Traffic Penalty Tribunal - Advice

Traffic Penalty Tribunal - Advice



Original Poster:

122 posts

6 months

quotequote all
dundarach said:
I find it staggering you've the nerve to come on and seek validation!
Ok well thank you for your contribution

Lets hope they don't shut roads around where you live and give you one gridlocked way out of your area.

Its that bad I am considering moving, if I do then my area is struggling for CFRs and they will lose me as due to the shocking way the council is managing roads around my area.

If I was in a trust vehicle I could have sailed through no challenge, crews are using all the bus gates as a cut through when not on calls.


435 posts

225 months

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Responder.First said:
Lets hope they don't shut roads around where you live and give you one gridlocked way out of your area.

Its that bad I am considering moving, if I do then my area is struggling for CFRs and they will lose me as due to the shocking way the council is managing roads around my area.

If I was in a trust vehicle I could have sailed through no challenge, crews are using all the bus gates as a cut through when not on calls.
That happens everywhere, roadworks cause delays, it's nothing unique to you.

If you do move please remember to pick up all your toys and take them with you.


5,899 posts

166 months

quotequote all
Responder.First said:
If I was in a trust vehicle I could have sailed through no challenge, crews are using all the bus gates as a cut through when not on calls.
You weren’t though. You were on personal business. As before, I’m glad you’ve paid the fine, and I hope your daughter’s exam went well.

If other crews are using bus gates as a cut through whilst not on a call, they should be reported. Have you done that?

But you are still coming across as thinking you should have special treatment. Chase it up with the council by all means, but I think the responses here (including from me) should give you a general indication as to what the result will be.


Original Poster:

122 posts

6 months

quotequote all
ChevronB19 said:
You weren’t though. You were on personal business. As before, I’m glad you’ve paid the fine, and I hope your daughter’s exam went well.

If other crews are using bus gates as a cut through whilst not on a call, they should be reported. Have you done that?

But you are still coming across as thinking you should have special treatment. Chase it up with the council by all means, but I think the responses here (including from me) should give you a general indication as to what the result will be.
I think shutting the school access road before the summer holidays and during the exam period was unreasonable and not well thought out, there has been significant backlash, they could have opened the bus gate during the period to ease the issues, schools had massive issues with traffic and delays, school trips have been cancelled as well.

I have accepted the fine and paid the reduced amount. The road space booking is not well managed a number of adoption works started that ran concurrently, these have been pulled when council staff said they could not get to work!

Added to which- There were a number of delays from the garboard in starting these works and the only knew as the signage kept getting changed last minute.

Clearly there is a an issue, the bus that uses this route does not visit the school.

I expect the council to work for the people, if they allow 2 out of 3 routes to have partial or full closures then they need to apply a TTRO to the bus gate and allow traffic through, to allow flow. Gridlock and delays is not good for people, the environment and the economy.

Why would I shop NHS staff who do a difficult job is a challenging environment!

Edited by Responder.First on Thursday 27th June 13:43

Edited by Responder.First on Thursday 27th June 13:50

Jordie Barretts sock

5,042 posts

22 months

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Responder.First said:
dundarach said:
I find it staggering you've the nerve to come on and seek validation!
Ok well thank you for your contribution

Lets hope they don't shut roads around where you live and give you one gridlocked way out of your area.

Its that bad I am considering moving, if I do then my area is struggling for CFRs and they will lose me as due to the shocking way the council is managing roads around my area.

If I was in a trust vehicle I could have sailed through no challenge, crews are using all the bus gates as a cut through when not on calls.
This absolutely reeks of entitlement.

You have just had a wake up call and reality check. No matter how much you whine and complain, you've been caught bang to rights. Just take responsibility for your own actions and stop looking for someone else to take responsibility for your life.


Original Poster:

122 posts

6 months

quotequote all
Jordie Barretts sock said:
This absolutely reeks of entitlement.

You have just had a wake up call and reality check. No matter how much you whine and complain, you've been caught bang to rights. Just take responsibility for your own actions and stop looking for someone else to take responsibility for your life.
I said yesterday I had done so and paid for it, not sure why people keep going on, I have paid the lower fine.

Some people on here seem to bang on and on even when I have conceded.

I placed it on here got very little support and was advised to accept it and pay it which I did. I was considering a Tribunal but I was advised against it and accept that fact, yesterday when settling the matter.

I have one 2/3 of my appeals this year.

Edited by Responder.First on Thursday 27th June 14:03


16,998 posts

206 months

quotequote all
Responder.First said:
dundarach said:
I find it staggering you've the nerve to come on and seek validation!
Ok well thank you for your contribution

Lets hope they don't shut roads around where you live and give you one gridlocked way out of your area.

Its that bad I am considering moving, if I do then my area is struggling for CFRs and they will lose me as due to the shocking way the council is managing roads around my area.

If I was in a trust vehicle I could have sailed through no challenge, crews are using all the bus gates as a cut through when not on calls.
You aren't the first person who's experienced a long diversion due to a road closure difference is most people moan but follow the diversion.

Re being a first responder ,you weren't on a call so why shouldn't you follow the diversion like the rest of us


5,899 posts

166 months

quotequote all
Responder.First said:
Why would I shop NHS staff who do a difficult job is a challenging environment!
Oh, I dunno, maybe because they are breaking the law? As said, if you don’t agree with it, complain, but your post has gone from outrage and justification to another level, including o/t in what seems some desperate foot stamping.

BiL is a paramedic by the way, and he wouldn’t dream of using his status to avoid laws that apply to others (referring specifically to the drivers you know who take advantage).

Edited by ChevronB19 on Thursday 27th June 14:57


Original Poster:

122 posts

6 months

quotequote all
ChevronB19 said:
Oh, I dunno, maybe because they are breaking the law? As said, if you don’t agree with it, complain, but your post has gone from outrage and justification to another level, including o/t in what seems some desperate foot stamping.

BiL is a paramedic by the way, and he wouldn’t dream of using his status to avoid laws that apply to others.
Not sure where you have gotten that, I said trust vehicles use the bus gate when not on calls, never mentioned ambulance service when appealing this ticket, as I was taking a child to an exam.


5,899 posts

166 months

quotequote all
Responder.First said:
Not sure where you have gotten that, I said trust vehicles use the bus gate when not on calls, never mentioned ambulance service when appealing this ticket, as I was taking a child to an exam.
I seriously give up. Please read my previous replies, especially those you have responded to.

Did you do the right thing? No - but I can understand why you did

Is it fair to complain about it? No - you freely admit you did it

Should you have complained beforehand? Yes

Do you have an exemption due to being a local resident? No

Do you have an exemption due to your daughter’s needs? No (and I stress here, as I have in previous posts, that I hope all went well, it’s stressful for everyone, and more so for those with special needs)

Is it reasonable for trust vehicles to use bus gates when there is no emergency? No

I truly recommend you complain to council etc., but you really are on the verge of needing a bigger shovel.


Original Poster:

122 posts

6 months

quotequote all
When you say o/t - are you referring to the City when I was on duty and a race official sent me down a bus gate as the (non bus gate end was closed to traffic) get to were I was asked to attend by the ambulance service? This was early hours of a Sunday, no buses were running it was closed, in the video there is a race official directing me, you can see them.

Rufus Stone

6,653 posts

59 months

quotequote all
Responder.First said:
I have one 2/3 of my appeals this year.
How many last year?


178 posts

65 months

quotequote all
Responder.First said:
When you say o/t - are you referring to the City when I was on duty and a race official sent me down a bus gate as the (non bus gate end was closed to traffic) get to were I was asked to attend by the ambulance service? This was early hours of a Sunday, no buses were running it was closed, in the video there is a race official directing me, you can see them.
But you were on duty then and you were instructed to go down...

How is that relevant to your situation now?

Seriously, give it up as a bad job and chalk it down to experience



Original Poster:

122 posts

6 months

quotequote all
t.boydy said:
But you were on duty then and you were instructed to go down...

How is that relevant to your situation now?

Seriously, give it up as a bad job and chalk it down to experience

No I thought the Chevron was referring to the city one. That one was sorted at appeal.

The local council one was all me, never claimed it was anything to do with anyone else.


5,168 posts

231 months

quotequote all
Responder.First said:
dundarach said:
I find it staggering you've the nerve to come on and seek validation!
Ok well thank you for your contribution

Lets hope they don't shut roads around where you live and give you one gridlocked way out of your area.

Its that bad I am considering moving, if I do then my area is struggling for CFRs and they will lose me as due to the shocking way the council is managing roads around my area.

If I was in a trust vehicle I could have sailed through no challenge, crews are using all the bus gates as a cut through when not on calls.
Haha they do, I'm 4th apparently.

(and this was before they closed most of the city recently)

Seriously fella, just give up, I might very well have done the same, however I'd keep it quiet and stew in my own shame.


4,371 posts

167 months

gazza285 said:
jdw100 said:
Something as important as these exams: I’d have been at school an hour early with my daughter.

Got a coffee there and sat down for some last minute revision or a chat to keep her calm.
Easy to say, but I know only too well that if your anxious and autistic child isn’t ready, then they aren’t going anywhere. Anyone who says to just set off earlier is obviously not aware of life with an autistic child.

Having said that, it is the school that will make allowances for the child, under the SEN plan, not the council highways department.
Wouldn’t you just get ready earlier then, if it takes an extra hour to get child ready.

Especially on such an important day.

Mate of mine used to do this with son who had autism and an awful OCD. Any event where needed to be there on time - they’d be getting ready hours in advance. She has two other kids as well and, at that time, a useless husband.

Thankfully, now the son is 20, he is loads better or, I guess, copes better. Lovely young man.

I suppose other kids heading to the exam were late then as parents might not have used the bus lane trick.

Exams vs a small fine…..I’d go with the fine.


9,882 posts

211 months

jdw100 said:
gazza285 said:
jdw100 said:
Something as important as these exams: I’d have been at school an hour early with my daughter.

Got a coffee there and sat down for some last minute revision or a chat to keep her calm.
Easy to say, but I know only too well that if your anxious and autistic child isn’t ready, then they aren’t going anywhere. Anyone who says to just set off earlier is obviously not aware of life with an autistic child.

Having said that, it is the school that will make allowances for the child, under the SEN plan, not the council highways department.
Wouldn’t you just get ready earlier then, if it takes an extra hour to get child ready.

Especially on such an important day.

Mate of mine used to do this with son who had autism and an awful OCD. Any event where needed to be there on time - they’d be getting ready hours in advance. She has two other kids as well and, at that time, a useless husband.

Thankfully, now the son is 20, he is loads better or, I guess, copes better. Lovely young man.

I suppose other kids heading to the exam were late then as parents might not have used the bus lane trick.

Exams vs a small fine…..I’d go with the fine.
Anyone who says to just get ready earlier is obviously not aware of life with an autistic child.

Mont Blanc

805 posts

46 months

The OP has my sympathy regarding the needs of his child.

But I absolutely cannot believe anyone would go through all this for the sake of trying to save £35. Really?

If I made the rare decision to save time by going through a bus gate, I would have just paid the £35 immediately, acknowledged that it was just the cost of 'doing business' and forgotten about it.


1,508 posts

5 months

Responder.First said:
Ok well thank you for your contribution

Lets hope they don't shut roads around where you live and give you one gridlocked way out of your area.
It happens regularly where I live. The road past the local train station has been closed for four months while they work out how to fix the leaking gas main.

If I decided to ignore the closure for the sake of my children then I’d accept any fine that I got.


12,063 posts

122 months

OP, can I seek some clarification?

You say these roadworks were delayed/rescheduled.

Did they originally say that while the roadworks were being carried out, they would suspend the bus gate to give an alternate route? But then failed to reschedule the bus gate suspension to align with the new roadworks date?

If so, no, it's not unreasonable for you to have thought you were allowed to use the bus gate during the roadworks.

If you're just inventing your own reason why they "should" let you use the bus gate, forget it, it's basically fantasy at that point.

Ultimately, you're not in any real trouble with anyone, no points or anything, it's a relatively nominal fine, and you're best to just move on.

You achieved an actually important objective (getting your daughter to an important exam on time), and all it cost you is £35. I could live with that. Let them bleat about how you're not "allowed" to use the bus gate all they like, it turns out you are... for a fee.