Speed Awareness Course



Original Poster:

523 posts

187 months

Monday 11th March
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Mrs B has no previous offence(s) until a recent pull for 36 in a 30. SAC has been offered. If she takes the points and pays the £100 but then subsequently re-offends will she then be open to the same offer - i.e. a SAC rather than penalty/points?

Edited by Beetnik on Tuesday 12th March 23:50


5,967 posts

144 months

Monday 11th March
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The criteria for eligibility for an SAC is around having not done an SAC previously within a particular time period, not previous offences.


Original Poster:

523 posts

187 months

Monday 11th March
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Thanks - that was my reading of the criteria. Good to have it confirmed...

Mr Tidy

23,018 posts

130 months

Monday 11th March
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I didn't know that.

I paid £92 and did the SAC last year as I thought it would only be offered once, but I'd still have done that to avoid the points!


19,253 posts

214 months

Monday 11th March
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But it's not completely guaranteed that even offences within the limits for SACs will actually be offered them. So I can see no benefit to not doing it unless it's not feasible (logistics etc).


14,083 posts

87 months

Monday 11th March
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I would do (and have done) the SAC, rather than take the points. There is the offer for a SAC now, things may change in the future, plus if caught speeding again, it maybe in an area that does not offer SACs (I believe Scotland are the only one), then 6 points will be the total. Also insurance companies don’t ask or care about SACs, but they do about points.


Original Poster:

523 posts

187 months

Monday 11th March
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Thinking is it's unlikely to happen again (based on past record) so with say a 5% loading on insurance premium + cost of fine it's basically 5 minutes admin and £200 vs £100 and a morning/afternoon out of a busy schedule. But if it does then the option of a course may still be available.

I suspect she'll go for the course but useful to know how it might pan out otherwise.

Simpo Two

86,003 posts

268 months

Monday 11th March
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Beetnik said:
Thinking is it's unlikely to happen again (based on past record) so with say a 5% loading on insurance premium + cost of fine it's basically 5 minutes admin and £200 vs £100 and a morning/afternoon out of a busy schedule. But if it does then the option of a course may still be available.

I suspect she'll go for the course but useful to know how it might pan out otherwise.
You can do the SAC over Zoom, and I think - but it may depend on the insurance company - they're not too bothered about it.

Seems daft to get 3 points, which you have to declare, if you can avoid them.


19,253 posts

214 months

Monday 11th March
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Admiral was the last company that cared about SACs and they stopped asking quite some time ago.


4,066 posts

98 months

Monday 11th March
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I just did the SAC when offered. Was very dull. Marginally better than the points, although glad I did when I actually collected 3 points 12 months later.
Just do the SAC. And turn on Waze.


3,226 posts

148 months

Monday 11th March
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BertBert said:
But it's not completely guaranteed that even offences within the limits for SACs will actually be offered them. So I can see no benefit to not doing it unless it's not feasible (logistics etc).
Agreed, can't think of any reason to take 3 points instead of a course if offered, next time you might be 1 mph over the threshold


1,324 posts

25 months

Monday 11th March
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Beetnik said:
Thinking is it's unlikely to happen again (based on past record) so with say a 5% loading on insurance premium + cost of fine it's basically 5 minutes admin and £200 vs £100 and a morning/afternoon out of a busy schedule. But if it does then the option of a course may still be available.

I suspect she'll go for the course but useful to know how it might pan out otherwise.
I'd do admin, save SAC option, valuable time lost to course and can learn own lessons.

If I have to sit through a long SAC, I will make sure it counts, likely on NSL/DC/MW at a speed close to end of SAC threshold, not for a few mph or a 30 sign far from anyone or anything, else it would boil my blood too much.

P.S. Others may do SAC, and if speeding, push speeds up into the FPN threshold to really earn the points, but then where is the incentive to keep any rare incidence of speeding low on speedo. biggrin

Edited by NFT on Monday 11th March 22:50


166 posts

70 months

Monday 11th March
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I don’t know if this is an urban myth but I heard if you get caught in a different locality and you’ve already done a speed awareness course (but in a different locality to the 2nd offence) you can still get offered another speed awareness course.


1,324 posts

25 months

Monday 11th March
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GolfDragon said:
I don’t know if this is an urban myth but I heard if you get caught in a different locality and you’ve already done a speed awareness course (but in a different locality to the 2nd offence) you can still get offered another speed awareness course.
Was a guy on here that said he did it, apparently form asked if he recalled doing another SAC and he said no, something like that.


3,226 posts

148 months

Monday 11th March
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NFT said:
If I have to sit through a long SAC, I will make sure it counts, likely on NSL/DC/MW at a speed close to end of SAC threshold, not for a few mph or a 30 sign far from anyone or anything, else it would boil my blood too much.

Edited by NFT on Monday 11th March 22:48
What a ridiculous way of looking at it. Your posting gets more bizarre with each one


1,324 posts

25 months

Tuesday 12th March
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martinbiz said:
What a ridiculous way of looking at it. Your posting gets more bizarre with each one
I may give a different value to my "time alive" than others....

Taking points Is incentive for me not to speed, but I won't accept half a day of my valuable "life time" being lost for just 1mph or safely coasting down past a sign far from anything, it needs to be at least reasonably unsafe, and honestly deserving of punishment, not an enrolment excuse;

To me, the loss of "limited life" time should be punishment for actual wrongdoing, not result of someone's idealistic "educate them all" enrolment model under guise it's because "safety" was at risk.

What I meant: If I choose to "lose" half a day of my life, it will be for genuinely breaking from the norm, with a reasonably high excess, or at least genuinely offensive to do so.


19,253 posts

214 months

Tuesday 12th March
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What bizarre and completely wrong logic.

Do have a look at the speed thresholds for SACs and points. You'll find one is higher than the other. HTH


1,020 posts

65 months

Tuesday 12th March
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AIUI the purpose of a Speed Awareness Course isn't about avoiding getting points on your licence.

Rather than a waste of an afternoon, it is supposed to educate you to help you understand where you went wrong. You become a better driver and thus don't reoffend.


6,232 posts

218 months

Tuesday 12th March
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NFT said:
I may give a different value to my "time alive" than others....

Taking points Is incentive for me not to speed, but I won't accept half a day of my valuable "life time" being lost for just 1mph or safely coasting down past a sign far from anything, it needs to be at least reasonably unsafe
Yep, your valuable "life time" is much better spent arguing about nothing over the Internet...


12,008 posts

148 months

Tuesday 12th March
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Alex@POD said:
NFT said:
I may give a different value to my "time alive" than others....

Taking points Is incentive for me not to speed, but I won't accept half a day of my valuable "life time" being lost for just 1mph or safely coasting down past a sign far from anything, it needs to be at least reasonably unsafe
Yep, your valuable "life time" is much better spent arguing about nothing over the Internet...