Traffic Penalty Tribunal - Advice

Traffic Penalty Tribunal - Advice



Original Poster:

122 posts

6 months

InitialDave said:
OP, can I seek some clarification?

You say these roadworks were delayed/rescheduled.

Did they originally say that while the roadworks were being carried out, they would suspend the bus gate to give an alternate route? But then failed to reschedule the bus gate suspension to align with the new roadworks date?

If so, no, it's not unreasonable for you to have thought you were allowed to use the bus gate during the roadworks.

If you're just inventing your own reason why they "should" let you use the bus gate, forget it, it's basically fantasy at that point.

Ultimately, you're not in any real trouble with anyone, no points or anything, it's a relatively nominal fine, and you're best to just move on.

You achieved an actually important objective (getting your daughter to an important exam on time), and all it cost you is £35. I could live with that. Let them bleat about how you're not "allowed" to use the bus gate all they like, it turns out you are... for a fee.
No they never said that they would relax the bus gate during the works being on however they pulled the adoption roadworks as they realised when the council staff could not get to work and the gridlock that maybe they had some duty to manage road space bookings.

Bus Gate are about revenue in my opinion, as you say you can use one legally for a fee £35 in this case!


4,371 posts

167 months

gazza285 said:
Anyone who says to just get ready earlier is obviously not aware of life with an autistic child.
As above - I am quite familiar with my friend's life.

Including holidays - which were a bit of a nightmare at times, but you do your best to support your friends.

She would leave a lot of time for things to go wrong and for him to just refuse or have a meltdown.

Didn't always works and I think she picked her battles carefully. Exams would be one.

He has really improved with age.

I've always been amazed at how she coped with two other kids as well and useless (now ex) husband.

Anyway in the scheme of things £35 is nothing.