How do you deal with tailgaters?

How do you deal with tailgaters?



Original Poster:

2,360 posts

220 months

Sunday 23rd June
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I have always just held a steady speed, sometimes pulled into a bus stop or layby.

However, on my drive home there is a new 20mph stretch on a previous 30, which has no escape routes for 2 miles or so. I have someone in a SUV being particularly silly, pretending to ram me, back off, then ram again. I have 22 mph on the sat nav and hold it.

Problem is I now realise I perhaps spend far too much time looking in the rear view mirror as up ahead an oncoming car is now heading straight for me as they have overtaken a cyclist - I see this late but manage to veer left and all is well.

I did not realise I was so fixated on the clown behind me.

But anyone care to share some tips for dealing with tailgaters and not least the very aggressive ones??


11,661 posts

212 months

Sunday 23rd June
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I am of an age now where I really couldn't give a fk what people behind want to do. If they behave like idiots then thats up to them as long as they don't drive into me.

Surely there was an opportunity for them to overtake?


348 posts

3 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Why do you need tips? Just get on with your journey.


1,018 posts

65 months

Sunday 23rd June
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jondude said:
I have always just held a steady speed, sometimes pulled into a bus stop or layby.

However, on my drive home there is a new 20mph stretch on a previous 30, which has no escape routes for 2 miles or so. I have someone in a SUV being particularly silly, pretending to ram me, back off, then ram again. I have 22 mph on the sat nav and hold it.

Problem is I now realise I perhaps spend far too much time looking in the rear view mirror as up ahead an oncoming car is now heading straight for me as they have overtaken a cyclist - I see this late but manage to veer left and all is well.

I did not realise I was so fixated on the clown behind me.

But anyone care to share some tips for dealing with tailgaters and not least the very aggressive ones??
Can't you just ignore them?


40,345 posts

199 months

Sunday 23rd June
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jondude said:
I have always just held a steady speed, sometimes pulled into a bus stop or layby.

However, on my drive home there is a new 20mph stretch on a previous 30, which has no escape routes for 2 miles or so. I have someone in a SUV being particularly silly, pretending to ram me, back off, then ram again. I have 22 mph on the sat nav and hold it.

Problem is I now realise I perhaps spend far too much time looking in the rear view mirror as up ahead an oncoming car is now heading straight for me as they have overtaken a cyclist - I see this late but manage to veer left and all is well.

I did not realise I was so fixated on the clown behind me.

But anyone care to share some tips for dealing with tailgaters and not least the very aggressive ones??
Tbh if it's that bad I'd probably put the LH indicator on, slow to 5mph and let him overtake.


5,495 posts

131 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Personally I just let them sit and tailgate


126 posts

59 months

Sunday 23rd June
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The right thing to do is obviously proceed as normal.

A hard dab on the breaks tends to send the message though.


616 posts

17 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Bigends said:
Personally I just let them sit and tailgate
My view too.

Although, if I am feeling really pressured, I put my lights on. The flash of a red light at the rear does occasionally have the desired effect. Haven't done that for years mind you.


2,612 posts

205 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Flick the rear view mirror down so you can’t really see them and carry on as you were.

Chris Peacock

2,343 posts

137 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Brake check them while lobbing cans of redbull, then floor it to teach them a lesson.


7,630 posts

139 months

Sunday 23rd June
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In the city slow down enough to double the gap to the car ahead. On the theory I don't want to have to do more than gentle braking with an idiot behind me.

On open road driving if a car catches me up, first straight went come to I indicate left and let it past. Assuming quiet roads and nothing ahead of me.

Quiet roads do happen. I left Glasgow at 0500 last week to catch an early ferry in Mallaig. Hardly saw another car the first two hours. Great being able to drive at my chosen speed rather than following traffic.


7,892 posts

220 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Depends on my mood.

Sometimes I'll ignore them (right thing to do)
Sometimes I'll subtly brake test them (wrong thing to do)
Sometimes I'll indicate, pull over and let them overtake. However, I did encounter one who simply wouldn't drive past even when I'd come to a complete stop. Horn beeping, flashing headlights etc. In the end I took a different route to where I wanted to go by watching their signal and going on a completely different road. Lots of can shaking as he went the other way.


348 posts

3 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Dsdans said:
The right thing to do is obviously proceed as normal.

A hard dab on the breaks tends to send the message though.
Have a break have a kit kat.


702 posts

122 months

Sunday 23rd June
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I find that a spray of the screenwash usually works, even with the French.

Wheel Turned Out

667 posts

41 months

Sunday 23rd June
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The best method is to mutter "bcensoredocks to you mate" and go about your journey unbothered.

Maybe if you come to some lights or something and lock eyes in the mirror, give them a cheery smile just to really piss them off.


6,211 posts

264 months

Sunday 23rd June
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It’s never an issue for me, I never seem to get tailgated.


960 posts

160 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Buy a Tesla and blast forward


51,073 posts

158 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Heathwood said:
Flick the rear view mirror down so you can’t really see them and carry on as you were.
This. I just ignore them, stick some music on and chill. If they do it for a long time then I'll pull in and check the news for a few moments.

Defensive driving and avoid confrontation. No brake testing.


1,188 posts

15 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Some people are thick so they just won't get the message.

Wipers/washers are usually first attempt but depending upon the car and the road just slowing down a bit reduces the chance of a rear end shunt or slow down and park up, let them wait for the traffic to clear before they can get around my parked car.

This usually delays them even more..


8,135 posts

283 months

Sunday 23rd June
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In my experience pull in and let them go at the earliest opportunity to be someone else's problem anything else risks stupendously mental behaviour from them. It's just not worth it.

Just ignoring the nutters doesn't always work they just get more and more wound up.

Edited by Narcisus on Sunday 23 June 15:46