Lotus 7 - S4



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183 months

Sunday 7th March 2010
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Eric Mc
You're probably right in saying that Caterham woiuldn't be producing it today. S4 is much more dificult to Produce & maintain/work on than the Basic/simple/cheep S3.
One important point though which everyone forgets is that Caterham re-manufactured the S3 from not a lot, I suggest this give the idea of replicas to budding Kitcar manufacturers such as westfield and robin hood in the 1980's and more recently to the Locost varients of the 7.
Had the S4 not been discontiued when it was. would any of these Budding Kit car manufacturers, ever dreamt of re-introducung a car which had been killed off by Lotus in 1970?? Personally I doubt it.
Intriguing question - we'll never know the answerbiggrin


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183 months

Sunday 7th March 2010
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Nice one - I've never seen that model in that colourcool


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183 months

Monday 8th March 2010
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When you were 10 I guess the must colour have would've been green with the yellow Nosecool
Suspect you ended up with a nice red 'un.
Unlike BC - PH is a good and fair forumbiggrin


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183 months

Monday 8th March 2010
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Eric Mc
You're Dead right, however no beach buggy or Bond Bug goes or handles like an S4, so the comparison is rather unfair, the only thing IMO that the S4 has in common with the them is the 70's colours they were all dressed up in.
Nowadays however like it or loathe it the S4 is a rather rare car, and mine always attracts attention be it good or bad which can't be a bad thingbiggrin
At least people notice it, and most know what it is unlike the myriad varieties of S3 which are very hard to distinguish [between a caterham & robin hood]eek


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Wednesday 10th March 2010
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I've heard 34 mentioned from 2 different sources - though how that figure was obtained is uncertain.
Well here's a car that I believe now lives in Scotland
The unusual colour scheme was apparantly chosen by an Austrian Ski Instructor who owned the car for many years
It's certainly different - I bet the 'Saxo' brigade are real enviousbiggrin


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183 months

Wednesday 10th March 2010
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Eric Mc
You absolutely spot on - My time with the HLR forum was Hummmmfrown
Caterahm owners can be difficult and BC has several bullyboys under the management teams controlfurious
But most local Caterham owners suffer my car without too much complaint - one person excepted
But hey who gives a toss about those bowtie losers.


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183 months

Thursday 11th March 2010
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Wow that seems a lot - maybe they are known to JW but are they on the road?
How many have you seen since you've owned your car? I've taken photo's of all the cars I've seen, not that many really evenat 50th bash there were only 5 - S4's Brian Sopers, Swiss guy, Grumpy sod with the blue car, blue & silver car, and minefrown
DO you ever see any at le mans?


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183 months

Thursday 11th March 2010
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smokinNice post - First I've heard or seen of that carbiggrinbiggrin
What part of the country did you see the car?
Any more details - photo's?
Bet the HLR love him - the ownercool


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183 months

Friday 12th March 2010
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Because the exhaust is on the drivers side It's where & how he's fitted the handbrake that's the big Q IMOeek
DIff will be OK
Front Brakes are Identical on S4 to those currently fitted to Caterham, so Big brake upgrade no Problem, Rear drums are easyish to swop for the current Caterham Sierra disks.
Rear suspension will be a major problem due to the torque of Duratech, though it's only really a problem with regards to tyre wear, and lack of room for larger section tyres.
He'd have to have fitted a type 9 style gearbox for the power/torque output.
Where did he get the Exhaust & manifold made it's still rear exitthumbup
It also has CSR style front wings.
Guess the guy spent rather a long time & money on his creationbiggrin
Just noticed Another Aeroscreened S4 biggrin

Edited by S47 on Friday 12th March 17:07


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183 months

Wednesday 17th March 2010
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Thanks for the heads up, be nice to know who the owner is, from the picture you posted it looks likes the owner has lavished plenty of time and money on his creation smokin
Maybe we'll see more of him this summerbiggrin


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183 months

Thursday 25th March 2010
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I recognise the Reg number of that car though I can't find any photo's of it in my PC?
Oh well I did manage to find some more pics of S4's
Recently was contacted for Zetec fit info by a guy in NZ, that'll be 4 Zetec powered S4's I know of and also Dieter7S4's posted Duratecbiggrin S4
Anyone know of any any other S4's with decent modern engines fitted into them?


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Monday 29th March 2010
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Monday 29th March 2010
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WHo are you ??
At least have the balls to ID yourself.
Or are you one of the sad BC bully boys st-stirring on PH, if so go back to BC.
PH is a million times better than BC, it's free to everyone, and doesn't warrant your kind herein.
Thanks for your patience


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Monday 29th March 2010
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Are we there yet?
Say Hi next time you see me at one of the show'sbiggrin


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Thursday 1st April 2010
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Hey guys cool it, we don't want PH to get like BC.
Anyone who knows me personally - I'm sure will vouch for the fact that I'm always ready for a Joke or prank, and I'm as thick skinned as they come, Unfortunately on BC the other posters are quite willing to take the piss out of you but, if you try to retaliate they CRY & report you to the 'Management team' who immediately AND without any prior warning withdraw your posting rights, it happened to me several timesfrown It also happened to many others who I know are now on PH, Until they remove several of the BC 'M team' things on BC won't improvefrown SO save your money subscribing to L7 club & lets make PH caterham forum exactly what BC ought to bewaveybiggrin
[Arewetheryet]If you want to take the piss out of me or my posts - Ok I can live with that,[and I have a very long memory regarding this] but can you live with me taking the piss out of your posts or you - WITHOUT crying?? Coz once I start taking the piss out of you I won't be stopping, as plenty on BC discovered.
Let me know


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183 months

Friday 2nd April 2010
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Hope to see you on one of the Taffia Blats this yearbiggrin
Welcome to the darkside on PHbiggrin
Good to talk to you last night, and good to know you're not permanently in Workwaveybiggrin
Surprised nobody in the Taffia told about you back problem, maybe they all thought I'd take the Pbiggrin
Glad you're back up and fit again.
Hope to see you Blatting soon


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183 months

Saturday 3rd April 2010
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Here's a pic of one of the fastest & most famous racing S4's - KVX 189J
The one that forced Caterham to get the Lotus 7 S4 banned from the Lotus 7 racing seriesfrown
Why? It was too fastbiggrinthumbup
At 15 years old - driven and financed by a privateer it was beating all the New Caterham factory sponsored S3's in the LOTUS 7' race series - Just think how good the S4 could have been had it been developed as much as the S3 has been.


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183 months

Tuesday 6th April 2010
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Yep the wooden 'doofa' does look strangeconfused
Guess it's an early version of a 'rear diffuser'biggrin


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183 months

Monday 3rd May 2010
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Well I Really don't know what to say:-
Today at Stoneleigh Kit Car Show a very kind person left a fantastic boxed Matchbox Model S4 Lotus 7 in my favouirite colour of Orange on the drivers seat of my carbiggrin :Thumbup:
Too whoever left the model thank you - thank you - thank you very much, or as we say in Wales - Ta Muchlysmile
Then would you believe what happened next::>
My wife buys a Matchbox model of an S4 too !!!
This time in Yellow from one of the traders in the Stoneleigh halls which I'd missed.
Anybody own one in Blue and can post a picture on this thread??
See the photo's below:>

Good to finally meet Eugene7 toobiggrin:


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183 months

Thursday 6th May 2010
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I didn't know they owned the rights to the S4 - Many thanks for that snippet of Info'thumbup
They've had most S4's parts 'ex stock [including some I never expected to be able to obtain] & I know they can get most parts for an S4 made, [sidescreens & windscreen surround being the exceptions] though sometimes you may have to wait a whilesmile