How do you deal with tailgaters?

How do you deal with tailgaters?



Original Poster:

2,360 posts

220 months

Sunday 23rd June
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I have always just held a steady speed, sometimes pulled into a bus stop or layby.

However, on my drive home there is a new 20mph stretch on a previous 30, which has no escape routes for 2 miles or so. I have someone in a SUV being particularly silly, pretending to ram me, back off, then ram again. I have 22 mph on the sat nav and hold it.

Problem is I now realise I perhaps spend far too much time looking in the rear view mirror as up ahead an oncoming car is now heading straight for me as they have overtaken a cyclist - I see this late but manage to veer left and all is well.

I did not realise I was so fixated on the clown behind me.

But anyone care to share some tips for dealing with tailgaters and not least the very aggressive ones??


Original Poster:

2,360 posts

220 months

Sunday 23rd June
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21TonyK said:
I am of an age now where I really couldn't give a fk what people behind want to do. If they behave like idiots then thats up to them as long as they don't drive into me.

Surely there was an opportunity for them to overtake?
That's also something I just cannot comprehend. There was but surprisingly often it is not taken, as in this example. I have no idea why at all, makes zero sense.


Original Poster:

2,360 posts

220 months

Monday 24th June
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Thanks all, always interesting to get others' views on this.


Original Poster:

2,360 posts

220 months

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Thanks all - have been trying the 'well sod you, I am not bothered' approach more, but I dunno, is not easy.

My theory is many drivers (perhaps understandably) hate the new 20 mph zones and refuse to respect them, working on the basis as there are no cameras on the 20 mph zones I refer to here, there is no need to do 20 mph.

But only a few days ago as we rounded a bend there was a mobile speed trap in place, and in a 20 zone it really does not take much to be in court action territory.