49 in a 30 - too serious for FPN

49 in a 30 - too serious for FPN



33,306 posts

122 months

Pizzaman19 said:
Yes, I have last year

Although, I have a colleague in his 50's, unblemished licence, then he got caught 3 times in 2 weeks!


51 posts

3 months

Courses are only normally offered up to 42mph in a 30mph limit.


19,248 posts

214 months

Pizzaman19 said:
Thank you for your reply.

Yes it was a 30mph not 20.
As for hardship - my family depends on my income and as I am a telecommunications engineer my job requires me to travel to sites as required around the UK in order to fix network faults. Without the ability to drive I cannot fulfil my job and will lose the income my family depends on. I also have an elderly mother that lives half an hour away. Some months ago she developed COPD and had an episode where she could not breath and I attended immediately and called the ambulance. I need to be able to get to her quickly as she may have another episode and requires my help.

I have children that I need to drive to work also. My 18 year old has no transport to get to his place of work that is awkward by public transport

What course of action should I take ?
A) Submit a guilty plea without court or
B) seek council submit a guilty plea and attend court ?

Thank you
Do you not see any logical flaws? You need to travel far and wide, yet keep close to your mum for her health. Best to get your thoughts in orderb to present to the court.

Edited by BertBert on Sunday 30th June 18:24


6,549 posts

67 months

TeaNoSugar said:
Good luck asking for advice here - you’ll probably just get a load of sanctimonious bellends saying you deserve to be banned.
And (for balance) a load of knobbers who think speeding is brilliant and the mark of a great driver.


16,645 posts

108 months

Pizzaman19 said:
Thank you for your reply.

Yes it was a 30mph not 20.
As for hardship - my family depends on my income and as I am a telecommunications engineer my job requires me to travel to sites as required around the UK in order to fix network faults. Without the ability to drive I cannot fulfil my job and will lose the income my family depends on. I also have an elderly mother that lives half an hour away. Some months ago she developed COPD and had an episode where she could not breath and I attended immediately and called the ambulance. I need to be able to get to her quickly as she may have another episode and requires my help.

I have children that I need to drive to work also. My 18 year old has no transport to get to his place of work that is awkward by public transport

What course of action should I take ?
A) Submit a guilty plea without court or
B) seek council submit a guilty plea and attend court ?

Thank you
A long list of excuses etc - did you not think of these very issues when you decided to break the law, again ?


39 posts

43 months

Going to give my personal experience here some may be helpful / relevant but different scenarios equal different results. Also mindful give me a different bunch of magistrates on a different day I may have had the book thrown at me. I genuinely may have got lucky given my age and how I portrayed myself on the day. It was a few years ago when the banding first came in however due to severity of my speed and my salary at the time I was looking at the capped £1000 fine, disqualification and 6 points.

Naively looking back I didn’t obtain any legal advice or representation however it worked out very well for me given the circumstances.

I was caught doing 59 in a 30mph zone. I was taking someone for a test drive in my Evo who subsequently bought it.

I did however make the following mitigating circumstances / excuses whatever you want to call them.

- I had already gone past the camera van in the opposite direction, the speed changed from national speed to 30mph and I was doing the speed limit prior to entering the built up area where the camera van was positioned.

- I ‘foolishly’ accelerated into the national speed zone from the 30mph however it was no longer built up at this point. There were no pavements, houses etc and the national speed limit could be seen in the photographic evidence they had of me.

- I did reallly have to plead the hardship of disqualification and did get my employer to write me a letter stating I couldn’t fulfill my responsibilities without a driving license. They pushed and pushed on this but accepted it in the end.

- My girlfriend now wife was a full time student who lived with me and I was the sole provider so asked for leniency in the fine (no children).

I was very apologetic and whilst outlining my mitigating circumstances followed up with them not being an excuse and that I’ve learned from this experience.

The result was 6 points, no disqualification and the fine was reduced to £200. They even queried if I wished to pay this in instalments of £50 per month due to me being the sole provider.


Original Poster:

22 posts

14 months

evolution380 said:
Going to give my personal experience here some may be helpful / relevant but different scenarios equal different results. Also mindful give me a different bunch of magistrates on a different day I may have had the book thrown at me. I genuinely may have got lucky given my age and how I portrayed myself on the day. It was a few years ago when the banding first came in however due to severity of my speed and my salary at the time I was looking at the capped £1000 fine, disqualification and 6 points.

Naively looking back I didn’t obtain any legal advice or representation however it worked out very well for me given the circumstances.

I was caught doing 59 in a 30mph zone. I was taking someone for a test drive in my Evo who subsequently bought it.

I did however make the following mitigating circumstances / excuses whatever you want to call them.

- I had already gone past the camera van in the opposite direction, the speed changed from national speed to 30mph and I was doing the speed limit prior to entering the built up area where the camera van was positioned.

- I ‘foolishly’ accelerated into the national speed zone from the 30mph however it was no longer built up at this point. There were no pavements, houses etc and the national speed limit could be seen in the photographic evidence they had of me.

- I did reallly have to plead the hardship of disqualification and did get my employer to write me a letter stating I couldn’t fulfill my responsibilities without a driving license. They pushed and pushed on this but accepted it in the end.

- My girlfriend now wife was a full time student who lived with me and I was the sole provider so asked for leniency in the fine (no children).

I was very apologetic and whilst outlining my mitigating circumstances followed up with them not being an excuse and that I’ve learned from this experience.

The result was 6 points, no disqualification and the fine was reduced to £200. They even queried if I wished to pay this in instalments of £50 per month due to me being the sole provider.

Thank you for posting this whilst my circumstances are not the same as yours. There was no transition from national speed limit to 30 miles an hour you have given me an idea. I may have committed an offence that is an acceptable by law however the area that the offence was committed in had no houses no residences. It was not a built-up area or residential area as such minimising any potential threat of human life. It’s not as if I did it in a High Street or location where there is a dense population of human beings, the location of my offence was a full lane section of road with no inhabited dwellings and no pedestrian crossings . I understand that this is a small aspect however an important one because the danger to human life was minimised

Edited by Pizzaman19 on Monday 1st July 08:34


3,087 posts

225 months

Maybe try for refund on last years speed awareness course too….

Out of curiosity were all four occasions on same bit of road?


9,206 posts

229 months

Yesterday (10:48)
quotequote all
They even have their own parking place!


277 posts

20 months

Yesterday (11:00)
quotequote all
Really trying not to be sanctimonious, but if you thought it was a 40 why were you doing (at least) 50 as per your speedo?