An Ebay dispute, simple, but opinions please

An Ebay dispute, simple, but opinions please



Original Poster:

18,496 posts

209 months

Friday 28th June
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I think I know the outcome, I have been selling since 2004, but this is a little niche. This is not about the money, but the principle, and a maybe a classic "technique" to avoid culpability.

I bought a large Yankee Candle, which arrived broken at the top - glass top had sliced away and it actually cut my hand on opening. Totally understand these things happen and it was a transit issue, so decided to approach this with utmost politeness and courtesy. I opened a "return" case within an hour of delivery, and supplied high res images of the issue. I stated in the case notes that I understood things happen, and that I would rather avoid inconvenience to all, and would keep the candle if seller would agree to a 50% refund. Total price paid was 21 quid with free delivery on the listing. I therefore had in mind £10 ish for a refund. I wasn't that bothered, but, as a seller, I thought I would test the system and see how it went. A return would force a full refund so I had sellers interests in mind.

No initial response so I politely chased for an update. Message back to say agreed to the refund but I would need to cancel the return as the funds were locked owing to the return case.

Which is where I stopped and gave it some deep thought. I know the mechanics of Ebay and knew if I cancelled the return, that was me saying case complete and there was no further comeback. However I also know as a seller that the funds are held. So catch 22. So I pondered it.

I decided as the seller was a large scale seller with near to 100% feedback, I would take the punt and do as asked, in hope. Having been involved in some quite complex disputes in the past which I have mainly won (against proper scammers) I knew that the message system is all visible to Ebay in the event of a dispute or claim for help. I decided if they cut and ran, I had my three HD images, and the agreement to a refund of 50% locked in to my messages from them in writing.

I cancelled it and there was silence. I chased today and then was told refund had been processed. They have refunded me £5. So 25% of the price, and 25% less than the 50% offered and agreed.

Now, it's only a fiver, so I am not going to lose sleep, and I have a candle I can still use. But - it's cheeky, and I am a stickler for principle. I have messaged back very politely and "reached out" as to why it was only a fiver. Nothing back so far. I will wait, and see what happens. I suspect nothing.

So my only option next is to raise this with Ebay direct who will be able to view the messages sent and see the context.

Will I get my extra fiver or not?


602 posts

254 months

Friday 28th June
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Principal or not, I'd say you've already wasted waaay more than a fiver's worth of time and should simply move on... You got something back and got to keep the candle, that's good enough IMHO and it's not worth fighting for any more, whether you are 'right' or not....


Original Poster:

18,496 posts

209 months

Friday 28th June
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That's where I am leaning to as well.

Only one sticking point for me. I feel I have been mugged off. And I know that if I escalate there is a fair chance I can get my agreed fiver back which is documented, and then leave appropriate feedback having been mugged off. As a seller, I would not short change or mug off a buyer in these circumstances.


20,334 posts

123 months

Friday 28th June
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How important is principle?

If you've got a bee then go after them. Peace of mind's worth a lot more than £5.

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

Friday 28th June
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I'm like you tbh. I'd be pursuing this on principle, and I could care less it cost me way more in my time than the refund.


Original Poster:

18,496 posts

209 months

Saturday 29th June
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popeyewhite said:
How important is principle?

If you've got a bee then go after them. Peace of mind's worth a lot more than £5.
In the bonnet?


Original Poster:

18,496 posts

209 months

Saturday 29th June
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Bonefish Blues said:
I'm like you tbh. I'd be pursuing this on principle, and I could care less it cost me way more in my time than the refund.
I have the gift of time. Its a fiver. It is pathetic. I know full well that it makes no sense.

But I do not like the deceit. You close the case, they refund lower than expected, the online boxes are ticked, and then it gets all complicated. It is no different to sending a return to any company of an empty box with a stone in it. Return sent, with some weight, case closed.

I have the time to be difficult, but the system is all skewed. I like to challenge.

Riley Blue

21,166 posts

229 months

Saturday 29th June
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Random_Person said:
I have the gift of time. Its a fiver. It is pathetic. I know full well that it makes no sense.

But I do not like the deceit. You close the case, they refund lower than expected, the online boxes are ticked, and then it gets all complicated. It is no different to sending a return to any company of an empty box with a stone in it. Return sent, with some weight, case closed.

I have the time to be difficult, but the system is all skewed. I like to challenge.
Crack on then. Personally I wouldn't, life's too short to tilt at every windmill.


1,020 posts

65 months

Saturday 29th June
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If they didn't have the funds to refund you the £10 (which seems very unlikely) then as soon as they offered the £10 partial refund via the return case, the case would have closed and the rest of the funds would have been released to them.

They knew that by asking you to cancel the return they could give you no or a very low refund.

Go after them !

Fast and Spurious

1,410 posts

91 months

Saturday 29th June
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Is this the start of the script for Taken 17, or just a wind-up?


4,588 posts

68 months

Saturday 29th June
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If you contact eBay directly they will likely just give you the £5 out of their own funds rather than taking it from the seller as it’s not worth their time either so you would likely get your money but would you be happy knowing it hasn’t impacted the seller?

I would leave a negative feedback and leave it at that


161 posts

55 months

Saturday 29th June
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I’d chase with eBay as it’s a couple of minutes of your day to get a warning shot to a large seller on eBay. If it was a one item Larry I wouldn’t bother. Clearly it’s a tactic they’ve used and others may have reported as well. Let’s be honest you’d feel a sense of delight if the account was suspended for a day or two.

Pit Pony

8,980 posts

124 months

Saturday 29th June
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You cut your hand? I'd want a full refund plus the lost earnings for the time at A&E plus a new carpet

If they can't package a candle right, then they are negligent and should pay at least the full cost. I'd be fking livid.


324 posts

9 months

Saturday 29th June
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Bonefish Blues said:
I'm like you tbh. I'd be pursuing this on principle, and I could care less it cost me way more in my time than the refund.
  • couldn’t.

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

Saturday 29th June
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Boleros said:
Bonefish Blues said:
I'm like you tbh. I'd be pursuing this on principle, and I could care less it cost me way more in my time than the refund.
  • couldn’t.
A form used by some when the context is clear, but thanks for your suggestion.


Original Poster:

18,496 posts

209 months

Saturday 29th June
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Great! An agent will call you at 07XXX XXX116 in about 2 minutes to see how we can best help you.

On the call now.


Original Poster:

18,496 posts

209 months

Saturday 29th June
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Can barely understand her. State f--- all they can do.


717 posts

73 months

Saturday 29th June
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Bonefish Blues said:
Boleros said:
Bonefish Blues said:
I'm like you tbh. I'd be pursuing this on principle, and I could care less it cost me way more in my time than the refund.
  • couldn’t.
A form used by some when the context is clear, but thanks for your suggestion.
Nah, 'couldn't' is the only acceptable way. Anything else is just too American.

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

Saturday 29th June
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Lo-Fi said:
Bonefish Blues said:
Boleros said:
Bonefish Blues said:
I'm like you tbh. I'd be pursuing this on principle, and I could care less it cost me way more in my time than the refund.
  • couldn’t.
A form used by some when the context is clear, but thanks for your suggestion.
Nah, 'couldn't' is the only acceptable way. Anything else is just too American.
Am disappoint you didn't post this:



20,334 posts

123 months

Saturday 29th June
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Random_Person said:
popeyewhite said:
How important is principle?

If you've got a bee then go after them. Peace of mind's worth a lot more than £5.
In the bonnet?
Yes, sorry very lazy of me.