Lotus 7 - S4



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183 months

Thursday 28th July 2011
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Were there really 50 lotii at the 50th bash?
I'd have said more like 30.


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183 months

Monday 1st August 2011
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Yellow car at £12K has the wrong front wings - indicators in wrong position, if it's an early car as claimed it would have the indicators at the side of the nose and flat topped wings. not the later type wings as fitted in the photo's. Posisibly it's an older car trying to be Number '6' biggrin
And 12K for a suspect car and only a X flow is well OTT IMO.
Black car - less said the better, this seller always has crappy cars.


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183 months

Tuesday 2nd August 2011
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Dave J
I Maybe out Thursday what about you? biggrin
Hi Mick -- Last car I saw the seller of the Black car selling had only Half a front wing, yet the seller wrote it up in glowing termsfrown
This BS has no place in the used car market, especially a Niche market such as old 7's where this Guy is clearly ripping off the punters with his BS and his claims of past glories - very sad indeed.


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183 months

Tuesday 16th August 2011
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Welcomethumbup nice to have an S4 contributor from Holland.
Sorry my car is not Metallic red, the colour is standard 'dark red' I bought the paint from a local supplier, and sprayed the car myself. Plenty of nice reds out there if you want a standard off the shelf red check out the Mazda MX5 red which IMO suits the S4 really well, I have a friend who sprayed his S3 this colour and when compared to my red the Mazda colour is more Vibrant.
I'm sure any paint supplier can show you test colour slides, there are literally 1000's of colours to choose from.
Good luck and please post a photo of your car when you get chance.


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183 months

Friday 19th August 2011
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The link you posted doesn't workfrown


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183 months

Saturday 3rd September 2011
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Good postthumbup
'Carefully built to look like a Lotus 7' huh - guess that means that S4's look like real Lotus 7s then, S3's on the other hand look like a locost/Westfield/tiger,Bitsa etc - Very Revealing/interesting what Joe publics idea of what a REAL Lotus 7 ought to look like cool


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183 months

Saturday 3rd September 2011
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Cool - Very cool indeeedcool
BUT - Expensive & Too much Bling for mesmile


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183 months

Sunday 4th September 2011
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Is it an SV or CSR? Looks like it from the photo you posted, I've never seen an all ally SV or CSR - either way very nice indeed.
How long B4 it's OTR?
When the wife becomes proficient driving her 7 I'm hoping she'll upgrade to a CSRbiggrin


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183 months

Friday 23rd September 2011
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Welcome to the S4 Clanthumbup your car looks very nice, keep us informed on your rebuild progress.
I agree with you about your X flows optimistic 130BHP, IMO you'll be lucky if it has a real 100BHP.
Why did you decide to buy an S4? It's not the desired option for most 7 lovers.
There's plenty of knowledgable S4 owners on this forum so I'm sure you'll get plenty of good advice.
Have fun with your car


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183 months

Monday 26th September 2011
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135 Shetland Ponies maybesmile


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183 months

Tuesday 27th September 2011
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Under Sump clearance is the most important IMO especially if you drive the car quickly on bumpy roads, try for 100mm but 80mm works fine on mine on Welsh 'B' roads with only the occasional scrape on the tarmac.


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1,325 posts

183 months

Friday 7th October 2011
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Top - 1.1/8" [30mm approx]
Bottom - 1.5/8" [40mm approx]
all other grill slats equally spaced.
Hope this helps


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183 months

Thursday 8th December 2011
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Sadly Mr Dutton copied the S4 for his first designs coz the S4 was the 'Current' Lotus 7 when Tim Dutton started his business. in the early 70's, since there are considerably more Dutton's on the road than Lotus S4's, {Dutton are rumoured to have sold 6500 kits] everyone thinks like you, the reverse to be the casefrown

Edited by S47 on Friday 9th December 13:24


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183 months

Sunday 15th January 2012
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Well finally it's happened - after 7 years of having my car photographed by aspiring authors, my car has made it into a hardback reference book.
You know these aspiring authors were starting to really Piss me off, at many Car shows I've been asked whether I'd mind if my car was to be featured or used in a their Rumoured 'forthcoming' release - of course they promise to let you know/phone/email you when the book gets published, Ha Ha, none ever have [very poor PR] IMO.
However - Yesterday whilst out we called into a Book shop called 'the works' after looking at various books I recognised the authors Name which is a very unusual UK surname. And hey presto in the Lotus7 section there was my car cool in all it's B&W glory though I have to say the Picture of it is pretty damn crap. moan See scan below.
Anyone else had their car included in a Book? If so why not let us know and include some Photos' of it biggrinthumbup
Front and rear book covers

The Lotus 7 section

Me talking to the Author - 'P Hingston' the day he took the photo - 17 September 2006

Edited by S47 on Sunday 15th January 13:22


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183 months

Monday 30th January 2012
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Currently at £99 - though only for the repaired glassfibre tub/bonnet & wings,
If I had the space I definitely buy it,


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183 months

Tuesday 31st January 2012
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Regarding the Lymington car
OTT on price for a Non standard spec car.
Wrong engine, [hope it comes with the original X flow] or you'll never own a complete original Lotus7
Wrong wheels - ought to have 'Lotus' steels or 'Lotus' alloys, either of these are difficult to locate and Very expensive to buy
Wrong colour, black is a crap colour on a 7 and a real bh to keep clean, it needs to be the correct colour for originality.
Not original steering wheel. [don't believe the BS regarding the original wheels whereabouts, an original S4 steering wheel which is very distinctive, will be imposible to locate]
Screen surround has been polished frown it ought to be black - polished ally looks odd on a black sprayed car.
Hope it has the original 'Lotus' branded seat belts, and sidescreens - again very difficult to find & expensive to replace.
Finally this dealer is a real 'tosser' to deal with, and has had some real sad S4's for sale recently.
So be sure to take someone with you who knows Lotus 7's


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183 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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you can email me through PH


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183 months

Saturday 4th February 2012
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A good spot on the lymington car - but be careful when dealing with amy dealer and this dealer in particular.
I merely pointed out the flaws/items missing & evident from the photo's, when viewing the car in the flesh there's gonna be plenty of things which will be hidden from most buyers, so be sure to take someone who knows their 7's with you, and ask to see the car raised up on a hydraulic lift.
If the car is good the dealer will be happy for you to see underneath.
Hope this helps


Original Poster:

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183 months

Sunday 18th March 2012
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nice to know there are some original cads out there. I hope you retain theoriginal cars charcter when you rebuild it.
HATE the colour. my wifes caterham is white Yuch


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183 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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Interesting that you say your car has been sprayed over a different colour FG base.
When I rebuilt my car. I stripped the paint back to the FG, the original FG colour was orange. my car had been sprayed red??
When I queried this with JWW at Lotus 7 club he said ' this was normal practice' whenever a customer specified a specific colour, if the factory didn't have that colour in stock, they simply sprayed over what they had to the order.
Ironically My prefered S4 colour would be Orange, however JWW confirmed that my car was ordered/delivered as Red so I too re-spayed it the original colour. RED smile
So almost certainly your car was originally ordered/delivered white.