Any Ideas ??



Original Poster:

308 posts

285 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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My dad has been driving 30 years not a speeding fine in his life. Last week got a lovely little letter asking him to appear in court after being snapped doing 82 in a 50 (A3 just outside London). Any ideas on what he will get??


16 posts

274 months

Saturday 17th November 2001
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If he's got away with doing these speeds for 30years then he should get a letter of congratulations on his good luck.


27,875 posts

276 months

Saturday 17th November 2001
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be lucky to get away with 3 points at this speed - more likely to get 6 i'm afraid.


7,803 posts

275 months

Saturday 17th November 2001
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Has he been given the option of pleading guilty by post? Was the NIP within 14 days? If they have insisted on attendance this is sometimes because they are considering a short ban. Unfortunately most of us could be in this position because all capeable drivers are used to driving at these speeds with impunity. There is a bit of guidance on the ABD websire TIP try and find out if the local magistrates are from earth (eg the bench in Macclesfield are single cell creatures evolved from a cancerous growth on the scrotum of swamp monster) The duty solicitor can generally help with this question. Get the picture and check it is your dads car (because there are clones). If they are considering a ban and your dad happens to be an employer then threaten to close the business and put people out of work, this does work and make the silly bastards re consider. Hope it helps.


16 posts

274 months

Saturday 17th November 2001
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Does no-one here think that 82 in a 50 limit is pushing it just a little?


1,947 posts

289 months

Saturday 17th November 2001
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Loros, I don't know the A3, but if it is like some of the A roads near me then 50 is an altered national speed limit eg look at the A6, National since the birth of the road, changed to 50mph for no apparent reason.

There are roads near me that are 40mph and dual or three lane carageways and the roads that come off them are single lane national speed limits. A lot of it is down to altered speeds to that revenue is increased IMHO.


16 posts

274 months

Saturday 17th November 2001
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I don't deny that speed limits may/may not have changed (that's really irrelevant).There will have been a sign denoting the speed limit for that road.If he didn't see the sign then I for one do not put faith in his observational skills and maybe with this in mind he should slow down before it's something more than a speeding ticket.If he did see the sign and still did 82 mph then unfortunately he has no excuse.Whether you agree or not with posted speed limits,if you get caught breaking them you will be prosecuted.
If you can't take the points, don't play the game.


1,947 posts

289 months

Saturday 17th November 2001
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Oh, I agree Loros, I was just pointing out that the road itself might be perfectly safe to do 82 without risk to other people (which is what I thought your post was saying ie. 82 in 50 = dangerous). We also don't know the car or the conditions. It could be just unfortunate that excaliburs' dad was caught.


16 posts

274 months

Saturday 17th November 2001
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No I wasn't talking about safety just that it's a tad over the limit and bound to attract points if caught.


Original Poster:

308 posts

285 months

Saturday 17th November 2001
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Thanks for the reply's guys.
Just to let you know the bit of the A3 in question is a 3 lane carriageway and is easily done,luckily i know most of that road and the locations of a lot of the camera's, but my guess is he is not the only one to be caught.But that doesn't excuse him. When he got the NIP i did warn him that it was pushing it a bit.I think all he can do is hold his hands up and hope he gets a small ban & fine.


1,502 posts

276 months

Friday 23rd November 2001
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Nonegreen, are Macclesfield's magistrates really that bad cos I'm due to visit them in a few months time.



Original Poster:

308 posts

285 months

Friday 14th December 2001
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Thanks for the reply's guys
He was up in court last week and due to his conviction free past and a letter from his employer he got £200 and 6 pts.
So X-Mas came early..


7,803 posts

275 months

Friday 14th December 2001
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Nonegreen, are Macclesfield's magistrates really that bad cos I'm due to visit them in a few months time.


Unfortunately mate you might get a housewife from Wilmslow on the bench and unless you look like Brad Pitt, you might as well plead guilty. This lot are like the Stepford wives.

Lorus do you actually drive a car? 82 in a 50 for f**ks sake there are more roads where this is safe than dangerous. Let me explain the main point of these posts is combat the fact that the current administration are determined to force us off the road. The last thing I want to hear is some bl**dy moron prattling on about obeying the speed limit which amounts to getting in the way. Try logging on to greenpeace its probably more your style.


16 posts

274 months

Saturday 15th December 2001
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Read my post of Saturday 17th November.
When I first started reading this board I thought that you all had some decent points to make ,but nonegreen you've proved me wrong.You've got to realise that the roads don't belong to you,you have to SHARE.I have no problem with people driving as fast as they want,but please don't start whinging when you get caught doing it (or happen to come across some little old lady obeying the rules).You complain about the law but where do you go if your precious lump of tin gets nicked?
Nonegreen, to be honest,your coming across like some spoilt irresposible adolescent.

Edited by lorus on Saturday 15th December 10:20


7,803 posts

275 months

Saturday 15th December 2001
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Read my post of Saturday 17th November.
When I first started reading this board I thought that you all had some decent points to make ,but nonegreen you've proved me wrong.You've got to realise that the roads don't belong to you,you have to SHARE.I have no problem with people driving as fast as they want,but please don't start whinging when you get caught doing it (or happen to come across some little old lady obeying the rules).You complain about the law but where do you go if your precious lump of tin gets nicked?
Nonegreen, to be honest,your coming across like some spoilt irresposible adolescent.

Edited by lorus on Saturday 15th December 10:20

Actually I do own the road, I have been paying for it for years just like everyone else. The only reason the it is not called the peoples highway is because of the rediculous ancient feudal system we live in ie the queens highway. As far as I am conscerned thats all b******s, the people paid for it its ours. To use your expression anyone who wants to tell me otherwise better do it by email cos otherwise they will definately wake up with a crowd around them. As for me REALISING anything on the basis that you say so, wake up! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? I will never never give up my point of view on that basis. If I upset you, then great, that really pleases me because your obviously the kind of supersillious to**er I am aiming to annoy.

Just because your tiny little brain cant cope with 82 in 50 don't expect me or others to live by your standards. In case you are still unsure, I have a perfect right to object when the administration goes too far (as they have been for more than 10 years) in formulating rules. I have been objecting for years to the nanny state making a complete mess of the road transport system and I will continue to do so on any forum possible. I suggest you go and join transport 2000 or greenpeace because everyone would agree with you there, and you would get to talk to other morons, wouldn't that be nice?


16 posts

274 months

Saturday 15th December 2001
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"and you would get to talk to other morons"

What instead of you.?

" your obviously the kind of supersillious to**er I am aiming to annoy. "

It seems to me that you're the one who's getting annoyed.

Do you have this much self control when you're driving or are you in a semi-coherent rage all the time?

Edited by lorus on Saturday 15th December 14:21


7,803 posts

275 months

Saturday 15th December 2001
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"and you would get to talk to other morons"

What instead of you.?

" your obviously the kind of supersillious to**er I am aiming to annoy. "

It seems to me that you're the one who's getting annoyed.

Do you have this much self control when you're driving or are you in a semi-coherent rage all the time?

Edited by lorus on Saturday 15th December 14:21

Aw bum and I thought you were rattled. Never mind I'll go and pick on some local politicians now.


2,748 posts

289 months

Saturday 15th December 2001
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"that really pleases me because your obviously the kind of supersillious to**er I am aiming to annoy"

You're coming here aiming to annoy people? You're prepared to state that as an aim? Can't see many people taking you seriously then. Pity. Constructive argument works well here, pissing competitions don't.


7,803 posts

275 months

Saturday 15th December 2001
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"that really pleases me because your obviously the kind of supersillious to**er I am aiming to annoy"

You're coming here aiming to annoy people? You're prepared to state that as an aim? Can't see many people taking you seriously then. Pity. Constructive argument works well here, pissing competitions don't.

Who asked you? If you read my posts you will find most of it fairly well reasoned.


2,748 posts

289 months

Saturday 15th December 2001
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No-one asked me, but on the other hand I didn't resort to insulting someone by calling them a "supersillious to**er".