Why are you voting Labour? - Another election poll

Why are you voting Labour? - Another election poll

Poll: Why are you voting Labour? - Another election poll

Total Members Polled: 202

Always supported them: 6%
Starmer will be a great PM: 9%
Manifesto promises: 2%
Competent local MP: 3%
Had enough of the Tories: 62%
Tactical voting: 17%


2,786 posts

70 months

Friday 28th June
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I resent having my voting choice boiling down to a single issue, yet again, is it the sixth time in a row? However Labour has put up a strong candidate in our area, so I've voted for the man who represents the best chance of ejecting the SNP idiot I helped vote in as a vain hope of stopping Brexit.

Apologies for my part in demolishing what little is left of the economy and infrastructure, I don't expect Labour to be anything other than even worse than the existing self serving swines. However, in this instance, risking generational economic disaster is worth it for giving the Yellow Peril a good kicking at the ballot box.

I find it interesting that for so many this election is not about voting for something, but against something else. I'd really like to vote "for" something next time, but they all seem useless.

Edited by hiccy18 on Friday 28th June 22:46


8,139 posts

29 months

Saturday 29th June
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1) Our sitting tory MP needs to go. Just useless.
2) We're going to have a labour government, get used to it. Having more moderate Southern, rural labour MPs might be a good thing, when the Northern townie commies turn on Starmer.
3) It won't make any difference!
4) The more the tory party gets beaten to a pulp, the more chance of it evolving into something useful. Or being replaced by something useful.

Pit Pony

8,980 posts

124 months

Saturday 29th June
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fat80b said:
Somewhatfoolish said:
Kick tories in face.

Probably gonna cost me loads of money too through CGT increase.

But kicking tories in face more important.

And I say that as a conservative party member.
F1GTRUeno said:
Nope. Voting Labour purely because I'm sick of the fking Tories.

It's st now, it'll likely be st with Labour in charge too but you hope that they won't take the absolute fking piss like this current cabal of Tories have.
It's a terribly sad state of affairs when the *whole country are prepared to vote in an ideology that they don't actually agree with just to send a message to the last lot and that the last lot deserve it.

I predict that we are going to end up with an awful lot of regret a few years down the line..... And looking at this future (whenever it may be - 1 term, 2 terms, or 3 terms even), I wonder how many people who put their cross in the labour box this time around will deny the fact that they did so........
I've voted Labour (apart from when I voted lib dem) in every election since the 80s.
I have vivid memories of growing up in Merseyside with a Thatcher government. When I went to Polytechnic, in the Midlands, I couldn't get my head around the fact that people my age had real jobs, whereas anyone not going to further education was joining a YTS scheme back home. The conservatives let manufacturing die a slow death in the UK and labour under B'LIar didn't fix it.
But let's face it Britian has never been that great. Has the NHS every been a success ? Have the Police ever not been corrupt and underfunded and institutionally sexist racist and homophobic? Have we ever invested in the right things, used education as a way out of poverty. Have we ever treated the poor and infirm with dignity? Were politicians ever honest?

Anyway if you want a sing along in the pub tonight.



25,953 posts

196 months

Saturday 29th June
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You appear to be arguing that the post-war settlement was rubbish and never did anyone any favours. Evidence suggests you're wrong, although hindsight reveals plenty of flaws to choose from in how it was executed by every govt from Atlee onwards.


4,395 posts

132 months

Saturday 29th June
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fat80b said:
It's a terribly sad state of affairs when the *whole country are prepared to vote in an ideology that they don't actually agree with just to send a message to the last lot and that the last lot deserve it.

I predict that we are going to end up with an awful lot of regret a few years down the line..... And looking at this future (whenever it may be - 1 term, 2 terms, or 3 terms even), I wonder how many people who put their cross in the labour box this time around will deny the fact that they did so........
It shows just how terrible the incumbents are I guess.

I wonder how many people would regret and deny voting Conservative if they got in again given their abysmal track record.


3,764 posts

107 months

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CloudStuff said:
Andrea Jenkins, Mark Francois, IR35, kids unable to access dentistry, food banks, covid fraud, Johnson's daughter in the house of lords, partygate, Theresa May trashing the police, the war on farming and farmers, HS2, the shrinking size of the army, tax thresholds, speed limits / cameras / the war on motorists, 20 mph zones, LTNs, class sizes, crap SEN provision, Michael Fabricant, Gavin Williamson, sewage in rivers and seas, Brexit red tape, zero growth, no long term plan, no interest in investment the country, Liz Truss, the trashing of the LSE.

But mainly, Gavin and Andrea. WTAF?

Oh yes, and Matt Hancock - tt

Edited by CloudStuff on Thursday 27th June 11:14
Shameful omission from my list.

Grenfell, the causes of the Grenfell and the actions taken afterwards.

For that reason alone, the conservatives can get f*cked.


Original Poster:

6,667 posts

221 months

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YouGov poll asking broadly the same question here


40,420 posts

199 months

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HoHoHo said:
I’m assuming anyone voting for Labour have been convinced the public sector will have money thrown at them and the NHS for example will suddenly be fixed(take the doctors who have just announced they’re going on strike for 5 days).

Sadly I think they’ll be disappointed.
They can't fk Public Services up any more than the Tories have.

Not only have they spent the last 14 years fking them up, they decided to make things even worse by cutting NI in a desperate bid to stay in power.


2,766 posts

140 months

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Rivenink said:
Had enough of the Tories.

I don't see Starmer revolutionising anything. But I do expect to see a reduction in sleaze & corruption, and a Government less concerned about saving "big dog" from internal party coups and more concerned with running the country.
Same here.

Pan Pan Pan

10,020 posts

114 months

Yesterday (10:39)
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John D. said:
HoHoHo said:
I’m assuming anyone voting for Labour have been convinced the public sector will have money thrown at them and the NHS for example will suddenly be fixed(take the doctors who have just announced they’re going on strike for 5 days).

Sadly I think they’ll be disappointed.

I'm just sick of the Tory st show.
That is exactly how most people felt, after the sh*tshow which was the last labour administration. And so the roundabout of doom carries on, and on and on.


13,199 posts

103 months

Yesterday (10:51)
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I always voted Blair, simply because he was more capable than Major/ William Hague/ IDS/ Michael Howard. The one and only time I voted Tory was for Boris, not because I liked him, but because Corbyn would have been a disaster.

Voted Labour this time, as the Torys don't deserve to be in power. Austerity which never ended, record tax highs, sleaze (who'd have thunk it!) Rishi helping out his rich mates and relatives. I could never vote for the pound shop Enoch Powell that is Farage, so that just leaves Labour. Personally, I'd prefer them if Rachel Reeves was PM, but as number 2 I think she'll do a decent job.

With any luck, as much as I loath NF, I hope that reform become the opposition. The Torys could do with being the third party for a while, so that their long held view within that they 'have the right to govern' is completely quashed.

Pan Pan Pan

10,020 posts

114 months

Yesterday (10:57)
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Fermit said:
I always voted Blair, simply because he was more capable than Major/ William Hague/ IDS/ Michael Howard. The one and only time I voted Tory was for Boris, not because I liked him, but because Corbyn would have been a disaster.

Voted Labour this time, as the Torys don't deserve to be in power. Austerity which never ended, record tax highs, sleaze (who'd have thunk it!) Rishi helping out his rich mates and relatives. I could never vote for the pound shop Enoch Powell that is Farage, so that just leaves Labour. Personally, I'd prefer them if Rachel Reeves was PM, but as number 2 I think she'll do a decent job.

With any luck, as much as I loath NF, I hope that reform become the opposition. The Torys could do with being the third party for a while, so that their long held view within that they 'have the right to govern' is completely quashed.
You do know that Starmer is on 365 thousand pounds a year don't you? Do you know how many times Blair is a millionaire?
They are all
as bad as each other, Any one who thinks they are not, is just kidding themselves.


2,333 posts

175 months

Yesterday (11:06)
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I wanted to vote for Labour as it might be nice to have a government which maybe isnt so blatantly corrupt and repeatedly parrots proven lies. Although they will get there too in time.

Where I live its neck and neck between SNP and the Tories, and the Tory candidate is just a censored to be honest. He was recently rattled at his hustings by people looking at him... and he then threatened them when he was able to speak.

The SNP are a shower up here too, but I do like the local guy, so with a deep breath and thumb and index finger pinching my note I put a cross in their box.


4,115 posts

52 months

Yesterday (11:10)
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Pan Pan Pan said:
John D. said:
HoHoHo said:
I’m assuming anyone voting for Labour have been convinced the public sector will have money thrown at them and the NHS for example will suddenly be fixed(take the doctors who have just announced they’re going on strike for 5 days).

Sadly I think they’ll be disappointed.

I'm just sick of the Tory st show.
That is exactly how most people felt, after the sh*tshow which was the last labour administration. And so the roundabout of doom carries on, and on and on.
Yeah, by 2010 we were all pretty much sick of functioning public services, an NHS in the top handful of health services in the world, a strong international reputation. Exactly the same as now.

Pan Pan Pan

10,020 posts

114 months

Yesterday (11:31)
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CloudStuff said:
CloudStuff said:
Andrea Jenkins, Mark Francois, IR35, kids unable to access dentistry, food banks, covid fraud, Johnson's daughter in the house of lords, partygate, Theresa May trashing the police, the war on farming and farmers, HS2, the shrinking size of the army, tax thresholds, speed limits / cameras / the war on motorists, 20 mph zones, LTNs, class sizes, crap SEN provision, Michael Fabricant, Gavin Williamson, sewage in rivers and seas, Brexit red tape, zero growth, no long term plan, no interest in investment the country, Liz Truss, the trashing of the LSE.

But mainly, Gavin and Andrea. WTAF?

Oh yes, and Matt Hancock - tt

Edited by CloudStuff on Thursday 27th June 11:14
Shameful omission from my list.

Grenfell, the causes of the Grenfell and the actions taken afterwards.

For that reason alone, the conservatives can get f*cked.
The fire at Grenfell tower happened, because a change in Part L of the Building Regulations, which
required building owners, to upgrade the thermal insulation characteristics of an existing building, where the cost of remedial works above a certain figure was to be carried out. resulted in the building being clad in an unsuitable insulation material. A change introduced, when labour were last in power. So perhaps you should also say that the labour party can get f*cked?


3,332 posts

83 months

Yesterday (11:49)
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Pan Pan Pan said:
The fire at Grenfell tower happened, because a change in Part L of the Building Regulations, which
required building owners, to upgrade the thermal insulation characteristics of an existing building, where the cost of remedial works above a certain figure was to be carried out. resulted in the building being clad in an unsuitable insulation material. A change introduced, when labour were last in power. So perhaps you should also say that the labour party can get f*cked?
Did the Labour legislation require use of a non-compliant cladding due to lax regulation and unwelcome cost pressures on local government?

If government A introduces a law mandating airbags in cars, then government B deregulates the car industry and reduces funding for the body charged with certifying and inspecting airbag installations...and then a non-compliant airbag fails and kills the driver, is government A to blame?


13,199 posts

103 months

Yesterday (12:04)
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Pan Pan Pan said:
You do know that Starmer is on 365 thousand pounds a year don't you? Do you know how many times Blair is a millionaire?
They are all
as bad as each other, Any one who thinks they are not, is just kidding themselves.
I'm not voting for anyone based on their earnings or wealth. I'm voting for who I think will do the best job as PM.


4,115 posts

52 months

Yesterday (12:06)
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Pan Pan Pan said:
Fermit said:
I always voted Blair, simply because he was more capable than Major/ William Hague/ IDS/ Michael Howard. The one and only time I voted Tory was for Boris, not because I liked him, but because Corbyn would have been a disaster.

Voted Labour this time, as the Torys don't deserve to be in power. Austerity which never ended, record tax highs, sleaze (who'd have thunk it!) Rishi helping out his rich mates and relatives. I could never vote for the pound shop Enoch Powell that is Farage, so that just leaves Labour. Personally, I'd prefer them if Rachel Reeves was PM, but as number 2 I think she'll do a decent job.

With any luck, as much as I loath NF, I hope that reform become the opposition. The Torys could do with being the third party for a while, so that their long held view within that they 'have the right to govern' is completely quashed.
You do know that Starmer is on 365 thousand pounds a year don't you? Do you know how many times Blair is a millionaire?
They are all
as bad as each other, Any one who thinks they are not, is just kidding themselves.
If you look at the UK's governments and you can't see any differences in intent, ability to deliver on that intent, and outcomes, then you really shouldn't be getting involved in a debate about politics. For any definition of "bad" they are not all as bad as each other. But I know this isn't a serious point, it's just a disingenuous thought-terminating cliche, and it's all you've got left, which is mildly amusing in itself.


1,229 posts

45 months

Yesterday (12:32)
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While my vote was tactical, a Labour win seems locked in but I'm keen to see a real shake-up at Tier 2 (maybe even a Liberal opposition, that would be fun...), I don't think it's that simple.

Starmer's work over that 5 years isn't a thing of no consequence. In 2019 I voted Tory before because of Corbyn, and that says something because I viewed (and view) Johnson as a creature for whom the gutter is too good.

Labour genuinely seem okay now, or at least de-risked; maybe I'll be slightly disadvantaged by the tax situation but it's not like I'll be alone in that.


10,685 posts

194 months

Yesterday (14:11)
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I'm a centrist, I'd have no issue voting Tory if it made sense to me, but I haven't so far.

I can't think of a single policy or change they've made since 2010 that's made my life, or that of the majority better. Austerity was terrible, and really has never ended, it's left us in a pretty undesirable position of terrible public services, with record national debt and near record tax levels. Yes, Covid, but other counties have done better.

I was pleased they gave us a vote on PR, but then purposely sunk it by choosing the very worst type of PR they could think of with a coy "take it or leave it".

When it came to Brexit, they utterly failed to meet their stated goal of keeping us in, unlike the PR vote they gave Leave a blank cheque a 'simple in or out' vote - great, Leave could promise all things to all people, and when, inevitably, they couldn't deliver all things to all people, they blamed "remoaners". Nothing positive has come out of Brexit, and it doesn't look as if it ever will. The negotiations were just stupid, it was all about Boris' ego and job and little to do what was best for the UK.

At every opportunity they've shown utter contempt for voters. Sold the Royal Mail to Hedge Funds at a loss, I'm sure they were rewarded personally. Spunked billions on HS2 and cancelled it, held parties in No10 whilst The Queen mourned her Husband alone, gave millions for PPE to freshly minted companies their friends owned, built zero new hospitals, lied, cheated and stabbed their own friends and colleagues in the back to further themselves, 5 prime ministers in 8 years, including one that was outlived by a lettuce and still somehow managed to cost us billions.

From Cameron to Sunak, they've failed to uphold their stated core values of Individual freedom and the right to social justice, the right to free enterprise and industry or protect our dignified institutions and traditions. Instead, they've gone for self-service and greed.