Effing cancer is an effing effer, frankly

Effing cancer is an effing effer, frankly



22,436 posts

161 months

Friday 28th June
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17,949 posts

187 months

Friday 28th June
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Prolex-UK said:
loafer123 said:
Scrump said:
I haven’t posted about my father and his cancer for a while.
He was diagnosed with liver cancer early 2023. The medical staff gave him a few months to live and suggested we bring his 80th birthday celebrations forward from September.
He made it to September for his birthday.

Before that we went to Thruxton for the weekend in June to watch the historic racing, he loved it as he used to race single seaters.There was an awful unspoken atmosphere hanging over the weekend as we all fully expected it to be his last weekend away.

One year on and we have just returned from another weekend watching historic racing at Thruxton.
He was given a handful of months to live and is still hanging in there almost 18months later.
Good to hear…keep making those memories.
Plus one

Happy for you all
And another


17,949 posts

187 months

Friday 28th June
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Scrump said:
surveyor said:
Eve of my wife's operation. In and out the same day, but we are both pretty nervous,
Good luck to both of you. It will be fine.
First step done. No pain so far but I suspect she’s flying high still. They certainly sent enough pain killers home with her.

Step-son appears to be dealing with it badly and bottling it up. Not ideal.


22,436 posts

161 months

Saturday 29th June
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surveyor said:
First step done. No pain so far but I suspect she’s flying high still. They certainly sent enough pain killers home with her.

Step-son appears to be dealing with it badly and bottling it up. Not ideal.
Good news that it went well and you are both home.
I hope step-son finds a way to cope with it, does he have any siblings who could help?


17,949 posts

187 months

Saturday 29th June
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Scrump said:
surveyor said:
First step done. No pain so far but I suspect she’s flying high still. They certainly sent enough pain killers home with her.

Step-son appears to be dealing with it badly and bottling it up. Not ideal.
Good news that it went well and you are both home.
I hope step-son finds a way to cope with it, does he have any siblings who could help?
Today has been a mare.

The wife continues to feel no pain.

The sibling (our 18 year old daughter) had already booked to go to Ibiza, but obviously was a bit upset. I woke up to a message saying please wake up as she was frightened.

I'm not sure, but think this was mostly due to lack of sleep, too much booze and maybe being spiked. She's on a plane now on the way home. 2 days early but she was no longer enjoying it so I just want her home safe...

Step-lad now communicating by text... Better, but does not feel in a place where he can talk. He's a few hours away and there is no chance of getting there.

I had 3 hours sleep, which is normal this week.

I am stresssed!


22,436 posts

161 months

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Surveyor, that does sound like a bit of a nightmare. Good news on the wife’s lack of pain.

Mexican cuties

703 posts

125 months

Yesterday (13:43)
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the sharing of experiences on here helps so much, after masectomy, horrible reaction to 3rd chemo and 15 sessions of radiotherapy, although the physical side, being lopsided, nice ugly scar is getting easier to accept the mental side was and is still awful after the radiotherapy. it seemed it all just stopped. Then suddenly we had time to say what the hell just happened, the amount of people that have said "so youre cancer free right" ffs really, issues now with weight loss, gp thinks possible damage by radiotherapy to my throat, as often feels like food is stuck, although not eating much, making sure i am eating smaller bits. had hubby concerned several times when i couldnt get a small piece of fruit to go down. now have appointment for camera down throat and stomach to see whats going on, so hard not to think feckin hell throat cancer!!. which gp wants to rule out, christ

didnt realise i had to check the completely flat area as well for any lumps, got told that a week ago, and the horrific prosthetic fake boob fitting, christ, it was a sales woman that practically wrestled me into a bra, no empathy, or compassion, when we arrived, she stated "you only have 20 minutes", then while i am standing there with tears running down my face, she said to husband "doesnt she look hot", for christs sake, did feed that experience to the breast cancer nurse, the thing is still in the box under the bed, that was such a degrading experience which isnt uncommon apparentely!, like many others on here, walking back into the cancer ward for oncology updates to be asked "how can i help" for gods sake, when signed off, oncologist said "your post menapausal", and ?????

sorry to rant guys, wish we had some one that could have prepared us for the crappier side, leaving appointments not knowing what just happened, why didnt they explain this, that and the other, the radiotherapy team at the churchill couldnt have been nicer, always talking to you by first name, although it was pretty much one in one out, never made us feel like that, hubs came in before a zapping session so he could see how i got set up, and they did their best to give us the first appointment so it wasnt too disruptive to his day.

i genuinely belive this bit is the worst, one of the nurses said she hears all the time, they can take my hair and my boob, but my god mentally i am struggling, hugs and thoughts to all on here, we had no experience of any of this until september last year, and i feel so bad when i feel so low, yet people are worse off on their journey, and yes family, what family, now under psychologist, and dietician, husband has been so strong, carer, comforter, punch bag, not literally!! and still doing his job, just trying to get some confidence back now, some small car shows, sat behind the car, with the new shape, appreciating other motors, and car chat, lovely, not as bad as i thought, although have had some proper wardrobe meltdowns, getting there, and almost felt like the good old normal days.

sorry for war and peace, but god that just really helped at this moment - thank you all


22,436 posts

161 months

Yesterday (13:55)
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Mexican cutie, not a rant and no need apologise even if it was.
Sounds like you have been through a lot, I hope you manage to get your head back into a better place and enjoy time with your husband.
Don’t let other people get you down, they are either ignorant and rude or maybe just don’t know what to say as they haven’t been through it. Either way, let them be who they are and you just get on with living your best life.

Mexican cuties

703 posts

125 months

Yesterday (13:59)
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thank you scrump


16,052 posts

249 months

Yesterday (14:07)
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MC do please carefully inspect the 'flat' area, along the scar line, and in the armpit. A family member of mine had a recurrence in both the scar line (after a number or years) and the axilla (fairly soon after the first event) and both were quickly dealt with because of her vigilance. Best wishes.


17,949 posts

187 months

Yesterday (14:11)
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M/C. So early in our journey your experiences make for thoughtful reading, and probably not one that I will show my wife at the moment. She had a lumpectomy on Friday and we get further results towards the end of the month.

Cancer is cruel, and I am having to adjust my own attitude and approach, as someone who very much prefers to avoid emotion. I hope your loved one's are supporting you as best they can and that you have up days to accompany the down days.

I wish you the very best..

Mexican cuties

703 posts

125 months

Yesterday (15:20)
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thank you all, especially the scar advice, had no idea this area had to be checked, only the remaining boob, look good feel better workshops were really good and helpful, helped when i cold capped for the 3 chemos i managed, breast care nurses didnt even mention this was an option, just told me to cut my long hair off as it would be less distressing when it fell out!!!, cold capping did save the hair although thinned slightly.

take a list of questions to every appointment, and if you can check as much as you can, i was nearly put on 2 years of oral chemo as the oncologist looked at the overal area size of the cancer, not the mass, i had small mass which i was told i would never have felt, thank god for the routine mammogram that picked it up, but the dcis surrounding the small mass meant the overall area was larger and the risk of cancer getting bigger and spreading, was instant masectomy. was told masectomy only needed, no further treatment, then after lymph nodes taken out, 3 out of 4 positive, then chemo entered the discussion, then radiotherapy, so we went from believing by christmas 2023 all will be done and we would be back to a normal, and still on this journey now 7 months later. still sinking in

only the radiotherapist oncologist picked up that the mass wouldnt need oral chemotherapy, ive come off of a lot of the breast forums, so scary to see how many women/men recently diagnosed are reaching out to random people as they arent getting all the information from the first point of being told.

obviously this was so new to us, never had any experience of any cancer thank god, so all the leaflets etc, just couldnt prepare us, big learning curve, if i can offer any insight, if it helps, feel free to contact direct, we just went into every appointment with no pre- conceptions towards the end, made it much less emotional than previous appointments, and we have learnt its ok to have a bad day, then take the good days, and we acknowledge together that there will be rows, tears, breakdowns, space to time out, but then we breathe, talk and hug, and try to be more tolerant. i was told there is no manual for this crap, this is your journey, never a truer word, but grateful to still be here , and again thank you for the support, you deffo find out who has your back, and we dont have a massive support network, so this forum helps so much, cancer is a total bstrd, cant believe after years of watching stand up to cancer, when odds were 1 in 3 will be effected, to see it go to 1 in 2, the reality of being 1 of those stats was hard to take in. maybe see some of you sitting in a field behind your pride and joy car soon x


16,052 posts

249 months

Yesterday (17:10)
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I see you're in Bucks MC, where are you being treated? Stoke Mandeville? Wycombe?


7,718 posts

283 months

Yesterday (22:29)
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MC, thank you for sharing. It's good to talk/share/rant here, you're among friends, strange ones, but friends all the same

I learned that people do say the crassest things, and many a time I have wanted to shake someone by the throat and ask them if they ever think before opening their mouth?

(Sorry, me ranting now).

Your husband sounds a saint for the way he's supporting you. I wish I'd been that useful for my wife.

Mexican cuties

703 posts

125 months

thank you all, there is no manual for this bugger, baby steps, days at a time i have heard, and now finally get it, treatment varies between wycombe, stoke and radio therapy at the churchill, which has now finished. One thing we have learnt is not to take things too personally, easier said than done, and its are illness to deal with how we can. there is fantastic support out there mcmillan etc, but we tried to do it on our own, now getting help to get through the fall out and the mental side.

wish you all well with what ever journey you are on, and what stage, been told a lot of times "you have got this", but its ok to have days when you genuinely havent, xx