

34,443 posts

309 months

Monday 4th June 2001
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Just received a nice picture of the back of my car with a statement of doing 51MPH in a 30MPH limit. Essex constabularies finest doing a stirling deed of hiding behind a hedge down a side street to photograph unlucky individuals. Need advice as to how to proceed and whether the new law of self incrimination could have any effect.
We're all in favour of more intelligence being applied to speeding enforcement, but over 50 in a 30mph? I don't know the road in question so I'll resist the temptation to be too judgemental, but...


12,248 posts

288 months

Monday 4th June 2001
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I'm in court next week - 82 in a 50 (dual carriageway) so guess I won't be out playing for a while!!


34,443 posts

309 months

Monday 4th June 2001
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Mind you I can't talk - I got flashed for the umpteenth time last week. 90+ on the M25 at 11:30pm. My luck will run out soon...


5,222 posts

290 months

Tuesday 5th June 2001
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Im almost totally certain that Steff is right - sure it was overturned...and not being funny, but a bloody good thing too. I equally hate the 'speed cameras hidden in hedges' innapropriate use etc etc, but getting off on any crime via a totally boll**s technicality judgement from Brussels is wrong...and pathetic (in my view) Its as bad as that scum who was let off on an open and shut rape case because the police shouldnt have had his DNA on file as he was never convicted of the burglary he was previously tried for...SO WHAT.... could get quite angry abiout this.......sorry Night p.s. Steve a new one on me. It would have to be 83, as 73 wouldnt be a crime (well ti would but...) I dont know if you can avoid responding to the NIP completely though - might be considered bad manners, but then its obviously


10,168 posts

281 months

Thursday 28th June 2001
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Going all the way back to the original post even though this advise may be far to late. I had almost exactly the same thing the NIP stated I was doing 67mph in a 70mph limit (I knew it was a typo as I'd seen the photo in plods car at the time) my initial reaction was "walk in the park I'll get off with this one" However the options are "guilty by post" ?????? guilty of what ? "Guilty and appear" ????? same question but atleast your there or "not guilty" it goes to court the defense produce the pics and you go down... The legal advice I got was go to court plead guilty stand up say what a farce it all is and why the hell have you been dragged to court for a clear cock up by incompetet plod that way the magistrates should make a decision there and then and as the police won't be present you've got a good chance of getting off. However possible down side is they may adjourn give the prosecution chance to represent, call you back again, decide your a sneaky twat, knew what you were doing and just trying it on and clobber you !!!!! Magistrates generally fall into two schools the "power crazy send them down, police are the best thing since sliced bread and your only there because your guilty Colonal Mustard types" or the "liberal sandal wearers who thing the police are all fascist bully boys who opress the workers and unless its water tight and they have no option or have damaged a tree/fury animal or offended there vegan beliefs" will let you off.... Bit of a lottery then..Well who else would give up 1 day a week for no money !!!!! I personnally decided that as I was lined up for a £40 3 points and had a clean license I couldn't be arsed to drive the 150 odd miles, day of work and all that just to be patronised by the above, so put in guilty by post with a big note saying it wasn't worth coming up in person and that if I am guilty of what offence etc etc. They adjourned, plod represented got a bol****ing from magistrates who then said token £40 fine no points as I'd been messed about so much !!! Which worked out cheaper in the long run than going to court all depends on you really. I knew I was speeding and got caught but just tried it on a bit to get it reduced and it worked but don't expect to get off scott free....good luck


40,110 posts

290 months

Thursday 28th June 2001
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Yeah maybe he does deserver it but surely fewer people would speed if the cameras were made obvious. Fewer speeders = fewer accidents = fewer deaths. Oh and less money for the police....ah, now I see why they hide!
I think we should all carry a can of bright yellow paint and when ever we see a camera spray it so other motorists can see them from a distance Or spray the hedge or sign its hiding behind Paul


125 posts

290 months

Thursday 28th June 2001
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I think we should all carry a tin of Black paint, and should spray the lenses of all speed cameras. If enough of us do it there would be uproar. Jim P.S no lectures please about criminal damage e.t.c.

Paul V

4,489 posts

283 months

Thursday 28th June 2001
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I think we should all carry a tin of Black paint, and should spray the lenses of all speed cameras. If enough of us do it there would be uproar. Jim P.S no lectures please about criminal damage e.t.c.
Now that sounds like a bloody good idea, if you got a template the right size to fit over the lens so to get no over spray then they might not notice till they get a load of blank pics


1,137 posts

285 months

Thursday 28th June 2001
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Good idea! Who is going to measure the glass size and cut a load of black vinyl stickers then? Ted?


119 posts

284 months

Thursday 28th June 2001
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I can't be ars*d with all the mess from spray paint - I would have thought that a 4inch square of cardboard stuck to the lens with a bit of chewing gum does the same job - and a lot less messy


1,448 posts

288 months

Friday 29th June 2001
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In Italy motorists have been known to use shotguns on Gatsos that have flashed at them. Wouldn't a hammer be much quicker and easier than messing about with paint, cardboard or stickers etc?

Paul V

4,489 posts

283 months

Friday 29th June 2001
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Nah smash it up and they’ll see that straight away, you need it to look like it’ll still works, the problem with that is you won’t know when they’ve fixed it though, there are a few in the Dartford area with “kill a camera” sprayed across them.


125 posts

290 months

Friday 29th June 2001
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I wonder what the legal implications of just sticking something on the lens with some sort of non-damaging agent, surely they couldn't do you for any sort of criminal damage - maybe obstructing the course of justice or something as daft. Who's up for it ? Jim


683 posts

290 months

Friday 29th June 2001
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It was pointed out to me that a can of expanding foam filler emptied into the camera thru one of the little vents would trash the whole thing fairly often are they going to replace them at 20k a pop....not that i'd ever think of doing anything so juvenile......much


683 posts

290 months

Friday 29th June 2001
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Failing that, how about a few drive by shootings with a paintball gun ? Excellent entertainment !

john robson

370 posts

283 months

Friday 29th June 2001
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How about slowing down a bit, (only joking girls) Edited by john robson on Friday 29th June 10:19


11,104 posts

282 months

Friday 29th June 2001
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No joking John I think you are right mate! A bit of common might not go amiss here. Mind you when did common sense come in to it when half these cameras were installed!!!


5,015 posts

290 months

Friday 29th June 2001
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Apparently there are NO speed cameras in Sweden. (they had trials) A large proportion of the public have high powered rifles. B

Paul V

4,489 posts

283 months

Friday 29th June 2001
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How about slowing down a bit, (only joking girls) Edited by john robson on Friday 29th June 10:19
If we all did that you’d be out of a job.


10,168 posts

281 months

Monday 9th July 2001
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If anyone has ever used Datatag to etch glass you'll know there's always loads left over and its great for lenses. But not on Gatso's obviously that would criminal damage.