How do you deal with tailgaters?

How do you deal with tailgaters?



4,362 posts

209 months

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Debaser said:
It’s never an issue for me, I never seem to get tailgated.
Same here.


725 posts

112 months

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If someone is tailgating me, I just increase the distance with the car in front of me so I have more time to brake and this prevents the risk of being rammed. Also this provides a gap for them to overtake.


4,572 posts

24 months

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I have recently acquired a car that shoots flames on the overrun. Someone was tailgating me on motorway yesterday and I had to slow for traffic ahead, so I lifted. I didn’t do it on purpose to dissuade my new friend. But the loud bang and lick of flame caught us both by surprise, I noticed they soon backed off a bit. Heheh.


8,076 posts

226 months

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PlywoodPascal said:
I have recently acquired a car that shoots flames on the overrun. Someone was tailgating me on motorway yesterday and I had to slow for traffic ahead, so I lifted. I didn’t do it on purpose to dissuade my new friend. But the loud bang and lick of flame caught us both by surprise, I noticed they soon backed off a bit. Heheh.

top tactic!!


14,072 posts

87 months

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Guybrush said:
Debaser said:
It’s never an issue for me, I never seem to get tailgated.
Same here.
‘Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear’

Roofless Toothless

5,812 posts

135 months

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PlywoodPascal said:
I have recently acquired a car that shoots flames on the overrun. Someone was tailgating me on motorway yesterday and I had to slow for traffic ahead, so I lifted. I didn’t do it on purpose to dissuade my new friend. But the loud bang and lick of flame caught us both by surprise, I noticed they soon backed off a bit. Heheh.
I once shifted a whole bus queue in Epping High Street three feet to the right by doing that in a Caterham.


43,863 posts

153 months

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I always gradually reduce my speed, for three reasons.

1. The sensible reason, I increase the gap between me and the car in front, meaning I have less chance of having to brake sharply and getting hit up the rear by said tailgater.
2. The other sensible reason, the larger gap in front of me and my reducing speed hopefully makes it easier for the tailgater to pass me.
3. The less sensible reason, it winds the tailgater up a treat.


122 posts

6 months

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Normally allow, more space in front of me and take my time.

I have found much else just seems to garner a road rage type scenario.


723 posts

285 months

if we're in a modern car i increase speed to move forward of them, or change lane, or run my front and rear screen washers which usually has the desired effect.

that being said, if we're out in our 50+ yr old Triumph, they don't seem to tailgate much given the exhaust is rather a bit rich bounce


9,393 posts

155 months

Steve-B said:
if we're in a modern car i increase speed to move forward of them
You are making the huge assumption that they will continue at their speed unchanged.

Exceedingly unlikely if they are tail gating your car, you will just be going faster with them just as close, which is worse still.


2,358 posts

216 months

Normally the tailgating type are the ones that do this through built up areas because they want to do 40 everywhere. Watch them disappear once you hit an NSL. I had some pillock in an old A3 yesterday sat on my bumper as I drove through a long 30 stretch at an indicated 31. 50 limit appeared, I accelerated fairly briskly to 50 and he shrunk in the mirror.


16,917 posts

258 months

Drive digitally .. 25 .. 30 .. 25 .. 30 .. and only in straight lines .. eventually they will overtake or sit back. The tailgater will sometimes show their appreciation with their middle finger.


13,511 posts

237 months

Doesn't happen often to me and largely depends on my mood.
If on a single carriageway I just carry on and ignore them, up to them to find a spot to overtake.
Dual or m/way - only reason they'd be tailgating is if there is no lane to the right of me I'd assume. In which case I'd only be in that lane as I'm overtaking someone myself - if I get the hint of a flash of lights or a move out the way gesture I tend to come off the powerr and ensure I overtake the car next to me at a 1mph differential and then pull in once done, or a flash of the hazard lights which occasionally works - else see aforementioned.
I won't be bullied in speeding up etc just because they're in a hurry.


1,713 posts

247 months

Pica-Pica said:
Guybrush said:
Debaser said:
It’s never an issue for me, I never seem to get tailgated.
Same here.
‘Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear’
Add to that the woeful visibility out of modern cars meaning you can see less of the vehicle behind in the mirror.
"So close I couldn't see their headlights" etc.

Can't remember the last time I was tailgated in my 35 yr old volvo.. perhaps they know its pointless lol.

Mr Miata

994 posts

53 months

1. Indicate left

2. Allow them to pass.

Problem solved.

Deep Thought

36,086 posts

200 months

Mr Miata said:
1. Indicate left

2. Allow them to pass.

Problem solved.
In most 20s and 30s in town its unlikely they are going to be able to pass due to oncoming traffic.


771 posts

76 months

I usually put my hand up to 'adjust' the rear view mirror and hold it there for a few seconds, so they notice. I don't know whether they think I'm recording them via a rear facing dashcam or something else but it almost always works and they drop back.

On multi lane roads I usually just pull into one of the left hand lanes to let them past.

Tailgating is one of my pet hates, it's so f'kin stupid. You massivley increase risk and also the bellends rarely take overtaking opportunities that arise because they're too close to the car in front to see them.

I never tailgate for the reasons given above but also because I value my cars and would rather not be pelted by stones kicked up by the car I'm tailgating. Ironically in the last few years I have had to have two cracked windscreens and a big chip on a front bumper all caused by stones flicked up by vans coming the other way, no chance of lessening that risk I'm afraid.


3,825 posts

28 months

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Ignore them. If they want to risk a rear ender because I need to slow quickly that's on them. Spending time looking backwards will almost always be more dangerous than looking forwards and sideways. The only time I will touch the brakes is if I see a rapidly approaching car that my experiences tells me will shortly arrive on my back bumper. Well before they get there I might touch the brakes, not brake, which is simply to get their attention. Same idea as when last in a queue with fast traffic behind and approaching. If they still tailgate, goto my first two sentences.

I comply with urban limits very closely, with the occasional breach in 20 zones when I balance that limit against what other traffic is doing. Fortunately I rarely drive in places with 20 limits. By far the most common tailgating I see is in 30-40 urban zones and it's anyone from school run mums to thrusting estate agents. On faster roads it will invariably be a rep (sorry sales engineer) on a mission or a white van. Less of an issue because there'll be lots of opportunities for them to pass. The most worrying are those drivers that will follow too close even if you are driving very quickly. Impossible to differentiate playmates from psychopaths so I'll divert. The roundabout technique mentioned earlier is a good one.

Fast, unusual and small cars definitely seem to attract tailgaters but the same rules apply.


Original Poster:

2,360 posts

220 months

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Thanks all - have been trying the 'well sod you, I am not bothered' approach more, but I dunno, is not easy.

My theory is many drivers (perhaps understandably) hate the new 20 mph zones and refuse to respect them, working on the basis as there are no cameras on the 20 mph zones I refer to here, there is no need to do 20 mph.

But only a few days ago as we rounded a bend there was a mobile speed trap in place, and in a 20 zone it really does not take much to be in court action territory.


165 posts

40 months

Yesterday (08:23)
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I slow down to annoy them more. When they finally get an opportunity to pass, I sit forward with my face as close to the windscreen as possible and do a massive overbite, while intently concentrating on the road ahead.

This often makes me laugh out loud, even if I'm alone in the car smile