Complete failure of electrics

Complete failure of electrics



Original Poster:

12 posts

31 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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Hi All, i've got a 2016 Caterham 310R factory built.

Yesterday while exiting a roundabout the car stopped running like the kill switch had been thrown on the outside of the car. As I was rolling to a stop i checked that the key was still there, my immediate thought was it had fallen out and stopped the car.

I stopped in traffic and pushed the car to the side of the road with no hazards light or anything. The kill switch was still in place and on.
When i checked under the bonnet the positive battery terminal was very slight loose i could move the connection with my hand, fortunately a mechanic stopped behind me on the road and he had a 10mm spanner to tighten the the terminal.

However when i tried to start the car nothing happened the dials on the dash were flicking around, like the fault was something else. My next thought was a faulty kill switch (which i've ordered a new one off).

I've also check all earth leads and continuity after id been towed home. When i got back home the start procedure, priming of the full pump started to work again after charging the battery for a while, however when i pushed the starter button the solenoid would click but not start the car, the voltage would drop very low across the terminals, i tried this a few times tried freeing off the starter in case it was that, but eventually the battery stopped taking charge and has died, so i'm wondering that it could be an issue with the battery from the start and despite showing 12.8 volts there actually an internally fault to the battery.

The simple thing is i don't really know what to do in case i damage something like the ECU while trying to diagnose the issue.

I wonder if someone can recommenced me an auto electrician that has some knowledge of Caterham electronics and kill switches (ive took the kill switch off but can't now remember which way the wires went! i've looked on the Caterham forums and while i can find the wiring for the kill switch i'd rather get someone who knows what they're doing to do it).
If they could come out and try and diagnose the car, it'd be simpler that me trying to get it transported to somewhere, although if someone can recommend a transporter that'd be great too. I'm in Cheshire BTW.
Thanks smile


Original Poster:

12 posts

31 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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Thanks Bert for your reply. Yes i've ordered a new battery, fingers crossed hopefully that will sort it, and the voltage either fluctuating from the battery or kill switch was the reason for it the car dying. Alarming the way it died, in all my years of driving and riding i've never had a failure where everything went complete dead like that.


Original Poster:

12 posts

31 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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Thanks both, i did have multi-meter in my bag in the back of the car when i broke down (for an unrelated job for work) the battery measured 12.5 V by the roadside so i didn't suspect that, but it could be an internal fault, either way now its knackered).

I've got the new switch so i will measure it compared to the old later this week, the new switch looks of pretty poor quality so i might have to get one from Caterham.


Original Poster:

12 posts

31 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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Cheers Fuzzy logic for your input, i meant the master switch with the Red Key, sorry not the kill switch (which seems fine). I didn't know however that there was another earth near the fuses as i haven't had the scuttle off yet, but i will go and check that now, many thanks smile

Yep the 5mm Allen was loose! the loom under the dash and the way everything is put together is a shocker, velcro holding the fuse box to the scuttle?!

I'm used to doing bolt check on the suspension, drive-train etc, but i'd have thought the loom wiring would have been well enough thought out/designed not to worry about that, unbelievable really.
Its a smashing car to drive on the track for a relative novice like me, but not sure how Caterham justifies the prices they charge for this level of build quality. Compared to the quality of an Ariel Atom at a similar price, which look beautifully constructed and finished.
Anyway thanks for all you input, when the battery arrives i'll let you know how i get on.... and check every connection, nut and bolt in the meantime!

Edited by 640R on Wednesday 20th September 19:00

Edited by 640R on Wednesday 20th September 19:02


Original Poster:

12 posts

31 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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I've got a new battery but still haven't had time to fit it and the new cut out switch, will do it over Xmas, fingers crossed it is the battery!

Might whip off the scuttle to have a look at everything under the dash, and it's easier to put the new FIA switch in too, although i can't remember how it goes back together now!


Original Poster:

12 posts

31 months

Friday 29th December 2023
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Cheers, Bert Scuttle is off, i'm not sure why the loom is so massive! I guess everything has to go back to the ECU.

Ive wired the kill switch back in, trying my best to remember what wires go where, could do with someone checking it's all correct before i connect the new battery.
Other than me getting it trailered to the main Caterham dealers, does anyone know any good mobile auto electricians in Cheshire?


Original Poster:

12 posts

31 months

Sunday 31st December 2023
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Worked out what wires went where on the FIA switch, put on the new battery, flicked the switches and with some twitching of the dash dials, it started right up!

So hopefully it was either the earth under the dash connected to where the wiper motor is (thanks Fuzzy logic), or the plates in the battery. I will run it up to temperature tomorrow and make a some alloy countersunk riv-nuts plates so i can bolt the scuttle back on instead of all the rivets so i can easily check the integrity of the wiring at regular intervals.
Thanks everyone for their help and Happy New Year.