So Murph.........

So Murph.........


Fat Arnie

Original Poster:

1,656 posts

268 months

Tuesday 15th January 2008
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What is that colour that most people think is hideous?

Worse than this?

Edited by Fat Arnie on Tuesday 15th January 10:57


38,604 posts

261 months

Tuesday 15th January 2008
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Give you a clue...

It looks like I'll have to do the zipper job next in a few years smile

Fat Arnie

Original Poster:

1,656 posts

268 months

Thursday 17th January 2008
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My alternative paint scheme was to airbrush a huge cock down the bonnet and fit hairy rear wheel arches for the boocks. I didn't go ahead though as I couldn't decide which of the CHH (Chiswick's Hampshire Henchmen) movement members to name it after. There are so many to whom such a tribute would be fitting.... Have to say 'Lowe Rider' was right up there though.....

Edited by Fat Arnie on Thursday 17th January 23:53


38,604 posts

261 months

Friday 18th January 2008
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I guess that would also have been akin to the straight man setting the funny man up for a gag.


1,847 posts

289 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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Still bitter after so many years.........

Brent Chiswick

38 posts

241 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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Sad isn't it, and he wonders why so many people were glad to be rid of him from BlatChat!

For my own part, I'm just so pleased to see that after all this time, I still get to him although I'm surprised he is so willing to display such a gaping rift in his oft quoted 'teflon coat'

Game, set and match!


6,430 posts

280 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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Brent Chiswick said:
Sad isn't it, and he wonders why so many people were glad to be rid of him from BlatChat!
I don't know any of the characters posting on here personally, but could it not be the case that Arnie appears to have an extremely well modded car (with some thought & true development behind it), with a unique paintscheme, that is a proven concept, whereas a lot of the folk on Blatchat seem to argue amongst themselves for the 'consensus' upgrades, and which bits to polish etc.


Just my 2p's worth.

PS don't let me stop the mutual slagging off that was in progress..... As you were....

Edited by fergus on Tuesday 22 January 18:57

Brent Chiswick

38 posts

241 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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Oh trust me, jealousy had nothing to do with it whatsoever. ROFLMAO biggrin

Fat Arnie

Original Poster:

1,656 posts

268 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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Brent, You don't get to me. You're just an exceptional example of your type, thats all. Jealousy is at the core of your personality. Along with ignorance.

I haven't forgotten R1CED either, he was also an exceptional example of his type, but for different reasons.

Anyway, Fergus, thanks for your comments, obviously a sign of your good judgement.

Edited by Fat Arnie on Tuesday 22 January 19:52


1,475 posts

206 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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Arnie is such a divisive fellow. Most think he's an over opinionated confrontational tart, the rest .... .. ..

Edited by dsl2 on Tuesday 22 January 22:28

Brent Chiswick

38 posts

241 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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Yeah right Arnie, like I need to be jealous of someone like you. biggrin

If I don't get to you, why do you bother bringing up my name in a derogatory tone on a forum unrelated to BlatChat I wonder hmmmmmmm? biggrin

Maybe it is just jealousy that you are no longer welcome within the Lotus 7 Club do you think? Never mind, those who frequent this forum will soon come to understand. biggrin

Tell you what, why not get that awfully nice chap, the local eco-warrior to email me at my personal address, just for old times sake eh? biggrin

Goodbye little man, keep up the good work with the regular and embittered name drops. biggrin

Edited by Brent Chiswick on Wednesday 23 January 09:28


7,117 posts

254 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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He does have you bang to rights tho Mr Cheesewicke. Ignorance AND pomposity are not always easy bedfellows.

I was always intrigued by your many and varied proclamations on subjects miles removed from plastic pipes, yet said with such conviction. Your argument with a qualified GP about some medical situation or other (I forget the exact details) was very entertaining smile


6,027 posts

208 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Children, can you sweep up your toys and take them back to blactchat please? PH has now suffered two of these spurious threads from supposed Caterham enthusiasts. This is the reason why I haven't joined the club - politics and bitchy in-fighting, which are clearly still rife. Sounds like a group of people worth spending time with? No, not really.

When I was looking for advice about buying a Caterham, I came here (because of BC's members only posting policy - which, as Pistonheads still exists and hasn't been sued, may be a little on the paranoid side, but there you go). I got some excellent advice from some exceptional people, for which I was most grateful. I bought a car (in fact, I've had two). But any future buyers/owners who come on here now will think that all Caterham people are as childish as you lot!

If you want to have personal 'in' disputes about what can only be sad, irrelvant things that happened years ago, and that the majority of people who read this site know nothing about, just do it via e-mail, or even better, in the pub. No-one here cares. You are only harming the marque which you all apparently feel so strongly about.

Just my 2p worth.

Chris Eccles

1 posts

200 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Well said Will

Brent Chiswick

38 posts

241 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Ah hello Noger, I'm afraid you have me at a loss concerning this argument I am supposed to have had with a GP about a medical matter. I certainly do not recall ever arguing over a medical subject with somebody who would clearly know better than I.

But there you go, you never were one to let a few facts get in the way of a bit of verbal abuse. biggrin

Have a nice life all of you.


1,112 posts

220 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Well said Willbiggrin

I delayed renewing my membership of the club, but decided to renew in the end, as occasionaly I might want to attend a track day with them, although I do prefer independant trackdays which have a diverse numbers of cars.

I do find that there are now a few posters on Blatchat who have assumed the expert tag, who actually talk boll*cks, but luckily I have enough knowledge to sift through that.

As for Arnie, not being welcome at Blatchat, good for Arniecool I was at a trackday with him in October and as always he was fine company and always willing to offer advice/help if required.

There are far too many Cat owners who think having a budget to spend zillions of pounds on a kit car makes them very special indeed.

Peter T

146 posts

245 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Just like the old days!

Fat Arnie

Original Poster:

1,656 posts

268 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Noger, I had completely forgotten about Brent's 'expert status' in the world of medicine.

And BC MD, for your education, (although you will likely protest you already know everything), I chose to resign from the Lotus Seven Club. I could spend a lot of precious time explaining the rational behind this, but frankly its pointless. The facts are however, that under the present Chairmanship, I won't be rejoining whihc is very ironic when you consider he was the very person who experienced the condition to which I raised so much money.

Still at lesast I know you'll want to be my mate again when there is something in it for you. Just like you were with the cheap carbon fibre.

Casbar, you've got it spot on. There are many people on BC who are lead by the hearsay of Mr C etc al. Its a matter of intelligence, which is why an unselect few have even popped their heads up from the shallaow end of the gene pool, to join in here. Seems the links from Blatchat to here emerge from the same waters.

Edited by Fat Arnie on Wednesday 23 January 12:36


7,117 posts

254 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Brent Chiswick said:
Ah hello Noger, I'm afraid you have me at a loss concerning this argument I am supposed to have had with a GP about a medical matter. I certainly do not recall ever arguing over a medical subject with somebody who would clearly know better than I.

But there you go, you never were one to let a few facts get in the way of a bit of verbal abuse. biggrin

Have a nice life all of you.
You, Alex, Georgie Best Superstar (or just might have been an odd dream - I drive past his old boozer quite regularly). Twice in fact, IIRC. Once when he fell off the wagon, and the second time he died. Yet another charming thread smile

I do have quite a good memory for these things, I remember the one from Nifty about the whole of the City of London being funded by goose sales in Norfolk.

What I always found extraordinary about BC is the level of bile that can be directed towards someone you don't know (Best, Goodey, Winehouse, Doherty - you know, the greats) - and yet you are somehow supposed to be nice to OTHER people you don't know, JUST BECAUSE THEY OWN A SEVEN.

That someone who is a bit of a cock should suddenly be a really great mate because they have the same car as you.

Ahyhoo, things must be very slow on BC of late, what with the spate of new faces wavey


1,475 posts

206 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Its compulsive viewing for sure!