Mercedes C43 stolen and recovered - Help needed!

Mercedes C43 stolen and recovered - Help needed!



Original Poster:

2 posts

23 months

Friday 12th August 2022
quotequote all

My C43 AMG (2018) was stolen from my driveway (Thu 03:00) and then recovered at Epping Station (Thu 11:00). There's no damage apart from in the boot where they removed panels to access cabling. There's no actual cable damage so just aesthetics but it's going to the insurers (Admiral) who will fix the paneling and change the locks in case keys were cloned.

So great result? Well no. The thing is I was literally about to sell it and now I'm worried about the valuation. I spoke to Mercedes Chelmsford and they said it will definitely impact the valuation if it shows us as stolen / recovered on the HPI checks but to take it in for an appraisal when it's returned. So I called the copper that had been dealing with it and also the insurers. I was told that as soon as the car was registered stolen with the police that it would have gone on their PNC database as stolen and then it would be updated as recovered. As for Admiral, because my case handler hasn't started work on it yet it will just go on their MIAFTR database as recovered damaged (internal) and then once repaired this entry will be updated. So it will never go on as stolen.

What I'm trying to find out is how the HPI check works and will it show as stolen and ultimately how many thousands am I going to lose because of some thieving ****. They also took £1500k of golf clubs from the boot which aren't covered on house insurance and I can only get £150 on my car insurance so this could cost me a fortune and that's without insurance excess and future premiums.

Any help is really appreciated.
