Going on Holiday in the UK - WHY?

Going on Holiday in the UK - WHY?



3,246 posts

130 months

I don’t mind a short break in the U.K. , a nice Airbnb cottage in Norfolk for a long weekend and we can take the dog aswell, I love a walk on the beach and a nice pub but obviously if the weather is poor it’s right pain, I don’t think I could spend a week or more on holiday in this country.
Greek islands for me


2,289 posts

173 months

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and31 said:
I don’t mind a short break in the U.K. , a nice Airbnb cottage in Norfolk for a long weekend and we can take the dog aswell, I love a walk on the beach and a nice pub but obviously if the weather is poor it’s right pain, I don’t think I could spend a week or more on holiday in this country.
Greek islands for me
Being able to take the dog is a huge plus.

If you're retired or your work is flexible and you're able to book at short notice to take advantage of good weather that's another reason to holiday in the UK.


2,354 posts

174 months

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If you're retired or your work is flexible and you're able to book at short notice to take advantage of good weather that's another reason to holiday in the UK.

Yep we do that all the time.
Check the weather, check the calendar, wiz off to Cornwall (2 hrs) or Devon (1 hr).


36,740 posts

227 months

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My place in North Devon is available for short breaks.................... and has some short notice availability wink

Wacky Racer

38,479 posts

250 months

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I've been abroad plenty of times, New York, France, Canaries, Greece, Albania, Spain, Malta (Used to own a villa there) Morocco, Germany etc.

It wouldn't bother me if I never went again, OK the weather isn't great a lot of the time, but I have a motorhome and there are thousands of great attractions in England, never mind the UK if you get off the beaten tourist trap.

Also I hate the dreaded fiasco of going through customs at the airport and trapped on a jet for several hours there and back, that's two days wasted before you start,

Best holiday I ever had was walking the Pennine Way in 1974,


5,163 posts

162 months

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I really feel for those who don't get pleasure from holidaying in the UK.

I'm pretty lucky in that I've seen a lot of the world and I really think there's fabulous places to visit but the UK is fantastic too.

The weather isn't st - it's just weather, granted there's rubbish food but that's British food. Go self catering and you can cook yourself something decent.

I've not felt a need to holiday outside of the UK for a few years now as so much of the UK is so accessible.

I'm not sure why anyone would ask or even care why some holiday where they do.


7,184 posts

147 months

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zarjaz1991 said:
PurpleTurtle said:
Have you not considered a country where they speak English, or where you can get by in it?

I speak very basic (GCSE level, 30yrs ago) French and German but have holidayed in every major European country either solo or in groups, plus the USA, Canada, Mexico, Africa and India. Zero language difficulties, the most trying circumstances resolved with a phrase book.

Not speaking the lingo is a poor excuse to deny yourself the delights of international travel but each to their own I guess.
To be honest, nowhere abroad particularly appeals to me, and unfortunately it’s been so long since I went abroad that terrible anxiety would kick in….plus I hate flying….I’m best off sticking with what I’m comfortable with. I’m not an adventurous sort at the best of times.

Crap answer I know.
Not a crap answer at all, more a completely honest one.

Lots of people have travel anxieties, nothing to be ashamed of. My grandmother refused to fly, so my grandparents used to have lots of holidays in the HIghlands of Scotland, which they both enjoyed. However my grandfather outlived her by 20yrs, so whilst he was able to he went and saw the world.

The big drawback with the UK can be the changeable weather. We have a relatively short period in June to August when it might be a heatwave but it might be pissing it down with rain. That can hugely impact plans made in advance if the weather goes the wrong way for you.


38,642 posts

201 months

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Anyone saying the weather isn’t st is kidding themselves to the highest level.

My mum just told me she’s had to wear a jacket to take the dogs out. Even where I am in South of France the wind is making it a little irritating, and that’s with sunny 28c weather.


5,175 posts

179 months

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okgo said:
Anyone saying the weather isn’t st is kidding themselves to the highest level.

My mum just told me she’s had to wear a jacket to take the dogs out. Even where I am in South of France the wind is making it a little irritating, and that’s with sunny 28c weather.
It’s really quite bizarre watching them trying to argue that black is white.


36,740 posts

227 months

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okgo said:
Anyone saying the weather isn’t st is kidding themselves to the highest level.

My mum just told me she’s had to wear a jacket to take the dogs out. Even where I am in South of France the wind is making it a little irritating, and that’s with sunny 28c weather.
I've had cold holidays in the Dordogne in July and in Crete in May/June. Other places can have cold weather too


2,434 posts

229 months

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The weather is literally the only problem I can see with holidaying in the UK.

I holidayed in Cornwall as a kid and only have good memories. But I imagine I've conveniently forgotten getting drenched and having to sit in playing board games because the weather's awful.

We're off to Looe with the outlaws later this month. It doesn't help that we live in the South West now anyway, so it doesn't seem like quite such a break to me. We head for the beach most weekends anyway. But I appreciate it's a treat for the outlaws as they all still live in Redditch and a chance for the M-i-L to have a holiday as she's on sticks now.

I'm still not ruling out my wife and daughter insisting they need a last-minute to Mallorca next month if the weather in Looe turns out to be rubbish.


2,928 posts

246 months

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Holiday destinations, for me, are determined by who I am holidaying with.

Just spent 4 days abroad with my 2 best mates; it was warmer than the UK but not too hot - we had a laugh, enjoyed each others company, ate well, drank a fair bit, and it didn't cost the earth.

My son is currently abroad on his first holiday away without us parents, holidaying with 3 of his friends, one who's parents are also there - My daughter will also be off abroad with her best friend and her family at the end of this week - both have gone somewhere hot in the Med

As a family we are all off to the South of Cornwall at the end of this month - 1 week in an AirBnB in a little fishing harbour, just back from the harbour wall, enough space for the dog to behave all doggy, my two children [one just taken his A Level exams, the other has just done her GCSE exams] to chill out a relax after the stresses of late, and a place for the wife to lose herself in her books with a very decent view over the sea. If it rains it rains, we're ok with that having holidayed down there or thereabouts over the years

I would imagine all 4 holidays cost around the same.

Dog Star

16,241 posts

171 months

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okgo said:
Anyone saying the weather isn’t st is kidding themselves to the highest level.

My mum just told me she’s had to wear a jacket to take the dogs out. Even where I am in South of France the wind is making it a little irritating, and that’s with sunny 28c weather.
This. I’ve just tried to sit in the garden at lunch - I was wearing a jacket. Came in because it’s just too cold to sit out.

We have a garden right up at the top behind the house, got a summerhouse with a bar in it and outdoor seating. Not used it at all for the last two years - every now and then I go up to cut the grass and clip branches.

I hate the uk and the weather is the number one reason by miles.


53,289 posts

258 months

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Bill said:
I think this thread divides people along the lines of lizards Vs mammals.
As I said earlier. I like to be active on holiday, I don't like having to get up at 6 so that I'm finished before I melt and can go and have a lie down in the shade by a pool.


38,642 posts

201 months

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blueg33 said:
I've had cold holidays in the Dordogne in July and in Crete in May/June. Other places can have cold weather too
Dordogne is 400km away from me, basically English weather wink

Of course it happens, but it’s the opposite of the U.K. in that it would be unusual for it to be st for a week in much of southern France and the same goes for a great week of sun in the U.K. - both quite unlikely.

A couple more summers like what we are having in the U.K. and I doubt I’ll ever even contemplate a holiday there. And possibly would look to try and retire elsewhere.

Antony Moxey

8,265 posts

222 months

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Well, I haven't worn a coat since late May/early June, and have been in shorts since then (and I'm not a postie either!). The last three or four weekends have been spent in the back garden with BBQs aplenty. The weekend just gone we had a work night out and we all sat outside all night in shorts and t-shirts. Who knew the UK weather was so dreadful all the time everywhere?


36,740 posts

227 months

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okgo said:
blueg33 said:
I've had cold holidays in the Dordogne in July and in Crete in May/June. Other places can have cold weather too
Dordogne is 400km away from me, basically English weather wink

Of course it happens, but it’s the opposite of the U.K. in that it would be unusual for it to be st for a week in much of southern France and the same goes for a great week of sun in the U.K. - both quite unlikely.

A couple more summers like what we are having in the U.K. and I doubt I’ll ever even contemplate a holiday there. And possibly would look to try and retire elsewhere.
Yet in 2021 and during lockdown it was fantastic for months


38,642 posts

201 months

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blueg33 said:
Yet in 2021 and during lockdown it was fantastic for months
not sure citing a time 3 years ago is particularly helpful to your point.

It was an anomaly. As I just wrote in my post to you. A rarity. Welcomed, but unusual. As proved by it not remotely happening since.


3,452 posts

59 months

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I think it's not so much bad weather but your personal attitude to it.
For some it needs to be wall to wall sunshine for a holiday for others it doesn't really matter.


38,642 posts

201 months

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borcy said:
I think it's not so much bad weather but your personal attitude to it.
For some it needs to be wall to wall sunshine for a holiday for others it doesn't really matter.
I think it just makes every possible activity easier and more enjoyable (especially with kids) if it’s not raining/cold.