Pulled by a Biker Policeman...NIP sent to wrong address

Pulled by a Biker Policeman...NIP sent to wrong address



Original Poster:

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262 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Hi all,

Hope you're all well. I did a search on this but nothing similar seemed to come up.

I am well aware that someone will tell me to pucker up and accept the points/fine. And I may well end up doing that. It's the first one I've had for a while, so it's not catastrophic.


1. I got pulled by a (very nice) biker policeman in early May 2024 and he gave me a FP ticket for 60 in a 50. Showed him my license at the scene.
2. I moved house twice in 2022/23 ..updated both my license and V5C addresses as needed at both those times.
3. I found out that the NIP had been sent to my old address which we had left in Aug 2022.
4. The offence date was 8th May. NIP is dated 17th June.

- Are they still bound by the 14 day if it's a pull by a real policeman? Or is that only for a camera?
- Regardless of the above question, is there any get-out here on the basis that they've served it to the wrong address despite the surety (and demonstrable fact) that PNC and DVLA should hold the correct addresses?

Thanks all,


Edited by jezzaaa on Tuesday 25th June 22:52

Edited by jezzaaa on Tuesday 25th June 22:56


Original Poster:

1,880 posts

262 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Sebring440 said:
Presumably you set up mail forwarding?

Whatever, it's yet another great "how can I get out of this?" thread. There should be a separate forum section for these sort of posts.

Yep, it is indeed...and no apologies are necessary.


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262 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Southerner said:
Why shouldn’t people be allowed to take advantage of their good fortune if the authorities cock it up? It’s hardly letting murderers go free is it? If the taxman undercharges you or the benefits lot overpay you they’ll want their money out of you, why is it so awful for it to work the other way occasionally?
I've been on here since it was predominantly a TVR forum, and thought SP&L was for exactly this sort of question. But hey ho, what do I know...


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262 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Volvo1956 said:
Perhaps it's me but I'm a little puzzled.
If as you say you're addresses were up to date etc how did correspondence end up going to an old address. Either your car is still registered to that address but you say you produced your licence to the officer which has your current address I presume.

Secondly for this offence were you issued with a fixed penalty or reported for summons.

If the former there would be no need to send out an NIP as you were spoken to at the time and made aware of the offence.

NIPs are issued to make a driver aware of an offence ie static cameras etc. In that case the NIP is sent to registered keeper for them to nominate a driver.

If your details are up to date how have the authorities obtained a previous address and sent it there.
Hi there...yes you're quite right...it isn't a NIP ... it's a conditional offer of fixed penalty. It gives me the option of accepting the FP or disputing in court. My bad. But neither the car nor my license addresses are wrong. I gave him my license on the day with the correct address, and he wrote it on the ticket, of which I have the yellow copy. He told me that I would get a letter through the post and it was important that I was there to receive it/respond within the time given - he said that because during the discussion I told him I work away a lot. I have no idea how they've got the address wrong. I've checked the V5C for the car and, as I say, I have my license in front of me with the correct address.

Edited by jezzaaa on Wednesday 26th June 07:50

Edited by jezzaaa on Wednesday 26th June 07:51


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262 months

Thursday 27th June
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agtlaw said:
A notice of intended prosecution is not required if you were warned at the time - which you accept happened. I suspect you were issued with a TOR at the roadside.

Later in the thread, you said a Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty was sent to the wrong address. That isn’t any kind of defence. Either pay it and submit your licence / licence details as requested or court proceedings will be commenced.
Thanks man...yeah I suspected as much.


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262 months

Thursday 27th June
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Simpo Two said:
All law-abiding goody-goodies now... well perhaps until it happens to them.


Original Poster:

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262 months

Thursday 27th June
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bad company said:
Couldn’t agree more but I don’t see a way out for the op in this case.
My hope weren't high, but it was worth an ask. Cheers BC.


Original Poster:

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262 months

Friday 28th June
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Blanchimont said:
So let me get this straight.

You got pulled over last month, given a NIP roadside. You handed over your license with your current address on it.

The NIP was then sent to an address you lived at 2 years ago?
Well yes, basically...other than it wasn't a NIP as such...he gave me a ticket which he wrote out using the address on my license (which was correct) and which I have a yellow copy of. I presume Agtlaw was referencing the use of 'NIP' in your question when he answered 'No' wink

Edited by jezzaaa on Friday 28th June 13:57