What is your local election coverage like?

What is your local election coverage like?



9,228 posts

117 months

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One leaflet from Labour.
Fourteen leaflets from the Conservatives.
Seven leaflets from Lib Dems
One from an independent


2,333 posts

175 months

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Daily leaflets from the Tories, although you wouldnt know as I think there is only one mention of the word on the whole leaflet.

There is also no real mention of what he proposes to do or what he stands for, only that its a marginal seat and its vote for him or get the SNP.

This is the same guy that was thoroughly rattled by people looking at him while he was doing his hustings the other night.


11,394 posts

182 months

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2 labour leaflets, nothing local just parroting the Kier messaging.

3 tory ones

nothing else. No signs in peoples gardens.

Grant Shapps came round door knocking at the inlaws.


9,907 posts

257 months

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Roughly one or two from each set of clowns posted into our mailbox. They are all then carefully placed, unread, in a bucket on my doorstep by me below our mailbox that has a polite “ no election material thank you “ label on it. A clear sign, and a bucket very obviously full of waterlogged election crap beneath, and yet they keep on coming. I think this probably sums politicians up.


7,248 posts

60 months

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We have had junk from one party or another in every post for the last few weeks. No idea what any of it says as they went straight in the bin. One person did knock on the door (despite a sign saying not to) and ask who I was going to be voting for. I said not them and closed the door. What I have thought a bit odd though, is that one of the two polling stations in our village isn't being used this time. There isn't normally a queue, but it isn`t exactly encouraging people to make the effort to vote.


2,939 posts

40 months

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Loads and loads of leaflets, but no door knocking.


24,408 posts

223 months

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bigpriest said:
Had a car driving around making garbled announcements. It was like the 1970's.
....you on the motorcycle....


1,383 posts

40 months

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We're in a new constituency. We've been bombarded with leaflets, personally addressed letters, faux newspapers and knocks on the door from the Lib Dems. They must have spent a fortune. A few bits from the incumbent for the old constituency (James Gray) and an independent has (illegally) fly-posted the area with stuff that has since been removed.

Riley Blue

21,166 posts

229 months

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We have postal votes and sent them last week so all the bumph that has arrived since has been pointless. We've had a lot of it too as we also have a council election so seven general election candidates plus five for the council ward.

One Labour canvasser, no others. I told him what I tell any that call and watched him toddle off ticking the box... biggrin


11,588 posts

287 months

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Lots of leaflets - both hand delivered and individually addressed, especially from Labour as they are in with a chance of winning this constituency for the first time ever (plus Kier Starmers came for a visit).

Plenty of national coverage too (as we are easy to get to for London based journos biggrin )

Hants PHer

5,900 posts

114 months

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I'm in the new constituency of Hamble Valley and we've had leaflets from all six candidates standing here, but no visits in person. As someone else said, in 40 years of being a home owner I've never once had a 'door knocker' from any political party. It's odd because the various candidates always say "What I'm hearing on the doorstep is........"; well, not round here you're not.

There's a few signs in front gardens, but only a few, and it all feels very subdued. More interest in Euro 2024 to be honest.


15,329 posts

93 months

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The only leaflet I've had recently has been from a couple of young lads trying to drum up business for their dog walking enterprise over the school holidays.


11,588 posts

287 months

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Truckosaurus said:
Lots of leaflets - both hand delivered and individually addressed, especially from Labour ...
Had two (2) more personally addressed leaflets from Labour in today's post. I assume 'national' leaflets don't count towards the local candidate's budget limit?

I wouldn't mind but I sent in my postal vote last week, so it is all wasted on me.


19,748 posts

231 months

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No leaflets, no door knocks, few small signs dotted around and tied to lampposts, but you'd be forgiven for not realising there was an election on Thursday around here.

Sheets Tabuer

19,225 posts

218 months

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My MP knocked my door last night, had a 10 minute chat with him.

Nothing from Labour or the lib dems but then he does have 24k majority so not sure they are putting much into the fight.


4,364 posts

176 months

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I am in Tatton. We have had quite a few leaflets now, mostly from Labour who are really pushing hard, but several from the Conservatives. Only one from the Liberal democrats and Reform apiece. We have had two 'door knock' visits, one from Labour, one from the Conservatives. Both were by activists rather than the candidate but this is geographically a fairly large constituency. Both activists were good at it.


17,000 posts

231 months

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Some chap came to the door yesterday. Didn't linger when I told him I wasn't registered to vote...couldn't tell you what party he was...not a rosette in sight.


18,209 posts

269 months

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To give our Labour candidate his due he did actually come around knocking on doors. Without realising who he was – I assumed Labour canvasser – I launched a tirade about school fee VAT (which would have seriously fked us up ten years ago). I must admit I lost my st a little bit and he retreated off the driveway. Then my wife bked me for being rude, and letting my dinner get cold. grumpy


1,095 posts

14 months

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had one leaflet through the door from the lib dems, nothing else, seems like they arent really trying


3,199 posts

249 months

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one A4 size from Labour which was clearly a generic national one with two spaces for the local candidate picture and a few words about "local issues"
one A5 size from Reform with no mention of the local candidate and no photo.

I was in a solid Conservative seat but following boundary changes am now in a fairly solid Labour seat.
Labour are unlikely to get many votes from this end of the seat.

The Conservative candidate was/is something with Hertfordshire council so will clearly be in touch with local issues here in the Midlands - is that really the best they could come up with.

Candidates standing for
Workers Party of Britain