Got done for 46 in a 40, what's your most pathetic?

Got done for 46 in a 40, what's your most pathetic?



3,871 posts

202 months

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56 mph on M1 at 10pm!!!. It was an average speed check over quite some distance due to Smart Motorway install. I had set the cruise to 56 thinking that would be within tolerances to not get a ticket. However, unbeknown to me there was a stretch reduced to 40mph within the reduction. At night the poor temporary signage was not visible like a fixed sign would be. I was non the wiser till the ticket came through the post!..So 56 in a 40 in actual fact..

Still hurts that I got 3 points and a fine at 10pm on a virtually empty M1 motorway (with nil workmen present) at such a low speed


1,949 posts

151 months

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51km/h on a 50km/h road in France, bloomin' 90 euro fine, camera was hidden in someones driveway on the N21 south of Limoges.


367 posts

183 months

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I got done for 66 in a 60, but last time I mentioned this on here I got told I was definitely fibbing. It wasn't a fixed camera, it was a policeman on a bridge with a speed gun.


1,272 posts

42 months

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How much does the OPs speedo over rear by?

If you were caught at 46, what did your speedo say?

In my old car, for me to be doing 46mph my speedo would be reading closer to 50.


785 posts

81 months

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trails said:
Me too


4,624 posts

31 months

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Nibbles_bits said:
How much does the OPs speedo over rear by?

If you were caught at 46, what did your speedo say?

In my old car, for me to be doing 46mph my speedo would be reading closer to 50.
I only use Waze for the actual speed
Rarely the inaccurate speedo.


1,272 posts

42 months

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James6112 said:
Nibbles_bits said:
How much does the OPs speedo over rear by?

If you were caught at 46, what did your speedo say?

In my old car, for me to be doing 46mph my speedo would be reading closer to 50.
I only use Waze for the actual speed
Rarely the inaccurate speedo.
How often do you get caught doing 46 in a 40 with Waze?


579 posts

14 months

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73 on the m1

Just as the gantry flicked on at 60

No point fighting so sucked it up and did the sac

Terminator X

15,336 posts

207 months

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fishkeeper84 said:
I've always got away with 10% + 2, so 24mph in a 20, 35 in a 30 etc, not this time, a mobile camera van booked me at 46, what's your most pathetic speeding ticket?
The ticket is issued at the +2mph point so you've been very lucky to date. I always drive at 10% +1mph and I haven't had a ticket for 10 years or more despite passing mobile units many times.


Terminator X

15,336 posts

207 months

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Glenn63 said:
Boleros said:
33 in a 30 in Aldershot by MoD plod. Pissed off? You bet. Argued the toss but the adenoidal tt wasn’t having it. Long time ago mind.
Just waiting for the PH massive to tell you you’re fibbing and asking for proof as it’s 10% +2 no matter what, which it isn’t, you can be done at 1mph over if the police force so wishes.
No one has ever afaik produced evidence of a ticket 33 in a 30. Make of that what you will.


Short Grain

2,985 posts

223 months

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Had a customer a few years ago who was done at 23 in a 20mph one Christmas Day in Leicester. Police had decided in addition to the annual drink drive campaign, they'd have a zero tolerance speeding campaign as well. Only they didn't advertise that one! Or so he claimed when I visited him in the January! I never got to see the NIP though! Did have to stop myself smirking a few times as he really wound himself up while he was moaning about it! He was an oily git tbh, couldn't happen to a more deserving, self important prat! hehe

B'stard Child

28,681 posts

249 months

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81 in a 70 about 15 years ago - Dual carriageway 6am on a Sunday Safety camera van - only time I’ve ever seen a van their at that time of the morning on a weekend

Could have been worse previously my normally cruising speed on that stretch of road at that time of the morning is just a smidge under 100.

Since then it’s been 80 indicated

30 in 30 (no 20’s round here)
40 in 40
50 in 50

Outside of those well I use my judgement on whats appropriate.


309 posts

9 months

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Terminator X said:
Glenn63 said:
Boleros said:
33 in a 30 in Aldershot by MoD plod. Pissed off? You bet. Argued the toss but the adenoidal tt wasn’t having it. Long time ago mind.
Just waiting for the PH massive to tell you you’re fibbing and asking for proof as it’s 10% +2 no matter what, which it isn’t, you can be done at 1mph over if the police force so wishes.
No one has ever afaik produced evidence of a ticket 33 in a 30. Make of that what you will.

And there it is.


The Rotrex Kid

30,719 posts

163 months

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70mph on a dual carriageway!

(I was in a van) rolleyes


16,627 posts

108 months

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AyBee said:
The only pathetic thing about 46 in a 40 is complaining about getting caught wink
Yes, quite agree.

How somebody is crazy enough to complain at being caught when he routinely drives at illegal speeds is sort of amusing.

Perhaps the *limit* that most people understand when referring to 30/40/50/70 etc doesn't register with some the way, it's a *limit*........


18,914 posts

198 months

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Somehow I’m on zero points. Mostly cos I brake heavily for speed cameras etc so it’s all really safe thumbup


724 posts

93 months

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69 in a NSL 60.

I know that’s over the 10% + 2 but…. 69…. biggrin

Sorry, I’m a man child.

I was quite relieved to be fair, wife opened the letter and rang me but didn’t tell me the speed…. I remembered the date as was having a particularly brisk ride through some of quiet country roads in Lincolnshire…. They could have got a lot more money out of me than a SAC.


6,759 posts

187 months

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JohnnyUK said:
trails said:
Me too
Me three. Even posted a pic of the letter from Crumbia constabulary as the PH driving gods didn’t believe me.

bad company

18,945 posts

269 months

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Terminator X said:
No one has ever afaik produced evidence of a ticket 33 in a 30. Make of that what you will.

The challenge of showing proof with redacted personal details of such a ticket remains.


3,942 posts

152 months

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parabolica said:
JohnnyUK said:
trails said:
Me too
Me three. Even posted a pic of the letter from Crumbia constabulary as the PH driving gods didn’t believe me.
The Internet really brings the weird out in some people.