Got done for 46 in a 40, what's your most pathetic?

Got done for 46 in a 40, what's your most pathetic?



325 posts

9 months

quotequote all
bad company said:
That’s wrong. We had powers of arrest over military personnel anywhere.
Pehaps I wasn't clear, no military police have powers outside of their base for anyone other than military personnel.

bad company

19,005 posts

269 months

quotequote all
Boleros said:
bad company said:
That’s wrong. We had powers of arrest over military personnel anywhere.
Pehaps I wasn't clear, no military police have powers outside of their base for anyone other than military personnel.
Yep, that’s right.

In Germany we had power of arrest over anyone on the base military or civilian .


325 posts

9 months

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I learnt that lesson quite quickly as a brat at Laarbruch when I forgot my pass (again) at the gate and the copper made me get off and walk. My gobbiness about how he couldn't tell me what to do etc was kindly explained to me by old man after the OC whinged at him about his stroppy kid.


bad company

19,005 posts

269 months

quotequote all
Boleros said:
I learnt that lesson quite quickly as a brat at Laarbruch when I forgot my pass (again) at the gate and the copper made me get off and walk. My gobbiness about how he couldn't tell me what to do etc was kindly explained to me by old man after the OC whinged at him about his stroppy kid.

I was at Laarbruch, loved it. Still go back for the Weeze Kirmes. Another ex RAFP had a pub in Weeze until a few weeks ago.


325 posts

9 months

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Kev's? I heard it closed down, v sad. I never went but I know it was an institution. As a teenager, I loved Germany. We lived in Goch for 12 months and then had to move to the camp itself which was a shame as I loved the town. I dated the daughter of the owner of the Hotel Jagerhof for a while, endless schnitzels, Apfelkorn, kegelbahn and of course beer. Great times!

bad company

19,005 posts

269 months

quotequote all
Boleros said:
Kev's? I heard it closed down, v sad. I never went but I know it was an institution. As a teenager, I loved Germany. We lived in Goch for 12 months and then had to move to the camp itself which was a shame as I loved the town. I dated the daughter of the owner of the Hotel Jagerhof for a while, endless schnitzels, Apfelkorn, kegelbahn and of course beer. Great times!
Yep, Kev’s pub closed a few weeks ago. Kev Betts was an RAFP dog handler at Laarbruch. Great for him that he sold up and retired but I’ll miss the pub when I go back probably this September for the Kirmes.


14,091 posts

99 months

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Stoofa said:
On Pepipoo when it existed as it was...
Oh no, what happened to it?


32,992 posts

231 months

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One and only ticket, navy short wheeled based Land Rover, boss sitting next to me, two ringer (Lieutenant), said go faster, so I did.


6,574 posts

24 months

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Vipers said:
One and only ticket, navy short wheeled based Land Rover, boss sitting next to me, two ringer (Lieutenant), said go faster, so I did.

That's awesome, thanks for sharing biggrin


32,992 posts

231 months

quotequote all
carlo996 said:
Vipers said:
One and only ticket, navy short wheeled based Land Rover, boss sitting next to me, two ringer (Lieutenant), said go faster, so I did.

That's awesome, thanks for sharing biggrin
That’s from my old little red licence in a little leather case says on the front “Driving licence and insurance”, and below it “A present from Clacton on sea”, my dear ol’ mum got me.


2,120 posts

188 months

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My wife has just got the paperwork through for 26 in a 20.

She doesn't like being told what to do at the best of times, so it will be hilarious when she starts to argue on the course as she just can't seem to help herself, biglaugh

Red Devil

13,107 posts

211 months

quotequote all
768 said:
Stoofa said:
On Pepipoo when it existed as it was...
Oh no, what happened to it?
It's defunct. Replaced by -


1,253 posts

204 months

quotequote all
Vipers said:
One and only ticket, navy short wheeled based Land Rover, boss sitting next to me, two ringer (Lieutenant), said go faster, so I did.

Bleedin' 'eck - you really are old wink

I've been caught twice - once to the east, and once to the west of you.
Both times at 35mph in a 30 limit:
Once on the A270 going into Brighton about a a year ago, and the other time on the A3024 coming out of Southampton about 10 years ago.
I was just grateful that they got me so close to the limit, rather than at the 'slightly' more excessive speeds that some friends have comented on wink

B'stard Child

28,738 posts

249 months

quotequote all
Rayny said:
Vipers said:
One and only ticket, navy short wheeled based Land Rover, boss sitting next to me, two ringer (Lieutenant), said go faster, so I did.

Bleedin' 'eck - you really are old wink
whatever happened to respecting your elders biggrin


11,530 posts

63 months

Yesterday (00:12)
quotequote all
Rayny said:
Vipers said:
One and only ticket, navy short wheeled based Land Rover, boss sitting next to me, two ringer (Lieutenant), said go faster, so I did.

Bleedin' 'eck - you really are old wink
Oi - some of us old gits have been on the road since the 1960s ('69 in my case) tongue out


5,450 posts

140 months

Yesterday (01:29)
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bigothunter said:
Rayny said:
Vipers said:
One and only ticket, navy short wheeled based Land Rover, boss sitting next to me, two ringer (Lieutenant), said go faster, so I did.

Bleedin' 'eck - you really are old wink
Oi - some of us old gits have been on the road since the 1960s ('69 in my case) tongue out
I wasn’t alive then but I’ve heard this sci-fi story about something called “summer”. And I’ve heard people make a song and dance about the “summer of ‘69”

Did you experience this “summer” thing? How was it? Tell me everything you can remember about it. It sounds amazing!


5,457 posts

177 months

Yesterday (02:11)
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LunarOne said:
I wasn’t alive then but I’ve heard this sci-fi story about something called “summer”. And I’ve heard people make a song and dance about the “summer of ‘69”

Did you experience this “summer” thing? How was it? Tell me everything you can remember about it. It sounds amazing!
It's a fictitious utopian dream based on the hallucinations of a drug addled cult leader from Cheadle named Frobisher Quimley Pancake. He briefly fooled the nation with his ramblings and stories of an undiscovered uprising in the sky he called " The Sun ", an object he claimed could generate light and heat and the ability to assist in the provision of a " Season " which he named " Summer ". His plausibility waned in the face of an overwhelming lack of evidence, to this day his claims remain unfounded, and he is now regarded as a pathetic and untrustworthy individual.

Place faith in it's existence at your peril, lest you be another innocent lost to the pursuit of the fevered imaginings of a madman.


11,530 posts

63 months

Yesterday (08:49)
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LunarOne said:
I wasn’t alive then but I’ve heard this sci-fi story about something called “summer”. And I’ve heard people make a song and dance about the “summer of ‘69”

Did you experience this “summer” thing? How was it? Tell me everything you can remember about it. It sounds amazing!
"Summer of '76" was memorable. My last year at university. Difficult to study in the heat.

Long hot days went on forever, lots of scantily clad babes especially in the parks, water level in the Thames at (almost) record low.

Proves Britain can have proper summers but only once every 50 years. We've already had our three days this year. Now it's all downhill to autumn.


1,253 posts

204 months

Yesterday (21:35)
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bigothunter said:
LunarOne said:
I wasn’t alive then but I’ve heard this sci-fi story about something called “summer”. And I’ve heard people make a song and dance about the “summer of ‘69”

Did you experience this “summer” thing? How was it? Tell me everything you can remember about it. It sounds amazing!
"Summer of '76" was memorable. My last year at university. Difficult to study in the heat.

Long hot days went on forever, lots of scantily clad babes especially in the parks, water level in the Thames at (almost) record low.

Proves Britain can have proper summers but only once every 50 years. We've already had our three days this year. Now it's all downhill to autumn.
Summer of '75 was also memorably warm - I spent about 10 weeks in hospital during July/August/September - It was difficult to learn to walk again when September arrived.
In the summer of '76 I was working eight (or more) hours a day for six days each week - The rest of the daylight hours were spent on the beach [about a mile away from work].


164 posts

162 months

Mental chinese whispers - I came to post that I got caught doing 56 in a 50 and got a speed awareness course. Then remembered is was PH and I'd be called out on it. Went to check if I had a copy of the original S172/NIP and did have. Turned out my mind is playing tricks on me and it was 62 in a 50. Strange how I got that so wrong. So not pathetic I guess.

Conversely I was stopped some time ago for 109 in a 70 and got 3 points and a £60 fine. So it's swings and roundabouts. People who speed tend to speed the majority of the time I think - so just put your hand up and move on. Consider it as the tax for the one time you got caught in the last 2/5/10 years of speeding...