Police run over calf - reasonable?

Police run over calf - reasonable?



2,266 posts

198 months

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DonkeyApple said:
Collectingbrass said:
Fixed that for you. I have no idea how I would have dealt with it and I don't envy the Duty Inspector in the control room either.
Thanks for the better edit. Dismal for the people involved and now some poor sod is at home worried about the wellbeing of their family finances because they had to do the crappy job.
I should have added the smile and beer though


4,752 posts

221 months

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DonkeyApple said:
Forester1965 said:
Swap out 'young calf' for 'angry woman with a baseball bat smashing cars up'. Still run them over?

How about 'hysterical old woman making up angry woman analogies that appear to be spectacularly devoid of reality or common sense'. Hit with a car? Shoot with a dart or just suggest not drinking so much? wink
In right circumstances, human Vs car could be quite legitimate, as any option is. It just depends on the threat posed and whether the force used is reasonable and proportional.


56,564 posts

172 months

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LM240 said:
DonkeyApple said:
Forester1965 said:
Swap out 'young calf' for 'angry woman with a baseball bat smashing cars up'. Still run them over?

How about 'hysterical old woman making up angry woman analogies that appear to be spectacularly devoid of reality or common sense'. Hit with a car? Shoot with a dart or just suggest not drinking so much? wink
In right circumstances, human Vs car could be quite legitimate, as any option is. It just depends on the threat posed and whether the force used is reasonable and proportional.
Possible misinterpretation. There's never a scenario where a human life is valued less than some cars they happen to be smashing up. Ergo, never a need to use such a draconian last resort such as hitting them with a car. Conversely, no cow is more important than a human life and so where the cow presents a potential risk to humans then if all other options are explored and exhausted and all that remains is to hit it with a car then hesitation to do so would be unacceptable. It's of no relevance that the cow had damaged some cars, as in those cars don't matter one iota, the reason the cow needed to be halted was because it was in an urban location, ie where a human could be hurt by it.


2,266 posts

198 months

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Catweazle said:
Forester1965 said:
Why does that matter?
Because, presumably, a young woman is a lot easier to wrestle to the ground than a calf is and that's not considering the fact that a calf has two more legs. Also, a young woman with a baseball bat can understand instructions given by the police which is something that the calf cannot do, unless it's a particularly intelligent calf compared to a singularly stupid woman.
If she didn't obey she'd likely get a baton to the knee cap as a minimum. A cow can't comprehend a request to desist and a warning of consequences if not.


56,564 posts

172 months

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Collectingbrass said:
Catweazle said:
Forester1965 said:
Why does that matter?
Because, presumably, a young woman is a lot easier to wrestle to the ground than a calf is and that's not considering the fact that a calf has two more legs. Also, a young woman with a baseball bat can understand instructions given by the police which is something that the calf cannot do, unless it's a particularly intelligent calf compared to a singularly stupid woman.
If she didn't obey she'd likely get a baton to the knee cap as a minimum. A cow can't comprehend a request to desist and a warning of consequences if not.
Waving a GroupOn voucher, a pie or a glass of Lambrusco would probably be sufficient to placate the lady sufficiently for a professional to be able to risk moving in close enough to get a muzzle fitted and gently usher the poor creature into the back of the van.


1,612 posts

241 months

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Shooting at dogs on the street now…


24,790 posts

261 months

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Robertb said:
Shooting at dogs on the street now…
Thankfully there were no calfs sat in the cars that got hit !!


56,564 posts

172 months

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Robertb said:
Shooting at dogs on the street now…
7 shots fired and not one seemingly hits the owner of the dog.

Hugo Stiglitz

37,453 posts

214 months

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Robertb said:
Shooting at dogs on the street now…
OK? And?


18,916 posts

198 months

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If they’d used .357 they wouldn’t have needed 7 shots. A few bystanders might have got taken out, though apparently that’s not an issue for PH expert marksmen!



20,750 posts

125 months

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DonkeyApple said:
Robertb said:
Shooting at dogs on the street now…
7 shots fired and not one seemingly hits the owner of the dog.
That's because it obviously never happened.

DonkeyApple said:
And yet you suggest the use of such tools in this environment. And you appear to think a police officer will have been trained where to hit the animal? And that it will be stationary? And that it was broad daylight? Or that they would be permitted to even make the attempt? Or be available? As per usual you head off down naive street. biggrin


56,564 posts

172 months

Evanivitch said:
DonkeyApple said:
Robertb said:
Shooting at dogs on the street now…
7 shots fired and not one seemingly hits the owner of the dog.
That's because it obviously never happened.

DonkeyApple said:
And yet you suggest the use of such tools in this environment. And you appear to think a police officer will have been trained where to hit the animal? And that it will be stationary? And that it was broad daylight? Or that they would be permitted to even make the attempt? Or be available? As per usual you head off down naive street. biggrin
You were suggesting the use of high powered rifles in an urban environment. This recent saga somewhat highlight the farce of such thinking. rofl


1,272 posts

42 months

Robertb said:
Shooting at dogs on the street now…
Why didn’t they just calmly lead it back indoors? It's only a dog??


1,272 posts

42 months

Collectingbrass said:
Catweazle said:
Forester1965 said:
Why does that matter?
Because, presumably, a young woman is a lot easier to wrestle to the ground than a calf is and that's not considering the fact that a calf has two more legs. Also, a young woman with a baseball bat can understand instructions given by the police which is something that the calf cannot do, unless it's a particularly intelligent calf compared to a singularly stupid woman.
If she didn't obey she'd likely get a baton to the knee cap as a minimum. A cow can't comprehend a request to desist and a warning of consequences if not.
As a person, she would very likely hear and understand commands made of her.
As a person, she could be reasoned with.
As a person, taser would very likely be effective.
Etc etc.


20,750 posts

125 months

DonkeyApple said:
Evanivitch said:
DonkeyApple said:
Robertb said:
Shooting at dogs on the street now…
7 shots fired and not one seemingly hits the owner of the dog.
That's because it obviously never happened.

DonkeyApple said:
And yet you suggest the use of such tools in this environment. And you appear to think a police officer will have been trained where to hit the animal? And that it will be stationary? And that it was broad daylight? Or that they would be permitted to even make the attempt? Or be available? As per usual you head off down naive street. biggrin
You were suggesting the use of high powered rifles in an urban environment. This recent saga somewhat highlight the farce of such thinking. rofl
And yet despite not knowing how to shoot a dog, the dog not standing still, it being a populated urban area, and it approaching sunset, they still went around shooting at a dog.


Is that #1 Naive street you live at?


56,564 posts

172 months

Evanivitch said:
DonkeyApple said:
Evanivitch said:
DonkeyApple said:
Robertb said:
Shooting at dogs on the street now…
7 shots fired and not one seemingly hits the owner of the dog.
That's because it obviously never happened.

DonkeyApple said:
And yet you suggest the use of such tools in this environment. And you appear to think a police officer will have been trained where to hit the animal? And that it will be stationary? And that it was broad daylight? Or that they would be permitted to even make the attempt? Or be available? As per usual you head off down naive street. biggrin
You were suggesting the use of high powered rifles in an urban environment. This recent saga somewhat highlight the farce of such thinking. rofl
And yet despite not knowing how to shoot a dog, the dog not standing still, it being a populated urban area, and it approaching sunset, they still went around shooting at a dog.


Is that #1 Naive street you live at?
You seem extremely confused or remarkably dim. To actually pop back up and use the farce of trying to shoot a dog with normal police firearms and repeatedly missing as some kind of proof that a cow should have been shot with high powered firearms is possibly the dumbest things done on PH this week. Well done. rofl


20,750 posts

125 months

DonkeyApple said:
You seem extremely confused or remarkably dim. To actually pop back up and use the farce of trying to shoot a dog with normal police firearms and repeatedly missing as some kind of proof that a cow should have been shot with high powered firearms is possibly the dumbest things done on PH this week. Well done. rofl
You keep calling 7.62 a high powered weapon laugh


17,516 posts

192 months

Depends on your flavour of 7.62 tbh...

Some are more spicy than others.

That said - they all have plenty of poke, enough to deal with any small game, dogs, humans, zombies, intermediate size aliens.

You know the usual.