


Original Poster:

221 posts

254 months

Friday 30th April 2004
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Well I have taken the plunge and brought my first caterham. I have gone for a an ex academy/scholarship car. Its 1999 Red 1600vx 9k miles on a Q and has had only road use for at least the last 2 years.

Pick it up from near manchester on Saturday, cant wait, it will certainly be a long drive drive home (about 200 miles) but im sure ill love it.

Thanks for your help regarding my earlier queries on the Vx / xflow post.


53,389 posts

258 months

Friday 30th April 2004
quotequote all
Fantastic. I got mine a few months ago, now the only problem is getting out in it as much as I'd like


26 posts

287 months

Friday 30th April 2004
quotequote all
Excellent - have fun. Bought mine 6 months ago. the fun factor has not reduced!



Eric Mc

122,435 posts

268 months

Friday 30th April 2004
quotequote all
Well done. I've had mine almost eight years and still love it to bits.


728 posts

285 months

Monday 3rd May 2004
quotequote all
there's nothing more fun that a day in my se7en.


now, if my missus were here, she might have a tiny bit of disagreement