An Ebay dispute, simple, but opinions please

An Ebay dispute, simple, but opinions please



Original Poster:

18,490 posts

209 months

Friday 28th June
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I think I know the outcome, I have been selling since 2004, but this is a little niche. This is not about the money, but the principle, and a maybe a classic "technique" to avoid culpability.

I bought a large Yankee Candle, which arrived broken at the top - glass top had sliced away and it actually cut my hand on opening. Totally understand these things happen and it was a transit issue, so decided to approach this with utmost politeness and courtesy. I opened a "return" case within an hour of delivery, and supplied high res images of the issue. I stated in the case notes that I understood things happen, and that I would rather avoid inconvenience to all, and would keep the candle if seller would agree to a 50% refund. Total price paid was 21 quid with free delivery on the listing. I therefore had in mind £10 ish for a refund. I wasn't that bothered, but, as a seller, I thought I would test the system and see how it went. A return would force a full refund so I had sellers interests in mind.

No initial response so I politely chased for an update. Message back to say agreed to the refund but I would need to cancel the return as the funds were locked owing to the return case.

Which is where I stopped and gave it some deep thought. I know the mechanics of Ebay and knew if I cancelled the return, that was me saying case complete and there was no further comeback. However I also know as a seller that the funds are held. So catch 22. So I pondered it.

I decided as the seller was a large scale seller with near to 100% feedback, I would take the punt and do as asked, in hope. Having been involved in some quite complex disputes in the past which I have mainly won (against proper scammers) I knew that the message system is all visible to Ebay in the event of a dispute or claim for help. I decided if they cut and ran, I had my three HD images, and the agreement to a refund of 50% locked in to my messages from them in writing.

I cancelled it and there was silence. I chased today and then was told refund had been processed. They have refunded me £5. So 25% of the price, and 25% less than the 50% offered and agreed.

Now, it's only a fiver, so I am not going to lose sleep, and I have a candle I can still use. But - it's cheeky, and I am a stickler for principle. I have messaged back very politely and "reached out" as to why it was only a fiver. Nothing back so far. I will wait, and see what happens. I suspect nothing.

So my only option next is to raise this with Ebay direct who will be able to view the messages sent and see the context.

Will I get my extra fiver or not?


Original Poster:

18,490 posts

209 months

Friday 28th June
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That's where I am leaning to as well.

Only one sticking point for me. I feel I have been mugged off. And I know that if I escalate there is a fair chance I can get my agreed fiver back which is documented, and then leave appropriate feedback having been mugged off. As a seller, I would not short change or mug off a buyer in these circumstances.


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18,490 posts

209 months

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popeyewhite said:
How important is principle?

If you've got a bee then go after them. Peace of mind's worth a lot more than £5.
In the bonnet?


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18,490 posts

209 months

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Bonefish Blues said:
I'm like you tbh. I'd be pursuing this on principle, and I could care less it cost me way more in my time than the refund.
I have the gift of time. Its a fiver. It is pathetic. I know full well that it makes no sense.

But I do not like the deceit. You close the case, they refund lower than expected, the online boxes are ticked, and then it gets all complicated. It is no different to sending a return to any company of an empty box with a stone in it. Return sent, with some weight, case closed.

I have the time to be difficult, but the system is all skewed. I like to challenge.


Original Poster:

18,490 posts

209 months

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Great! An agent will call you at 07XXX XXX116 in about 2 minutes to see how we can best help you.

On the call now.


Original Poster:

18,490 posts

209 months

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Can barely understand her. State f--- all they can do.