Just gave my donation for a new gatso..

Just gave my donation for a new gatso..



Original Poster:

996 posts

288 months

Wednesday 5th December 2001
quotequote all

Letter from Suffolk plod on doormat today. Got caught doing 90 on the A11 (70 limit) fair cop an all that, but I remember the road conditions/traffic were perfect for the way I was driving. I may have been exceeding the speed limit, but I sure wasnt exceeding the limits of safety or endangering others.

I'm not trying to get out of this, but it's not right is it? this nanny state we live in.

I've done well not to not ever be done for speeding in my 15 years of driving. I guess my £60 fine (plus 3 stars) will hopfully pay for one of the many candid Gatsos to be painted a bright colour so another PistonHead will see it next time.



Nick M (nmilton)

449 posts

287 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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Did you get done by a Gatso or a mobile unit ??

If it's a Gatso, how about writing to the police / local authorities and find out on what grounds a camera was placed on a safe stretch of dual carriageway. Really give them a hard time until they come up with some info.

When they do, send it to the ABD (hint - if you haven't already joined, now might be a good time ). If they won't, let the ABD know so they can use it as further ammunition.

Anyway, do whatever you can to slow the system up and make these people accountable. Too many people think the police are 100% responsible for siting the cameras but in reality it's jumped up local politicians who seem to call the shots and then expect the police to look after "their" cameras.


6,357 posts

276 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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errr, I asked the criteria of a traffic cop yesterday, and he seemed to think that a mobile unit may be placed anywhere they want - no accident black spot requirement here.

Fixed cameras, yes, they are restricted a bit more.

Mobile units are becoming the real threat, aren't they? And there is less you can do about them, as they are manned.

Nick M (nmilton)

449 posts

287 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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True, mobile units don't need to be accidend black-spot related, but I'd love to hear their justification for nabbing speeders on a perfectly safe stretch of road.


Original Poster:

996 posts

288 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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I'm not sure Nick.

Problem is, I was doing 90mph, surly not even the ABD can help me there?

Nick M (nmilton)

449 posts

287 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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Not so much a case of the ABD helping you (that's not what they do) but more of a case of signing up to help get this sort of behaviour reigned in so they concentrate resources on dangerous drivers rather than easy targets on dual carriageways.

They *are* worth joining if you don't want to get forced into driving 1.0 litre cars that are restricted to 30mph.....


121 posts

289 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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I spoke to my Dad last night - he's a (fairly recently) retired policeman. He told me that until recently it was common knowledge that if you were going to cause an accident, the best way to do it was in a stolen car - that way you get to cut old dears' lawns for 100 hours rather than points and a fine. Now, the same applies to speeding - its best to do it in a stolen car (I believe that Police Camera Action give you 200 pounds for each video they use, too ).

Obviously this is a ploy to turn us all into car thieves. I'm off to take the XKR from the car park outside for a max speed run around Coventry ring road (40 limit with cameras) - whose up for a race?


6,357 posts

276 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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Jon, this seems all too true.

Are we the last generation of real petrol heads?

Better enjoy it before it gets any worse, 'cos it IS going to get worse next summer.

I'm dreading new laws being brought in to control excess corner speed, or to limit accelaration !


39,731 posts

289 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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hb, thats why I got my Griff as soon as I could......soon it will be impossible to buy or enjoy this form of transport


8,056 posts

277 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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Great idea Jon, I'm off with a mate to steal each others cars then have a full speed race round Oxford's ring road - knowing that the punishment will be lessthan were we caught doing 90 on an empty stretch of the A34


Original Poster:

996 posts

288 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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hb, thats why I got my Griff as soon as I could......soon it will be impossible to buy or enjoy this form of transport

I think you're right there.

john robson

370 posts

282 months

Thursday 6th December 2001
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Just thought I would throw this one in and see what response it gets, we were looking at the arrest figures the other day and comparing them with the fatal/ serious injury RTA's. Whilst the number of arrests has gone up (even a few burglars/car thieves in there so we do listen "why don't you go and catch real crims") the number of deaths/ injuries has also increased, could it be that while we are sat in doing all the asociated paperwork all the nutters are out there having a field day. Or is it just me and my colleagues reading the wrong thing into the statistics. (I'm sitting on the fence on this one by the way)


1,947 posts

289 months

Friday 7th December 2001
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Herts I've not heard of this news about limiting acceleration and corner speed.

How can you limit acceleration as a safety measure? I have on several occasions used acceleration to prevent an accident. Corner speed equally is down to the car and the corner not a fixed limit. A 90 degree corner is slower than a 10 degree corner.

Are they going to stop cars handling better? You've got me totally


158 posts

278 months

Friday 7th December 2001
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John, when you say arrests do you mean traffic related (ie arrested for a traffic offence or by a a traffic officer following a stop) or general arrests?

Either way i beleive the 'speed kills' not really improving road safety. I think your average driver is brainwashed in to thinking 'I drive at the speed limit therefore I am a safe driver'.

What percentage of an average traffic cops time would you say is back at the stn doing paperwork?

I must say my view of the police is Very mixed at the moment. And the statistics they release I judge with equal caution....

Rgds Marv.


54 posts

278 months

Friday 7th December 2001
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"A 90 degree corner is slower than a 10 degree corner. "

Not actually true... It is the radius of a corner that determines its severity - and camber, uphill vs downhill etc. A 90degree corner on a radius of 500 miles will be flat in anytrhing short of a Space Shuttle, while a 10 degree corner with a radius of 6" will be challenging to a pedestrian (an ant could cope fine...)

Am I a pedant or what?... (answers elsewhere, please...):nerd

Jason F

1,183 posts

289 months

Friday 7th December 2001
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I do feel sorry for most cops, it must be irritating as hell to catch some scrote and then watch them walk away with 5 hours community service. Unfortunately there is no easy solution - Jail em all for longer = Overcrowded jails....... Judges are just too arrogant and not accountable enough IMHO. While the Police are too busy writing out a 500 page essay on why I nicked this boy for shoplifting etc..

Though I must admit my respect for the police has deteriorated greatly these last couple of years - My father has had his car nicked EVERY Sunday afternoon for a month before now, with no police response. Where my parents live a car is broken into every day. No Police response. When my car was broken into I called the Police who told me they`d give me a crime ref no. for my insurance but would not come out to see the car. A car I found in a public car park had petrol oozing out the bottom, I call the police and they say they`ll send someone out. After 1 hour I call them back, they enquire if the car is likely to explode ??!? Still no-one comes out after 1.5 hours and I have to go to where I was on my way to.

Yet if I am doing say 85mph on a nice clear open stretch of motorway I can get the book thrown at me. As stated earlier on this thread, I think a large no. of people now believe that if they drive at 30moh they are a safe driver no matter what the conditions, as after all, speed kills right..

I think most people may well agree with me that 'criminals' are given free holidays and new trainers while hard working people who own a car pay for it all ( one tax or another(gatso) )

I`m sorry I do seem to have waffled on a fair bit, I`ll shut up now..

Edited by Jason F on Friday 7th December 13:29


6,357 posts

276 months

Friday 7th December 2001
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sorry, should have made myself clearer. I was in "what if mode" when I said about laws regarding cornering speed etc.

However, if you go round a roundabout more than once, particularly while on bike, and hanging off, Plod takes a dim view of it.

Actually, if you go round a fast sweeper, and look like you are leaning too far, you'll get pulled up. Bloody cops are looking at footpegs, zorsts, and knee sliders for damage. FFS...

Likewise if I do a traffic light GP, and reach the posted 30 limit in 1 second, it is also regarded as being "a bit too quick".

Just be very glad your Sports cars can't do wheelies, because more than a 1 inch lift off the ground is considered "out of control" by some of the less enlightened officers !!! (some are ok about weight transfer theory).

Likewise, hoisting the rear wheel is allegedly bad, but if you had to do an emergency stop - and it happens inadvertantly....

But as I said before, what happens to the hi-perf bikes, WILL happen to sports cars in a few years. YOU WILL BE PERSECUTED MERCILESSLY.

Sorry to rant on.


67,280 posts

275 months

Friday 7th December 2001
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Bloody cops are looking at footpegs, zorsts, and knee sliders for damage. FFS...

Thats just plain silly! How could they possibly prove in any court that you were riding recklessly because of a few scars on various parts of a bike and clothing.

What have we become as a nation. I weep for the future.



6,357 posts

276 months

Friday 7th December 2001
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no, really ITS TRUE !

Last time I was stopped, they were keen to point out the champfered edges on things, and ask if I do track days !

It is sad.


67,280 posts

275 months

Friday 7th December 2001
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Just ridiculous, would even go so far as to say preposterous.

Do you do track days? No officer, a really small man attacked me with an angle grinder.
