Blat chats coming !

Blat chats coming !


glenn wheeler

Original Poster:

17 posts

245 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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I think judging by the comments on Blatchat, this forum is going to get very busy soon !


13,668 posts

266 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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Welcome Glen

I was going to join BlatChat (I've just signed up for the Caterham Accademy) might not bother now

I can't be dealing with more that one forum while I'm in the office

Get yourself along to the next pistonhead meet and meet some people


53,741 posts

260 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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(Has anyone warned Ted?)

Peter T

146 posts

245 months

Thursday 8th April 2004
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I think it could get very busy here.
Not sure that blatchat is going to have many users left.


734 posts

287 months

Sunday 11th April 2004
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BC will soon be Dawn of The Dead.....


34,443 posts

308 months

Sunday 11th April 2004
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Interesting debate - I just went over and had a read.

The webmaster of Blatchat rang me a few months back asking how I dealt with the moderation/legal issues here because they were becoming an increasing headache for him.

Membership is a partial solution. Whilst IP addresses can be traced it's only in a full on legal scenario that ISPs would reveal info. If membership is secured via a credit card payment then you know exactly who you're dealing with and that banning them would require them to dip in their pocket again.

I'm a bit confused about the comments about losing houses etc. If the club/bulletin board is managed by a limited company then the liability is limited too.

There are enough people on Blatchat for a team of volunteer moderators to be appointed and potentially libelous posts to be culled reasonably quickly.

I'd be more than happy to see this forum get more use and the PH forums in general would benefit from more BlatChat types but it would be shame if it was to the detriment of Blatchat.

I hope they can get things sorted.


734 posts

287 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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PT, the shame as an "old club member" is the L7CGB has grown by having the exact same web forum as you and others have done so successfully. drawing folks in gets more growth, which leads to more buying decisions, which leads to more fun. they IMHO have forgotten this simple fact.

the self appointed leaders/volunteers of the club are running scared from something that is going to open them to even more liability.

there are simple technology solutions if they're so scared, such as you have pointed out.

they seemingly are uninterested, which is a shame for them. nor will they take commercial advertising to deliver a better service.

the gent running BC is really stuck between them and us punters -- advertising would help him upgrade the site, and strike a balance.

folks have volunteered to do things for the club, and the leaders have ignored them.


89 posts

283 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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As a lapsed member meself, it's the attitude of the club big cheeses that winds me up.

Presumably they didn't intend to give the impression that "We're running the club. Don't like it? FRO", but that's how it comes across to me. If they had participated in the debate, openly explored the options, or even just made an official statement (as I don't receive Low Flying, I've still not seen this fabled announcement) we might believe that they cared for Blatchat a little. Enough to make me respect their decision perhaps.

But of course, you can't criticise them at all. Volunteers doncha know.


734 posts

287 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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a very interesting post has just shown up from someone quoting Legal / Contractural / Company registration information that really blows the whole thing into shreds


34,443 posts

308 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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Seems like they just need to review their moderation policy.


11,254 posts

264 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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Luke, the statement in LF is very clear.

Steve - why should club members subsidise Blatchat for the benefit of others? I presume you're a L7 Club member, given the opinions you are expressing?

I'd like to know whether moderation or disassociating Blatchat from the L7CGB has been considered - it certainly wasn't mentioned at the A/O meeting in November.

I do wish that an official other than Steve Winterberg would pass comment on Blatchat - that's what is really winding people up - especially our esteemed new chairman - Andrew Walker (I've actually seen him - at the Ace Cafe) whom I don't recall even being at the November A/O meeting!!!!


734 posts

287 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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i am advocating Advertising to pay for BlatChat.

part of that is to give something to moderators for their time.

AO=area organizets Ted, some who resigned over the "neo-facist" new world odor in L7CGB(their words, not mine).

yes i am a member -- until renewal time. then i'll make a decision -- but its not looking good.

the cranial rectal myopia now in effect is rubbish


3 posts

245 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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Ha! I'm here, first time on PH, got interested after reading all the nonsense on BC.

Where's the test area?!


34,443 posts

308 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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Welcome tiptree. PH is one big test area


28,506 posts

250 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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Woo Hoo

se7en services n

10 posts

245 months

Monday 12th April 2004
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Whey hey so this is the new BC chaps will be interesting to see how it developes I'll lurk a bit and get a feel for it before i start any of my usuall antics.


3 posts

245 months

Tuesday 13th April 2004
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Steve-B said:
the self appointed leaders/volunteers of the club are running scared from something that is going to open them to even more liability.

How will what they are doing open them up to more liability?
Steve-B said:
there are simple technology solutions if they're so scared, such as you have pointed out.

Have you suggested these solutions? From what I've heard (on the qt) there is going to be more active moderation as well as members only.
Steve-B said:
they seemingly are uninterested, which is a shame for them. nor will they take commercial advertising to deliver a better service.

Please explain to the uninitiated how commercial advertising would deliver a better service?
Steve-B said:
folks have volunteered to do things for the club, and the leaders have ignored them
I can't comment on this, but on BC there doesn't appear to have been very many offers of real help at all
Steve-B said:
a very interesting post has just shown up from someone quoting Legal / Contractural / Company registration information that really blows the whole thing into shreds

And as I pointed out to you on BC: 'limited liability' does not give directors any protection over libel or negligence. If you knew UK law like you think you do you would know this instead of just believing what someone else says. Of course, you may choose to ignore my view, but may be you should ask someone who really knows.
Steve-B said:
AO=area organizets Ted, some who resigned over the "neo-facist" new world odor in L7CGB(their words, not mine).

I understand that only Nigel Marston from Worcestershire resigned. Who else did?
rubystone said:
I'd like to know whether moderation or disassociating Blatchat from the L7CGB has been considered - it certainly wasn't mentioned at the A/O meeting in November
As for disassociating, Im not sure that that would work now, BC has been inextricably linked to L7CGB for quite a long time.


se7en services n

10 posts

245 months

Tuesday 13th April 2004
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Dippers you are obviously a firm advocate of all things L7CGB the removal of non members posting from BC goes way back, and is just a confirmatiion of the elitest attitude of the unelected managment team of the club and most of its older members. Of all clubs which exist for cars based on the design of CBCs Seven none are more elitest than the true defenders of the faith [ in their eyes ] than L7CGB. It has rankled for many years with the team and their supporters that BC ever was open to non members so the present impass which developed from the Broken Arrow thread has in their eyes been the easy way out, they have NO intention of looking for an alternate solution, and are only too glad to be shot of all those nasty posters who do not drive Badgerhams The club is famous everywhere for it's elitest attitude and most members have their head so far up their A**e that they can't see the wood for the trees. So what the so called demise of BC will not happen they are a big enough club to be shot of all the riff raf and there are lots of other Forums open to owners of all CBC inspired cars. Its just a shame that the community will be fragmented as folk drift to different web based groups and the depth of knowledge for the newcomer will be harder to find. It is a shame that so many Badgeram owners have this huge chip on their sholders and it is not helped by the factory persuing other forums that dare to use the word "seven or se7en" to describe their group The whole world apart from Badgerham and the L7CGB use that word to describe that type of vehicle and whilst defending the factories right to prevent anyone marketing a vehicle of that name the attack on discussion forums is unwarrented. But I digress,,,,,, The AOs conf at which this came up was typical of the club no prior warning of exactly what was going to be discussed, so no chance for AOs to poll the membership, not that it matters the team never consult the membership, are not elected,and the inner cliche just pass the jobs to other folk who all think the same way. It's an incestous relationship and as such is unhealthy, and will never change. Thankfully there are other groups now coming to the fore who are broadminded and outgoing where one can meet a much better informed type of CBC inspired car owner, and if you don't live in South of England offer far more than L7CGB ever could. Anyhow I'm off


734 posts

287 months

Tuesday 13th April 2004
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Dipstick, the club must believe that the Demon case could be some other way

frankly the and of BC are getting so far OTT that it's not funny.

furthermore i am a member for many years. my friendship with even more long term membership was a factor when replacing our TVR and getting a se7en.


11,254 posts

264 months

Tuesday 13th April 2004
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Johnty, I was at the A/O meeting and was sent the agenda in advance. This enabled me to canvas my region (not that they came up with any good ideas!). Still waiting for a copy of the minutes though!

I've never found the club elitist either - the usual banter between Blatman & Arnie perhaps, about Caterhams versus Westfields (all good natured - Blatman joins us on blats and we even let him near us for the first Rumble in 2001!).

But perhaps you've been a member of the club for longer than I have and have first hand experience of this elitism? You've always got if you want a forum with no (natural) allegiance to one Lotus 7 inspired car.