


3,973 posts

33 months

TheK1981 said:
Thats the point, if a council says that officially they have 1 person homeless and its him, a year later hes still homeless people will question why and want to blame someone, when there isnt someone to blame, the council will know his situation so more detail listed showing homeless doesnt want help, homeless in a hostel, homeless other

Personally I think all right to buy should stop, and councils be given more power so say to developers you have x amount of time to build or it will be sold to the council and we will build, stop land banking
When it’s down to a handful you’ll have a point. For now it isn’t and there is a huge amount of political fault. Albeit that was true pre conservatives too.


3,973 posts

33 months

Ken_Code said:
My wife works in Charing Cross where there are quite a lot of “elective” homeless (as in they have moved there) and she’s very often harassed and propositioned on her way to and from the office.
Any sympathy I once had has been eroded by what they put her through.
I’m sure the words were really tough for her, is there a fundraiser?

More seriously it isn’t nice to experience, but it’s hardly as bad as being homeless.


40,420 posts

199 months

Spare tyre said:
Horrid thing to say, but stopping rewarding cretins for breeding with free houses and “pay” would be a good start
No it wouldn't. You get plenty of homelessness in countries where there is no free housing or benefits.

The difference between us an them is we (most of us) think we should try and help the poor bds in some small way.


3,973 posts

33 months

Europa Jon said:
Evanivitch said:
Spare tyre said:
Horrid thing to say, but stopping rewarding cretins for breeding with free houses and “pay” would be a good start

Edited by Spare tyre on Monday 1st July 10:06
So punish babies and children?
That's an easy retort, but you're right. The solution is to prevent career benefits cheats from breeding -
compulsory sterilisation in order to receive further state handouts. If you can't afford children, you shouldn't have them.
We will definitely need open borders for that policy. More affluent people aren’t having enough children so cut that off and you can kiss your pension goodbye.


4,333 posts

37 months

Countdown said:
No it wouldn't. we should try and help the poor bds in some small way.
How about you invite them round to your house and put them up in the spare room? Or is this one of those socialist things where everybody else is supposed to step up and pay for your warm, cuddly ideas?


40,420 posts

199 months

Panamax said:
Countdown said:
No it wouldn't. we should try and help the poor bds in some small way.
How about you invite them round to your house and put them up in the spare room? Or is this one of those socialist things where everybody else is supposed to step up and pay for your warm, cuddly ideas?
Don’t be so pathetic. We have a thing called Social Housing. It’s supposed to be there to provide homes for people who would otherwise struggle and be living on the streets. It’s no more “cuddly socialist” than providing unemployment benefits, free healthcare, free education.


Original Poster:

463 posts

9 months

quotequote all
Countdown said:
Don’t be so pathetic. We have a thing called Social Housing. It’s supposed to be there to provide homes for people who would otherwise struggle and be living on the streets. It’s no more “cuddly socialist” than providing unemployment benefits, free healthcare, free education.
True. my feeling is anyone born in this country gets priority bar certain exclusions etc, I think single men are discriminated against , which is sad really.


Original Poster:

463 posts

9 months

quotequote all
One statistic I saw was the aging prison population, elderly people going to jail for a roof over their heads, and food.


3,579 posts

218 months

quotequote all
mickythefish said:
One statistic I saw was the aging prison population, elderly people going to jail for a roof over their heads, and food.
And sex now, apparently. Looks OK to be honest.


129 posts

2 months

quotequote all
mickythefish said:
One statistic I saw was the aging prison population, elderly people going to jail for a roof over their heads, and food.
I'd like to see the source to back that up please. Do you honestly believe that normally law abiding citizens are committing crimes at the threshold to warrant prison just to get food and shelter?


Original Poster:

463 posts

9 months

quotequote all
phil1979 said:
And sex now, apparently. Looks OK to be honest.
Lol drugs, sex and booze, yeh prison isn't all bad.


Original Poster:

463 posts

9 months

quotequote all
Zolvaro said:
I'd like to see the source to back that up please. Do you honestly believe that normally law abiding citizens are committing crimes at the threshold to warrant prison just to get food and shelter?
The UK prison population is aging that is clear just Google it.

It happens in Japan, no reason why it doesn't happen here.



129 posts

2 months

quotequote all
mickythefish said:
Zolvaro said:
I'd like to see the source to back that up please. Do you honestly believe that normally law abiding citizens are committing crimes at the threshold to warrant prison just to get food and shelter?
The UK prison population is aging that is clear just Google it.

It happens in Japan, no reason why it doesn't happen here.

The prison population is aging does not equal elderly people are going to prison for food and shelter. That's not even interpreting a statistic, that's twisting a statistic to suit an agenda.

The story from Japan is completely unrelated, they clearly have a lower threshold for prison as the "crime" in the linked story would be worthy of a caution at most here. They also have a different culture, a different type of welfare state, a rapidly aging population even compared to ours. There are lots of things that happen in Japan that do not happen here.


14,075 posts

99 months

quotequote all
Countdown said:
Spare tyre said:
Horrid thing to say, but stopping rewarding cretins for breeding with free houses and “pay” would be a good start
No it wouldn't. You get plenty of homelessness in countries where there is no free housing or benefits.

The difference between us an them is we (most of us) think we should try and help the poor bds in some small way.
There are countries out there where you certainly don't see homeless people at the same frequency though. Other than refugee camps in some areas, like the Iraq border with Syria, I hardly see it in much of the Middle East. That's not to say there aren't shockingly low living standards, there are more than here, but people seem to cobble together a house from some breeze blocks and plastic sheeting rather than live on the streets. Not sure what drives that difference, perhaps population density / cost of land, perhaps more sinister answers.

Dog Star

16,241 posts

171 months

quotequote all
CammyN said:
I take my hat off to organisations such as Pret a manger who donate unsold food to hostels for the homeless, I think that they also donate a percentage of every drink.
Greggs too; I help Mrs DS sometimes as there’s a fair bit of lifting as she collects often quite a bit of stuff from Greggs at end of day and takes it to a soup kitchen. It’s great that this stuff isn’t simply thrown away.

Back on-topic - no doubt people like bhstewie, Chrispmartha and the usual suspect will be calling me a rabid kipper or similar (which I can assure you I am not) for voicing this opinion - there should not be one single British person going without a roof over their heads while we are paying for illegal migrants to be accommodated. It’s bonkers. Put the migrants in tent cities - preferably in the SE which would soon get the powers that be to get off their arses and sort the issue out. Charity begins at home.


40,420 posts

199 months

quotequote all
768 said:
There are countries out there where you certainly don't see homeless people at the same frequency though. Other than refugee camps in some areas, like the Iraq border with Syria, I hardly see it in much of the Middle East. That's not to say there aren't shockingly low living standards, there are more than here, but people seem to cobble together a house from some breeze blocks and plastic sheeting rather than live on the streets. Not sure what drives that difference, perhaps population density / cost of land, perhaps more sinister answers.
You might be surprised by the stats in the link below



14,075 posts

99 months

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They don't seem to have figures for most of the countries I was thinking of.

Harry you Potter

24 posts

1 month

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There was a stand out thread in 2017 about this issue which I read. Details below



23,279 posts

233 months

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My daughter is currently homeless, 200 miles up north. She has a job, minimum wage but in order to keep costs down she was living in a student house with 7 others. Awful for her as they are up partying all the time whilst she needs sleep.

Contract ended 2 weeks ago and she and a friend have spent months looking for a 2 bed to rent but so are loads of other people.

The hotel she works for has given her a room for a few days then she has a pet sitting gig so can sleep there for a couple of weeks.

Then what.

She's 25. When I was her age rent was not a problem even down here in London.

She's welcome to come down and move in with me but what about her life, friends and job.

There has too be many more these days who have jobs but can't find anywhere to live.

I myself know that if my landlord decides to stiff me with a rent increase, I could well be in a similar situation. I'm 61.


717 posts

43 months

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There’s a Youtube channel called Invisible People that interviews homeless people (mostly in the US but they’ve also interviewed a bunch of people in Britaun too) to find out how they ended up homeless, and what life is like for them.
