Sold a property using dual agents. Agent chasing me

Sold a property using dual agents. Agent chasing me



Original Poster:

61 posts

67 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Boom78 said:
I know this doesn’t answer your question but I’ve often wondered how agents track who sold/bought and subsequently chase for fees. Do they spend their time trawling land registry and cross referencing against their database? Wouldn’t they be better using their time to try and sell houses than be ambulance chasers?
Exactly this. They employ a firm to trawl the land registry and check the names of new owners against properties they listed but did not sell.


1,545 posts

264 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Agent A is the successful party, but it depends on the T&C. Did you do a new agreement for the dual agents?

Some are on 60/40 or 70/30, some are winner takes all.


Original Poster:

61 posts

67 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Thanks for all your replies.
I have requested a copy of the T&C's from Agent B.

To clarify....
This firm acting on behalf of Agent B are insinuating that THEY introduced the buyer first, and that even though I have shown them proof that Agent A had the first viewing, they don't believe that viewing took place!?!?


1,067 posts

95 months

Wednesday 19th June
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I would ask them for full details of the basis of their claim and the documentation to back that up before offering any information at all.

It is there case to prove in my view.


2,441 posts

122 months

Wednesday 19th June
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I don't follow the timeframe on this, maybe because I am reading it whilst in a meeting (or maybe because I only have one property so if I was selling it, I would have a good handle on who was viewing etc.).

Agent B was only on the scene for one week, how was that long enough for somebody to view the house twice (first via Agent B and then via Agent A) to make an offer and without flagging up an issue? Or, is the story that they viewed with Agent A before Agent B was appointed, then visited via Agent B during their one week stint, and then ultimately put in the offer based on their original prior viewing with Agent A?

Didn't the two agents give the names of who was visiting and that flag an issue?

Seems like a really basic task when selling a house through two agents is to know who has viewed it with each agent prior to accepting an offer.

I have only sold one house but the estate agent send through very clear details of viewings for my information.


Original Poster:

61 posts

67 months

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The agents I was dealing with at estate agents B had no idea this firm had even been instructed to Ambulance Chase me.

They've now been told to stand down, and was quite clear they were trying to frighten me into paying over £3k which they legally weren't entitled to.


62,300 posts

220 months

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