RE: Caterham Academy Round Three: Snetterton

RE: Caterham Academy Round Three: Snetterton

Wednesday 2nd June 2010

Caterham Academy Round Three: Snetterton

In which a downpour throws the final sprint of the Academy series wide open, while Riggers runs dry

Riggers: too fast for photos (or not)
Riggers: too fast for photos (or not)
To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, to run out of fuel once may be regarded as a misfortune; to run out twice looks like carelessness.

It was therefore with a deep sinking feeling that I heard the Seven's exhaust note falter and cough even as I went over the Snetterton start line. I knew that the ignominy of being towed back to the pits that I had experienced at the Castle Combe Academy track day was, to my horror, about to be repeated.

Sure enough, the car ground to a halt on the back straight, the East Anglian Air Ambulance service was a fiver richer (thanks to my compulsory donation), and my face a bright shade of red as the marshals towed me back to the pits.

Catch it, catch it, catch it...
Catch it, catch it, catch it...
It was an inauspicious start to the weekend of the final sprint of the Caterham Academy (it's 'proper' races from here on in), but the rest of the test session I'd booked to get a few laps under my belt was frankly brilliant.

At least half the Academy field was there as well, and it was our first chance to really get out on track with other competitors without the strictures of track day rules. It was, of course, supposed to be a serious testing session, but I know I'm not alone in ending up treating the day as a toe in the water of wheel-to-wheel racing.

Before running out of juice...
Before running out of juice...
The whole affair was good-natured - nobody wants to bend their cars before the first race of the season - but being able to pass (or be passed) at will in the glorious Norfolk sunshine was a mouthwatering foretaste of the racing to come.

There was the more pressing matter of the final sprint to be dealt with, but as the sun went down those of us who had spent the day on track went to bed fairly confident that we had Snetterton licked. A not-quite-one-lap sprint would be a doddle, surely...

...and after (helmet hiding red face)
...and after (helmet hiding red face)
The Friday evening confidence was shattered with a Saturday (sprint day) that dawned cold and blustery, with the threat of rain looming from the east. The downpour held off until lunchtime, allowing us to get our practice runs in on a dry track. Of course, that only served to make the going even tougher when the weather finally did break; we were going to have to face our competitive runs with virtually no wet-track experience.

Braking and turn-in points? Forget 'em. Wet lines? Nobody knew them anyway. The winner was clearly going to be the person with the biggest balls who managed to not fall off the track.

Good to get on track with other cars...
Good to get on track with other cars...
Still, we had three runs with which to set a time. We just had to use them wisely. Inevitably, the first runs were a bit of a hit and miss affair. Fortunately, nobody hit anything, but more than half the field managed to miss the track in some way, invalidating their first times.

My own trip-up came early in the run, heading into Sear, the second corner and first braking point, my chosen pedal pressure and moment for braking were both rather too ambitious. The result was locked wheels and an ungainly slither around the outside of the corner before I popped all four wheels on to the painted kerb on the outside, thus invalidating my time.

...but it's easy to get over-enthusiastic
...but it's easy to get over-enthusiastic
That was almost my lot for off-road excursions (although I did manage to head off the track after the finish line on two occasions!), and I managed to post a time of 93.43secs on the second run, enough to bag fourth place in group 2, behind third-placed James Needham and the almost-inseparable Martin Pass and Tim Abbott (Tim beating Martin to the win by 0.02secs - which works out at just over 70cm over the course of a whole lap).

So not a win, but a fourth place is still pretty pleasing. Like my better half said: "It's good that you're consistent. It's just a shame you're not consistently first."

ps - A big thank you should also go to RacingPete for his thouroughly detailed multi-text message beginner's guide to a wet Snetterton. Helped to calm my nerves a lot!

Pics: Rachel Horgan

An unorthodox line
An unorthodox line
Queuing up in the rain on Saturday
Queuing up in the rain on Saturday


Original Poster:

109 posts

181 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
quotequote all
Loving the Academy Updates, Caterhams are such a laugh!


290 posts

212 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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Great pictures! I see you have a GoPro camera on the roll-bar, did you get any footage?


1,859 posts

183 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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hbwold said:
Great pictures! I see you have a GoPro camera on the roll-bar, did you get any footage?
Thank you - Rachel's doing some stunning work with the old SLR...

Good spot on the GoPro. Unfortunately I forgot to switch it on before I strapped myself into the car, so the only footage I have is of Caterham Midland's Nick Potter trying to switch it on for me, then switching it off again accidentally after five seconds. Not ideal...

will get it properly sorted for the Rockingham race, however, promise!


605 posts

173 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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Great write-ups! If only we could get more of them smile I am sure you'll get a proper podium finish some time soon!


247 posts

203 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
quotequote all long did it take you to work that out?!? wink

Looking forward to Rockingham!




1,859 posts

183 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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AA121 said: long did it take you to work that out?!? wink

Looking forward to Rockingham!


Sent one of my team of researchers to do it wink.

Actually, it's based on a (full) circuit length of 3123m and an assumed dry lap time of 1min 26sec, so in the wet on the shorter sprint course it may even be less than that.

Bring on Rockingham indeed!


102 posts

206 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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each update increases the desire to sign up!

I think a name on the waiting list might be in order... I'll find the money somewhere


4,440 posts

192 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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Riggers said:
AA121 said: long did it take you to work that out?!? wink

Looking forward to Rockingham!


Sent one of my team of researchers to do it wink.

Actually, it's based on a (full) circuit length of 3123m and an assumed dry lap time of 1min 26sec, so in the wet on the shorter sprint course it may even be less than that.

Bring on Rockingham indeed!
...or 80mph (approx finish line speed...maybe!) = 35.6m/s so in 0.02 seconds distance travelled is approx 71.2cm or about a nose cone!


26 posts

177 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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I only wish I'd remembered the advice you'd received when we chatted about it at the Esses while watching the Fiats slide round. By braking on the racing line in the wet, I had a similar mis-hap to your good self and ended up pointing the wrong way with a visor (and car) full of mud.

Took me 5 hours on Monday to get it clean. Can't wait for the races, Sprints aren't my bag...




1,859 posts

183 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
quotequote all
Thurtene said:
I only wish I'd remembered the advice you'd received when we chatted about it at the Esses while watching the Fiats slide round. By braking on the racing line in the wet, I had a similar mis-hap to your good self and ended up pointing the wrong way with a visor (and car) full of mud.

Took me 5 hours on Monday to get it clean. Can't wait for the races, Sprints aren't my bag...


Do you mean this mishap Joel wink (damn those photographers)

Greenwich Ross

1,219 posts

178 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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Shall we have a whip round for a tank of Super Unleaded?


14,998 posts

202 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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Greenwich Ross said:
Shall we have a whip round for a tank of Super Unleaded?


4,334 posts

216 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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Riggers said:
Do you mean this mishap Joel wink (damn those photographers)
....and those people with Video Cameras...

Edited by ArosaMike on Wednesday 2nd June 17:30


290 posts

212 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
quotequote all
Riggers said:
hbwold said:
Great pictures! I see you have a GoPro camera on the roll-bar, did you get any footage?
Thank you - Rachel's doing some stunning work with the old SLR...

Good spot on the GoPro. Unfortunately I forgot to switch it on before I strapped myself into the car, so the only footage I have is of Caterham Midland's Nick Potter trying to switch it on for me, then switching it off again accidentally after five seconds. Not ideal...

will get it properly sorted for the Rockingham race, however, promise!
Glad to hear it, look forward to seeing Rockingham's action!


22 posts

211 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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I was marshalling at Riches - not a lot of action - only two or three had excursions and carried on undaunted. During the damp runs we amused ourselves by guessing which Skaterham would spin at Sear first time around and nearly all of them did! biggrin


19,497 posts

216 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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well it was only a few weeks ago that I was at Snett in my Radical for the start of my racing exploits. 2 tropically wet races, 1 wet and 1 dry. I completely lost it after bomb-hole and used the splitter to shovel a load of mud into the car (leaving the splitter behind).

Well done to Riggers for the great reports. BTW if you signed the Snett MSV camera form, publishing the vid only costs you 25 big ones! Best get permission first.



5 posts

171 months

Wednesday 2nd June 2010
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Sat in the garage on Saturday watching you out the door sat in the rain riggers, must have been like sitting in a bath tub out there. Had a brolly with me but didn't want to get wet myself letting you borrow it!


26 posts

177 months

Thursday 3rd June 2010
quotequote all
ArosaMike said:
Riggers said:
Do you mean this mishap Joel wink (damn those photographers)
....and those people with Video Cameras...

Edited by ArosaMike on Wednesday 2nd June 17:30
You're both off my Xmas card list... spin


33,306 posts

181 months

Thursday 3rd June 2010
quotequote all
dhutch said:
Greenwich Ross said:
Shall we have a whip round for a tank of Super Unleaded?
He's onto something, wouldn't want Riggers to run our of fuel the third time -now, that would be unlucky! hehe

Yellow 7

177 posts

177 months

Saturday 5th June 2010
quotequote all
Nice report - takes me back... I always liked mixing it with non Caterhams - spices things up.
Races are much more fun and something to get your teeth into wheel to wheel.

Edited by Yellow 7 on Saturday 5th June 13:32