Road Angel detector with heated windscreen

Road Angel detector with heated windscreen



Original Poster:

105 posts

252 months

Wednesday 5th November 2003
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Does the laser detector work ok through the front windscreen?

Are there any problems with picking up satelites?


11,254 posts

262 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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Yes to the heated screen question and no to the satellite question - I've found that I can't even squeeze the smaller of the Sputnik series into the boot of my Caterham

dino ferrana

791 posts

255 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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I have a Cylops unit and it works fine in the Cat. If you have difficulty with picking up sats they have an extra antenna for it to go somewhere it will pick them up.

The unit is small and light and has a nice bright very clear display unlike Road Angels tiny dull screened effort.


Original Poster:

105 posts

252 months

Thursday 6th November 2003
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Ok - will just have to find some midget japanese satellites to fit in the boot - expect they make them as they make miniture subs and all sorts of other miniature paraphernalia.


728 posts

285 months

Sunday 9th November 2003
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i'm amazed this rumour comes and goes. all detectors i've tried in our SV work just fine through a heated screen.

our BeL 9901(nternational) works better than our BeL Vector LR did, which was very good


118 posts

255 months

Wednesday 19th November 2003
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Oi you lot. Get over to blatchat and stay there where you belong

dino ferrana

791 posts

255 months

Thursday 20th November 2003
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The problem with picking up things through screens comes when they have the metal coatings. If you look at a Renault Scenic in sunlight the windscreen appears coloured (purple I think) these can prevent sattelite signals getting through.

dino ferrana

791 posts

255 months

Thursday 20th November 2003
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The problem with picking up things through screens comes when they have the metal coatings. If you look at a Renault Scenic in sunlight the windscreen appears coloured (purple I think) these can prevent sattelite signals getting through.