Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



1,959 posts

171 months

Sunday 30th June
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don'tbesilly said:
markh1973 said:
don'tbesilly said:
markh1973 said:
bhstewie said:
People are carrying on as if the actor chap is the only issue here.

Take him out of things.

There's plenty of other filth both in that video and widely reported.
Plus we have Farage saying that the electorate should still vite for 3 candidates who are no longer Reform candidates in order to show support for Reform.

So encouraging people to vote for people with obnoxious views in order to show support for a party that doesn't have obnoxious views.....
Farage has dropped 3 candidates, have you got a link/source for your allegation here:

markh1973 said:
Plus we have Farage saying that the electorate should still vite for 3 candidates who are no longer Reform candidates in order to show support for Reform.
Yes - it's the 4th paragraph of the BBC story you linked to
So have the Tory party and the Labour Party told their supporters in constituencies where both parties have withdrawn support from their candidates NOT to vote for their parties?
So you now accept Reform are still explicitly asking people to vote for these candidates so have had to switch your argument to - what about xxx?

I haven't seen any of the other parties do what Reform have done here.


2,802 posts

151 months

Sunday 30th June
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valiant said:
bhstewie said:
People are carrying on as if the actor chap is the only issue here.

Take him out of things.

There's plenty of other filth both in that video and widely reported.
Because it’s a crutch to hang onto that means that everything else can’t be questioned.

Besides, aren’t C4 standing by their story? All I’ve seen is Reform and some amateur armchair sleuths putting 2+2 together and making their up answers from that.

It will all come out in the end no doubt and if C4 have been duped or conspired in some funny business then they’ll have to answer for that themselves but as there’s been no definitive answer yet yelling ‘conspiracy’ at this stage is very Trumpian.
Just out of interest how does one uncover a conspiracy without first suspecting a conspiracy?


2,055 posts

166 months

Sunday 30th June
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119 said:
Are you just filling in for Stewie whilst he is doing the washing up?


52,632 posts

213 months

Sunday 30th June
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Funny isn't it.

"Farage has dropped 3 candidates"

"But he's still asking people to vote for them?"

"Prove it"

"Sure here you go"

"No not like that"


53,289 posts

258 months

Sunday 30th June
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NuckyThompson said:
The pissing on chips is a good analogy
No it's really not. The better analogy would be that we befriended someone the bully wanted to influence.

The NATO expansion excuse is precisely that. bks used by Putin to justify his various invasions/incursions to try to maintain some level of cold war soviet influence.

And Farage, or anyone else, trying to make out it's a reasonable course for Putin is giving support for his false justification.


14,927 posts

194 months

Sunday 30th June
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Vasco said:
valiant said:
No they haven’t. It’s just the media are finally holding them to the same scrutiny as the other parties.

Reform and Farage have had a very easy ride since they formed. They were seen as a novelty, a disruption amd given far more airtime than their polling numbers merited at the time.

Now that polling numbers have climbed and Farage decided to stand, a more critical look has been taken. So we see their fantasy manifesto torn to shreds over its costing and implementation, we see remarks Farage made in the past questioned and him asked to explain them. We see the media hold his own party to account for the failings of some of its supporters and candidates and as we saw on QT the other night, pushed on policy (like the Marines comment) where he was asked to explain in detail how he would achieve his goals.

This is nothing more than what’s asked of the other parties and if Reform wants to be seen as a major force in British politics then it must be able to stand up and explain itself and not get into a hissy fit and scream “unfair” when a question or audience appear hostile.

If Reform wants to be seen more than just a fringe party then it seriously needs to get its st together. It lacks professionalism, organisation and detail. Now that the spotlight is on them to a greater degree, it has to able to handle proper scrutiny.
I would suggest that Reform has been 'scrutinised', attacked and rubbished by many people, many times - you've only got to read some of the twaddle on here to know that some Tory or Labour supporters will just never give up and let Reform have a chance to gain a few MPs, ready for 2029. Give them 5-10 MPs and see what they make of it - LibDems and Greens are largely a waste of space so let's see another Party come in and shake up the 2 main, but poor, alternatives.
All 3 of the parties Farage has been associated with have been subject to intense scrutiny, yet it's clear they didn't even do the most basic research on their candidates ( 20 minutes on Google would have shown up the comments picked up by the media).
That doesn't suggest the party puts much effort into the candidates, just as the recent answer about how to return asylum seekers and the admission their contract isn't actually fiscally valid suggest a distinct lack of preparation by the party.


2,055 posts

166 months

Sunday 30th June
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Tonberry said:
The desire for a reduction in immigration isn't inherently racist. There are many reasons (imagined or otherwise) why someone may want less people entering a country.

But taking issue with immigration based on the skin colour of those arriving is racist.

Racism isn't new, and we know that there are a lot of people in this country who despise ethnic minorities.

Nothing complex about it.
And this is where it gets tricky...

Certain demographics of immigrants are a net drain on the country and are having a destructive effect of our society. Any entry from said demographic should obviously be highly restricted.

This should be done be nationality / status of course but the trouble is that nationality often has a high correlation with skin colour.

The right will say we're controlling based on nationality but the left with say it's on skin colour and therefore racist.

This is the problem with having the left and the right exist in different worlds entirely. With different meanings for the same words. Plus the way discourse is shut down and speech controlled these days, means we cant communicate to re-establish a shared reality.


14,046 posts

166 months

Sunday 30th June
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markh1973 said:
don'tbesilly said:
markh1973 said:
don'tbesilly said:
markh1973 said:
bhstewie said:
People are carrying on as if the actor chap is the only issue here.

Take him out of things.

There's plenty of other filth both in that video and widely reported.
Plus we have Farage saying that the electorate should still vite for 3 candidates who are no longer Reform candidates in order to show support for Reform.

So encouraging people to vote for people with obnoxious views in order to show support for a party that doesn't have obnoxious views.....
Farage has dropped 3 candidates, have you got a link/source for your allegation here:

markh1973 said:
Plus we have Farage saying that the electorate should still vite for 3 candidates who are no longer Reform candidates in order to show support for Reform.
Yes - it's the 4th paragraph of the BBC story you linked to
So have the Tory party and the Labour Party told their supporters in constituencies where both parties have withdrawn support from their candidates NOT to vote for their parties?
So you now accept Reform are still explicitly asking people to vote for these candidates so have had to switch your argument to - what about xxx?

I haven't seen any of the other parties do what Reform have done here.
The Beeb article doesn’t really support your assertion though does it.

Mr Farage told the programme: "I want nothing to do with them."
Asked what Reform would say to voters in the constituencies where the candidates had been dropped, the party spokesman said he would “encourage them to vote for the party, by voting for these people on the ballot paper".
This way, he said people could still vote for Reform's "policy platform".
He added: "I’m not saying the situation is ideal, but the size of the Reform vote share nationally is what matters."

You won’t have seen any of the parties do similar things, you’re not looking. Xx xx


1,449 posts

18 months

Sunday 30th June
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Bill said:
The NATO expansion excuse is precisely that. bks used by Putin to justify his various invasions/incursions to try to maintain some level of cold war soviet influence.
Sorry if I'm missing something but Isn't that what Farage said? Putin used the excuse of Nato / EU attempts at moving ever nearer as a threat to what he wants to get back to i.e. the old USSR, as an excuse to invade Ukraine?


2,802 posts

151 months

Sunday 30th June
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rscott said:
Vasco said:
valiant said:
No they haven’t. It’s just the media are finally holding them to the same scrutiny as the other parties.

Reform and Farage have had a very easy ride since they formed. They were seen as a novelty, a disruption amd given far more airtime than their polling numbers merited at the time.

Now that polling numbers have climbed and Farage decided to stand, a more critical look has been taken. So we see their fantasy manifesto torn to shreds over its costing and implementation, we see remarks Farage made in the past questioned and him asked to explain them. We see the media hold his own party to account for the failings of some of its supporters and candidates and as we saw on QT the other night, pushed on policy (like the Marines comment) where he was asked to explain in detail how he would achieve his goals.

This is nothing more than what’s asked of the other parties and if Reform wants to be seen as a major force in British politics then it must be able to stand up and explain itself and not get into a hissy fit and scream “unfair” when a question or audience appear hostile.

If Reform wants to be seen more than just a fringe party then it seriously needs to get its st together. It lacks professionalism, organisation and detail. Now that the spotlight is on them to a greater degree, it has to able to handle proper scrutiny.
I would suggest that Reform has been 'scrutinised', attacked and rubbished by many people, many times - you've only got to read some of the twaddle on here to know that some Tory or Labour supporters will just never give up and let Reform have a chance to gain a few MPs, ready for 2029. Give them 5-10 MPs and see what they make of it - LibDems and Greens are largely a waste of space so let's see another Party come in and shake up the 2 main, but poor, alternatives.
All 3 of the parties Farage has been associated with have been subject to intense scrutiny, yet it's clear they didn't even do the most basic research on their candidates ( 20 minutes on Google would have shown up the comments picked up by the media).
That doesn't suggest the party puts much effort into the candidates, just as the recent answer about how to return asylum seekers and the admission their contract isn't actually fiscally valid suggest a distinct lack of preparation by the party.
You mean 20 minutes to corroborate them, checking what someone else found on one person out of many is a lot easier than actually finding that one person to start with.


2,802 posts

151 months

Sunday 30th June
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Bill said:
NuckyThompson said:
The pissing on chips is a good analogy
No it's really not. The better analogy would be that we befriended someone the bully wanted to influence.

The NATO expansion excuse is precisely that. bks used by Putin to justify his various invasions/incursions to try to maintain some level of cold war soviet influence.

And Farage, or anyone else, trying to make out it's a reasonable course for Putin is giving support for his false justification.
Sure I mean if the bully told you he doesn't like red shirts and you sit next to him in a red shirt and get punched in the face then your right the whole "I don't like red shirts" thing might be an excuse but you still got punched in the face right? Were Russia and NATO best friends before all of this? I can't quite recall!

Vanden Saab

14,420 posts

77 months

Sunday 30th June
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biggbn said:
VS, this is exactly the point I was making. In my opinion, Farage's comment was deliberately ambiguous so he can have the fall back position you allude to. Culture is a huge spectrum and is not only related to colour, religion or the other 'big hitters'. I'm sorry if I didn't male this clear. Farage is a skilled orator and is clearly advised well on what to say, when, and how far to go and he always leaves himself enough wriggle room for a hands up 'not me guv' impression of innocence.
But how does he become more accurate. When he says 'our' culture he is speaking to everybody who is not from Sunaks sphere if you like. If he said working man to include me he would exclude women or professionals etc. Maybe you could suggest a way he could have put the idea across without being necessarily vague so as to include everybody.
As far as I can see it is only those who see racism in everything who are getting exercised about it while everyone else knew exactly what he meant.


52,632 posts

213 months

Sunday 30th June
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If I had to describe Sunak I'd say I just don't think he gets normal people.

Doesn't seem hard.


5,324 posts

239 months

Sunday 30th June
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I keep reading that not all reform voters are racist but all racists vote for reform. Is racism the only societal trait that we are considering here?

What about other low life's of society? the drug dealers, gun and knife criminals, petty thieves, muggers, squatters; the fraud benefit claimants and the feckless.

I suspect many of those won't vote but I am betting the majority of the ones that do will vote Labour.

Rufus Stone

6,698 posts

59 months

Sunday 30th June
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bhstewie said:
If I had to describe Sunak I'd say I just don't think he gets normal people.

Doesn't seem hard.
Define normal. biggrin


24,408 posts

223 months

Sunday 30th June
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Vanden Saab said:
biggbn said:
VS, this is exactly the point I was making. In my opinion, Farage's comment was deliberately ambiguous so he can have the fall back position you allude to. Culture is a huge spectrum and is not only related to colour, religion or the other 'big hitters'. I'm sorry if I didn't male this clear. Farage is a skilled orator and is clearly advised well on what to say, when, and how far to go and he always leaves himself enough wriggle room for a hands up 'not me guv' impression of innocence.
But how does he become more accurate. When he says 'our' culture he is speaking to everybody who is not from Sunaks sphere if you like. If he said working man to include me he would exclude women or professionals etc. Maybe you could suggest a way he could have put the idea across without being necessarily vague so as to include everybody.
As far as I can see it is only those who see racism in everything who are getting exercised about it while everyone else knew exactly what he meant.
OK VS, different opinions, I'm cool with that. As for seeing racism in everything, you're barking up the wrong tree there brother man. Have a wonderful day, gbn x

Edited by biggbn on Sunday 30th June 11:24

Vanden Saab

14,420 posts

77 months

Sunday 30th June
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bhstewie said:
If I had to describe Sunak I'd say I just don't think he gets normal people.

Doesn't seem hard.
You are suggesting Sunak is abnormal. Bloody hell.


52,632 posts

213 months

Sunday 30th June
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I'm quite comfortable that saying Sunak "doesn't get normal people" is a lot less open to interpretation than someone who leads a party with many openly racist candidates and who's known for using dog-whistle language saying that a Prime Minister of Indian heritage doesn't get "our" culture.


14,170 posts

190 months

Sunday 30th June
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President Merkin said:
OddCat said:
MDMetal said:
Equally trying to claim Farage is somehow Putin's chum because he wisely pointed out that giving a madman with a giant arm a reason to go to war might not be the best plan is somewhat akin to suggesting that telling your friend not to piss in the school bullys chips somehow makes him the bullys bestest chum
Brilliant ! clap

Anyone who can't see this is being deliberately stupid.
Well you two scamps haven't been paying attention now have you? Nearly 20 appearnces on RT before it was banned, the FBI naming him as a person of interest in its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US election. His association with Assange & admission he gave Assange a USB stick containing undisclosed contents while he was holedup in the Ecuadorian embassy. His long association & bankrolling by Aaron Banks & his separate links to Russia. You're free to call peope stupid if you like but it's a bit of a wet fart when you appear oblvious to the reasons why the views you're criticising exist.
Unfortunately some of the allegations you are repeating were investigated by the National Crime Agency and the Electoral Commission who concluded that there was no evidence to support them.

The primary instigator of these rumours was the journalist Carole Cadwalladr who is also the founder of the hard left activist group The Citizens who describe themselves as follows:

The Citizens said:
Experimental by design, we're finding new ways to hold power to account. Because the old ways are broken

Rufus Stone

6,698 posts

59 months

Sunday 30th June
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Vanden Saab said:
bhstewie said:
If I had to describe Sunak I'd say I just don't think he gets normal people.

Doesn't seem hard.
You are suggesting Sunak is abnormal. Bloody hell.
I think he's saying Sunak only gets abnormal people.