Lights stuck on red - how long do you wait?

Lights stuck on red - how long do you wait?



33,024 posts

179 months

Roadworks ones seem to be fair game, seen it all.


1,283 posts

195 months

Yesterday (08:04)
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The TTLs placed in our street were stuck on red for two weeks from the moment they installed them to when they removed them. Phone calls resulted in supervisor coming out - he said the lights were detecting traffic. But when they deinstalled them, they discover that our set had never been wifi linked to the master control!! A police car had been in our street during the escapade, and sat at the lights for fully 10 minutes.I took pity and told them the lights were stuck, so they then drove through.

The lights were then moved to anther street................. and stayed stuck on red for another two weeks! Until someone stuck a black plastic bag over them!