the lower profile tyres as well, the smaller wheels with higher profile tyres would make the ride even more compliant.

For road use you really don't need a high / racing spec. Standard everything is still bonkers fun.
Plus you can change pretty much any of it later on if you fancy.

The Caterham dealers offer demo cars, worth taking one for a day or two.
Good stuff, and thanks to everyone for the advice - I’ve digested it all.

Luckily(?!) my budget doesn’t stretch to high/racing spec. I’m more than happy to be aiming for the lower end of the “standard” power spectrum I’m certainly aware, and can vividly remember just how much even 100hp feels in a half tonne car.

Also looking forward to changing things up and tinkering as you say - my eldest is coming on 5, and I’m very much looking forward to afternoons spannering in the garage in the years ahead smile