Lucy Letby Guilty



Original Poster:

26,524 posts

176 months

Friday 18th August 2023
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Should just repeat my previously deleted comments from the old thread.


Original Poster:

26,524 posts

176 months

Wednesday 30th August 2023
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I dipped out a while ago so this may have been answered but do the defence get a say in whether or not they defend someone or is it more that someone has a legal right to representation?.

I can't imagine having to tell my kids when they grow up that I chose to defend Lucy Letby.


Original Poster:

26,524 posts

176 months

Tuesday 14th May
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The white knights are getting desperate.


Original Poster:

26,524 posts

176 months

Friday 24th May
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type-r said:
End of the road for Letby. Life will mean for life.
Let's hope it's sooner rather than later.


Original Poster:

26,524 posts

176 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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Does that mean they just bury the key a little deeper.


Original Poster:

26,524 posts

176 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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This thread is mental.

You do realise you might as well be defending Levi Bellfield.

You're depraved.


Original Poster:

26,524 posts

176 months

Tuesday 2nd July
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If Lucy Letby looked like this none of you would be here defending them.