Amazing cheek.



Original Poster:

6,358 posts

277 months

Tuesday 6th November 2001
quotequote all

I know it's old, but check out this link from '99. All the more likely it will be put in place sooner or later.

The bl**dy cheek of the last comment from a sodding pedestrian just has to be read to be believed.


14,656 posts

289 months

Tuesday 6th November 2001
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That pedestrian is making the fatal mistake of thinking that the driver of every approaching vehicle has seen him/her and been able to stop when they've encountered this person in the middle of the road. I guess they're just another statistic by now ...


21,176 posts

278 months

Tuesday 6th November 2001
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Clearly drivers aren't people.

I believe in nature taking its course ... in this case I am referring to natural selection


67,280 posts

276 months

Tuesday 6th November 2001
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Ohhh for a HumVee see how much good your middle of the road walking does you then!



6,809 posts

284 months

Tuesday 6th November 2001
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He'd probably stop doing it if someone stopped their car, and punched him out of the way. As mentioned, drivers are people, too, and I suppose he could be reported for obstructing the highway...


10,168 posts

281 months

Tuesday 6th November 2001
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The only thing worse are the arrogant tosser, baggy trouser, skateboard carriers who willingly swagger across the road infront of you with the deffiant attitude that says run me over if you dare. I chuffing dare tossers I aim at you.


Original Poster:

6,358 posts

277 months

Tuesday 6th November 2001
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I have found that kids messing around in front of my bike are soon moved out of the way by starting a rolling burnout...

Back to the article, doesn't it make you wonder what we pay road tax for, if we have less rights than a tree-hugging leftie?

Things got a lot worse when Bliar got in power.


67,280 posts

276 months

Tuesday 6th November 2001
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Hertsbiker, absolute magic, here here!


1,947 posts

290 months

Tuesday 6th November 2001
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Well I for one will be nicked for speeding if they change it to 40 seeing as my car was designed specifically for country road driving. They only interviewed 1000 people and there is no reference to where... seems to me to be blatent news creation with false statistics. If I hit a person at 40 they are still dead.

I drive country roads every day I meet horses, predestrians etc and I always slow down and often get smiles and waves. Changing the speed limit would be stupid as always driver training is the key.


7,803 posts

276 months

Tuesday 6th November 2001
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Right does anyone know how to get in touch with this alex kirby bastard so we can verbally batter him. I generally slow down when going past horses so I can lean out of the window and shout "how much f***ing road tax did you pay you bitch / bastard"? I usually follow up by getting just out of kicking range and then blowing the horn as much as possible if the buggers fall off so much the better.


125 posts

290 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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I was out at the weekend, and came across several couples walking over the couple of hours that I was out, and I made sure I slowed down for them all - about half of them still started shaking their heads and making silly faces even though I was well below the speed limit when I passed them all.

Fucking rambling monkeys !!



6,339 posts

275 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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Seems to me that we should perhaps let em have their own lanes, we can have ours and then we can be sure that there ain't going to be a pedestrian round the next corner bending over to pick up their zimmer frame, and stick to doing 60...... ( ok perhaps I'm living in la la land then...)


8 posts

280 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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They do have their own lanes, they're called footpaths!



Original Poster:

6,358 posts

277 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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Nonegreen - too right !

Something that made me chuckle.. when out on my mountain bike (I know, please forgive me), I saw young girlie on horseback. I rode up next to her on the pavement, and said;-

"Did you know you have a 5 mile tailback behind you, because you are stupid enough to ride your horse during rush hour" !!!!!

She didn't know what to say, so I called her a stuckup tart and rode off. Brilliant !! just for once I had NO NUMBER PLATE so couldn't be reported.


5,222 posts

290 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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I generally slow down when going past horses so I can lean out of the window and shout "how much f***ing road tax did you pay you bitch / bastard"? I usually follow up by getting just out of kicking range and then blowing the horn as much as possible if the buggers fall off so much the better.

Whilst I understand that horses on roads irritate some drivers, and anyone who rides a horse during rush hour needs their head examined, it isn't the horses fault....your 'attitude' is no different to Mr Kirby's - just on a different subject. Its just as inconsiderate, thoughtless and selfish (and Im well aware here that im being OTT but this sort of thing really pisses me off). Reminds me of a hunt sab I met at Uni who decided the way to stop hunting was to go out and string wire between trees at horses head height - what a f***ing genius. I know you arent suggesting that, but if you spook a horse with your car, you have ansolutely no idea what it will do - and the most likely outcome is that it will injure itself.....

sorry for being a ranting git, but I just can't agree with that sentiment...



7,803 posts

276 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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The point is nightmare that these green bastards are f***ing up our world. It is of course reasonable to adopt a policy of live and let live. But the greens are not being reasonable with us. If they were I would agree with everything you said. Until they start being reasonable then I have adopted this policy. Screw the legal system everytime the buggers catch me, harrass the politicians to the point of total abuse at every opportunity and pick on greens when they are doing their thing even if its a perfectly reasonable thing to do. In otherwords live and let die! If a few horses cop it in the process tough!

Nick M (nmilton)

449 posts

288 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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Horse and Hounds anyone ???

Live and let live is fine, until someones idea of reasonable behaviour become unreasonable to others. Looks like both sides are guilty as charged....

Frankly people walking in roads and deliberately trying to slow cars down is downright stupid, but then so is scaring a horse by passing too close. The countryside is not a racetrack but equally we shouldn't be villified by the greens for using roads as they were intended.

Might I suggest that if anything like this happens to you, just stop and have a polite chat (well, try and start off being polite ) with them to find out what they're so stressed about. Make them understand that cars are not illegal, nor will they ever be, and that they are endangering not just themselves but other road users by their actions. Ask them what they think might happen if they were struck by an open top car doing 30mph.....


10,168 posts

281 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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bloody hell Nick all that time on H&H has actually mellowed you. You wouldn't have been half that layed back a few months ago.


1,947 posts

290 months

Wednesday 7th November 2001
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My other hobby is walking/rambling and it is very simple to plan routes with minumum road walks and is much more enjoyable on footpaths anyway. One thing I have noticed more recently is the lack of country code some ramblers have. For example walking on the RIGHT of the road so you are facing traffic.

When I do walk on roads I always am conscious that I am the "intruder" and it is my resposibility to ensure that I am safe, this can be done simply by a hand-up wave at a car. I would say 99% of drivers are responsible on country roads when it comes to predestrians. Especially if they can see them.

Nick M (nmilton)

449 posts

288 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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mel, I would just qualify my earlier comments by saying that if said rambler turned out to be a total twat then they would be promptly enveloped in a cloud of tyre smoke and exhaust fumes as I side-stepped the clutch at 6,000rpm !!

Sometimes it's the only way to make your point.......

Incidentally, while the H&H troll was good fun and led to some right muppets getting wound up, there were some sensible people there and I think both "sides" came away with a slightly more reasonable view of the other's activities. God, I must be going soft in my old age......