45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



62,300 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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trump bragged yesterday about wanting to use his Presidency to make Russia, China, and North Korea great again.

Remember, court docs released a few days ago revealed the suspected $10M payment that kept trump in the race in the last month in 2016 involved China, as well as Egypt.

We know his beholden to Russia and China, taken their money and political assistance for his campaigns, direct and indirect. Completely compromised by foreign money, yet this is who republicans think is for them. Selling US policy for personal profit.


62,300 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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trumps campaign tried another black event, claiming it was just a black business chat, not a trump publicity stunt. Owner said he was misled

Barbershop owner feels “misled” by the trump campaign over a Black small business event turned campaign stunt, says business is now down:
“Why is the …ex-president calling somebody in my barber shop? This has nothing to do with small Black businesses.”


62,300 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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22,425 posts

204 months

Sunday 30th June
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It’s crazy to see the mental gymnastics going on here to defend Biden. Note I said defend Biden, nothing about Trump. Would you honestly trust someone to drive you in a car given the state he was in during the debate, let along run the country? He did well in a speech after when we didn’t have to deal with anything unexpected and could read, but either it shows he is back and forth on his decline, or something weird. And there’s another 4 years to come of decline too during his next term. Honestly anyone defending that is so far down the anti-Trump route as to not see that it makes it MORE likely he gets in.

It will have swayed almost no one’s votes, most Trump supporters will continue, most Dem voters will continue. It’s just the small number of swing voters. By their very definition they don’t view all of Trump’s rambling throughout his career as a major issue, same for some of his lying. If they did they’d be Dem voters. Do you believe they will not be impacted by seeing that terrible mental decline? Are you so certain you’d be willing to go into the election with him?

I would personally out of the 2, but not because of Biden but the team behind. It would be absolutely shocking if Biden did win though, he shouldn’t even drive a car let alone be the lead figure for the most powerful country on earth. He could have ripped Trump to bits when younger, but completely missed it and showed why we normally have a retirement age for people, because you cannot perform the same when you get too old. It’s madness to argue that is ok just because the other person is a horrible person.

paulguitar said:
14 said:
paulguitar said:
14 said:
I’m not surprised that Biden was quite bad in the debate. He’s lost some of his marbles and that’s not too surprising since he’s 81. I’m surprised that Trump did so well to be honest. He wasn’t as good as he was 8 years ago, but compared to his recent performances at his rallies, he was much better.
He lied consistently and simply didn't answer a lot of the questions at all. He just does it confidently. If you read a transcript of what he says, it's surreal.
Of course Trump lied consistently, that hasn’t changed at all in 8 years. I meant that Trump was able to string sentences together coherently in the way he talks.
Yeah, that's what I said, he does it confidently. But he avoided the actual questions and just made up lies about how great his presidency was.

Take this answer to a question about whether he’d take any action to combat the climate crisis if reelected in November.

“I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely immaculate clean air. And we had it. We had H2O,” he said. “We had the best numbers ever and we were using all forms of energy, all forms, everything.”
That says a lot about Biden, anyone with normal brain function could have ripped him apart. Instead he’d either waffle about something random, or make a good point for a sentence and instead of stopping or following it up go on a crazy rambling talk mixing up the issues with others, often half way through the sentence.


7,131 posts

191 months

Sunday 30th June
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Byker28i said:
Bidens performance was poor, but then the next day has an impressive performance at a rally thats being ignored.
ON A TELEPROMPTER. He even uses a teleprompter at fundraisers which has been widely reported.

It's a really simple fundamental question/choice knowing full well who and what Trump is.

1. Run a younger/dynamic and articulate candidate who has an 80-90% chance of winning

2. Run Biden who appears old and confused, is very likely to deteriorate further (I also have experience of family members the same age), who is very unpopular with young voters and polls poorly in general and is very likely to lose one of three critical swing States.

He may well win but I give it a 60% probability which is all down to Trump’s historic unpopularity rather than his own merits. Which was the same in 2020 but Biden is much worse now and has lost a large part of the very constituency he built. I see hardly any young people out there advocating for him today.

Americans don't do nuance, they go off image and a perception of strength. Biden cannot meet that bar and those debate clips are on the internet forever now.

Why on earth take the risk in such a critical moment with such high stakes, this is only likely to get worse.


14,593 posts

251 months

Sunday 30th June
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Kermit power said:
Have you ever lived through a close family member getting dementia?
My wife lost her mum after around 5-year decline that was utterly brutal ending with her in a nursing home attacking my wife because she didn't know who she was, soiling herself etc. my wife would visit her, come home, and weep in the car for 20 minutes before coming in and cleaning up the wounds that she had received from her mum. So yes I understand your suffering and you have my deepest sympathies for what you went through. I always say you lose person twice first to the dementia and then again when they die. I lost my dad to leukaemia and it was horrible but he was still my dad right up to the end. Alzheimer's is one of the very worst ways that you can lose a person that you love. And one of the biggest reasons that I cannot believe in a just and loving God.

Kermit power said:
The comparison you need to make is less between Trump and Biden in this debate but between each man and their 2020 debate performances.
Given your experiences, I'm astonished that you can't see a staggering decline in Trump and all the physical symptoms of dementia that he displays as well as in his speaking.

Yes it was a terrible debate performance from Biden but when you read what was actually said rather than look at the way it was said, Biden is coherent and forms comprehensible statements albeit in a stumbling fashion. Trump just spews words.

The focus on Biden is because that's where the media wants the focus. I would urge you to read that article I posted.

Three edits to get here I hate posting on my phone hehe

Edited by dobbo_ on Sunday 30th June 09:37


12,390 posts

206 months

Sunday 30th June
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cgt2 said:
ON A TELEPROMPTER. He even uses a teleprompter at fundraisers which has been widely reported.

It's a really simple fundamental question/choice knowing full well who and what Trump is.

1. Run a younger/dynamic and articulate candidate who has an 80-90% chance of winning

2. Run Biden who appears old and confused, is very likely to deteriorate further (I also have experience of family members the same age), who is very unpopular with young voters and polls poorly in general and is very likely to lose one of three critical swing States.

He may well win but I give it a 60% probability which is all down to Trump’s historic unpopularity rather than his own merits. Which was the same in 2020 but Biden is much worse now and has lost a large part of the very constituency he built. I see hardly any young people out there advocating for him today.

Americans don't do nuance, they go off image and a perception of strength. Biden cannot meet that bar and those debate clips are on the internet forever now.

Why on earth take the risk in such a critical moment with such high stakes, this is only likely to get worse.
I don't think the solution is as obvious as you suggest.

Firstly, I don't think a replacement candidate would have an 80-90% chance of winning. They might easily beat Trump in a debate, but we know those debates often don't overly influence the result of an election. And a new candidate would not have the benefit of incumbency, which is a strong factor in Biden's favour.

Any replacement would also face extreme scrutiny, so there is plenty of risks as to what might emerge which could damage their electability.

Plus, even if you get a candidate like Newsom, who superficially to me seems the most 'presidential', his track record in California is far from perfect. And plenty of Americans look at some of the problems in California, and how that gets reported in the press, and would be worried how that would translate onto the national stage.

So I think the Democrats will currently be running polling in the key swing states to assess what is cutting through and to test potential alternative candidates and scenarios. Strange as it sounds, I think it is plausible they conclude after taking everything together that Biden still has the best chance of beating Trump.

In terms of those scenarios, whilst I know it seems bizarre to many here that people will hold their nose and vote Trump, their reasoning will often come down to money and the fear of higher taxes under Biden post 2024. Biden could therefore consider watering down some of his higher tax proposals, which could attract some people worried about higher taxes.

The other factor is thinking about the following election in 2028. Let's say Trump wins this year, the Democrats can then run a 4 year process to find and groom their very best candidate for the 2028 election, when neither will have the benefit of incumbency. Whereas, if they rush to bring forward their best alternative candidate now, it could damage that person from running in 2028.


14,593 posts

251 months

Sunday 30th June
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This is worth a watch, Eddie's post above is very much inline with this


And yes Eddie don't faint, I'm agreeing with you hehe


7,131 posts

191 months

Sunday 30th June
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EddieSteadyGo said:
I don't think the solution is as obvious as you suggest.

Firstly, I don't think a replacement candidate would have an 80-90% chance of winning. They might easily beat Trump in a debate, but we know those debates often don't overly influence the result of an election. And a new candidate would not have the benefit of incumbency, which is a strong factor in Biden's favour.

Any replacement would also face extreme scrutiny, so there is plenty of risks as to what might emerge which could damage their electability.

Plus, even if you get a candidate like Newsom, who superficially to me seems the most 'presidential', his track record in California is far from perfect. And plenty of Americans look at some of the problems in California, and how that gets reported in the press, and would be worried how that would translate onto the national stage.

So I think the Democrats will currently be running polling in the key swing states to assess what is cutting through and to test potential alternative candidates and scenarios. Strange as it sounds, I think it is plausible they conclude after taking everything together that Biden still has the best chance of beating Trump.

In terms of those scenarios, whilst I know it seems bizarre to many here that people will hold their nose and vote Trump, their reasoning will often come down to money and the fear of higher taxes under Biden post 2024. Biden could therefore consider watering down some of his higher tax proposals, which could attract some people worried about higher taxes.

The other factor is thinking about the following election in 2028. Let's say Trump wins this year, the Democrats can then run a 4 year process to find and groom their very best candidate for the 2028 election, when neither will have the benefit of incumbency. Whereas, if they rush to bring forward their best alternative candidate now, it could damage that person from running in 2028.
You used precisely the right word. Superficial.

Americans are the most superficial people on earth.

If Clinton and Obama weren't as photogenic and charismatic as they were would they have won two terms each?

Why is JFK revered to this day despite some major fu*k ups?

Al Gore would have implemented some great policies. But he had zero charisma.

If Bernie Sanders looked like Brad Pitt would he not have won in a landslide?

The vast majority of Americans are clueless about policy.

On that basis Newsom lessens the probability of failure considerably. He comfortably saw off the right wing fever dreams of recall and will again. They wasted 18 months trying to oust him and it was never even close to happening.

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

Sunday 30th June
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cgt2 said:
On that basis Newsom lessens the probability of failure considerably. He comfortably saw off the right wing fever dreams of recall and will again. They wasted 18 months trying to oust him and it was never even close to happening.
That is all that matters.


62,300 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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NRS said:
It’s crazy to see the mental gymnastics going on here to defend Biden. Note I said defend Biden, nothing about Trump.
Well lets talk trump as thats this thread. What about the mental gymnastics done everytime trump opens his mouth, or just those ignoring it, refusing to discuss it
Biden had one poor performance, trump has one everytime...including the debate

Bidens not the best, possible Kamala Harris, Pete Butitgieg would easily be better, but if it's between trump and Biden how on earth can anyone be considering trump. He's shown exacty how corrupt he is, how he only cares about himself and how he shouldn't be anywhere near the WH again. How he's even in the running shows just how bad the US has got, how money and power has corrupted completely the Republican party and cult followers.

Edited by Byker28i on Sunday 30th June 10:24


22,425 posts

204 months

Sunday 30th June
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dobbo_ said:
Given your experiences, I'm astonished that you can't see a staggering decline in Trump and all the physical symptoms of dementia that he displays as well as in his speaking.

Yes it was a terrible debate performance from Biden but when you read what was actually said rather than look at the way it was said, Biden is coherent and forms comprehensible statements albeit in a stumbling fashion. Trump just spews words.

The focus on Biden is because that's where the media wants the focus. I would urge you to read that article I posted.

Three edits to get here I hate posting on my phone hehe

Edited by dobbo_ on Sunday 30th June 09:37
The difference is Trump has always spoken rubbish, it’s not a big change in personality, it’s what he’s always done. Biden’s one is a clear change from where he used to be. That’s the reason for the focus. And as said many times, you’d be extremely concerned if you manager or CEO was like this, let alone the leader of the free world. If Trump had put in that performance he’d rightly have been slated. The only reason Biden is getting support is because Trump is so bad, and his past. Any other election in history and he’d have no change. And it’s crazy some people think he could be a president given he shouldn’t even be a CEO or manager in most companies given his age and decline.

Bonefish Blues

27,687 posts

226 months

Sunday 30th June
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NRS said:
dobbo_ said:
Given your experiences, I'm astonished that you can't see a staggering decline in Trump and all the physical symptoms of dementia that he displays as well as in his speaking.

Yes it was a terrible debate performance from Biden but when you read what was actually said rather than look at the way it was said, Biden is coherent and forms comprehensible statements albeit in a stumbling fashion. Trump just spews words.

The focus on Biden is because that's where the media wants the focus. I would urge you to read that article I posted.

Three edits to get here I hate posting on my phone hehe

Edited by dobbo_ on Sunday 30th June 09:37
The difference is Trump has always spoken rubbish, it’s not a big change in personality, it’s what he’s always done. Biden’s one is a clear change from where he used to be. That’s the reason for the focus. And as said many times, you’d be extremely concerned if you manager or CEO was like this, let alone the leader of the free world. If Trump had put in that performance he’d rightly have been slated. The only reason Biden is getting support is because Trump is so bad, and his past. Any other election in history and he’d have no change. And it’s crazy some people think he could be a president given he shouldn’t even be a CEO or manager in most companies given his age and decline.
O'Brien puts it well here



14,593 posts

251 months

Sunday 30th June
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NRS said:
The difference is Trump has always spoken rubbish, it’s not a big change in personality, it’s what he’s always done.
This is categorically, demonstrably, not true. He used to speak very, very differently.

His personality however has always been toxic, disgusting, racist, misogynist and well you get what I'm saying.


7,131 posts

191 months

Sunday 30th June
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dobbo_ said:
This is categorically, demonstrably, not true. He used to speak very, very differently.

His personality however has always been toxic, disgusting, racist, misogynist and well you get what I'm saying.
Add to that a convicted felon, rapist and half a billion in judgments.

Should be an absolute walk in the park for an opposing Dem to obliterate him and yet somehow Biden's ineptitude is making this an actual race.


17,134 posts

243 months

Sunday 30th June
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cgt2 said:
dobbo_ said:
This is categorically, demonstrably, not true. He used to speak very, very differently.

His personality however has always been toxic, disgusting, racist, misogynist and well you get what I'm saying.
Add to that a convicted felon, rapist and half a billion in judgments.

Should be an absolute walk in the park for an opposing Dem to obliterate him and yet somehow Biden's ineptitude is making this an actual race.
I think you’re falling into the trap of believing beating Trump is about logic.


6,391 posts

46 months

Sunday 30th June
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NRS said:
It’s crazy to see the mental gymnastics going on here to defend Biden. Note I said defend Biden, nothing about Trump. Would you honestly trust someone to drive you in a car given the state he was in during the debate, let along run the country? He did well in a speech after when we didn’t have to deal with anything unexpected and could read, but either it shows he is back and forth on his decline, or something weird. And there’s another 4 years to come of decline too during his next term. Honestly anyone defending that is so far down the anti-Trump route as to not see that it makes it MORE likely he gets in.

It will have swayed almost no one’s votes, most Trump supporters will continue, most Dem voters will continue. It’s just the small number of swing voters. By their very definition they don’t view all of Trump’s rambling throughout his career as a major issue, same for some of his lying. If they did they’d be Dem voters. Do you believe they will not be impacted by seeing that terrible mental decline? Are you so certain you’d be willing to go into the election with him?

I would personally out of the 2, but not because of Biden but the team behind. It would be absolutely shocking if Biden did win though, he shouldn’t even drive a car let alone be the lead figure for the most powerful country on earth. He could have ripped Trump to bits when younger, but completely missed it and showed why we normally have a retirement age for people, because you cannot perform the same when you get too old. It’s madness to argue that is ok just because the other person is a horrible person.

paulguitar said:
14 said:
paulguitar said:
14 said:
I’m not surprised that Biden was quite bad in the debate. He’s lost some of his marbles and that’s not too surprising since he’s 81. I’m surprised that Trump did so well to be honest. He wasn’t as good as he was 8 years ago, but compared to his recent performances at his rallies, he was much better.
He lied consistently and simply didn't answer a lot of the questions at all. He just does it confidently. If you read a transcript of what he says, it's surreal.
Of course Trump lied consistently, that hasn’t changed at all in 8 years. I meant that Trump was able to string sentences together coherently in the way he talks.
Yeah, that's what I said, he does it confidently. But he avoided the actual questions and just made up lies about how great his presidency was.

Take this answer to a question about whether he’d take any action to combat the climate crisis if reelected in November.

“I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely immaculate clean air. And we had it. We had H2O,” he said. “We had the best numbers ever and we were using all forms of energy, all forms, everything.”
That says a lot about Biden, anyone with normal brain function could have ripped him apart. Instead he’d either waffle about something random, or make a good point for a sentence and instead of stopping or following it up go on a crazy rambling talk mixing up the issues with others, often half way through the sentence.
What’s noticeable about your posts is that they are always critical of Biden. Sometimes it’s deserved, other times arguably less so. However, you never criticise Trump. This is a Trump thread, where you never offer any comment at all about Trump. That speaks volumes to many on here.

Equally, everything that you’re levelling at Biden as if it’s the final nails in his coffin apply just the same, or even more, to Trump. You waffle on about retirement age, but Trump has just turned 78. There’s barely 18 months between them. Where’s your issue with that for example?


7,131 posts

191 months

Sunday 30th June
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skwdenyer said:
I think you’re falling into the trap of believing beating Trump is about logic.
He and his sycophants have been on an 8 year losing streak. It shouldn't be a question of logic just simple basics.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Sunday 30th June
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Byker28i said:
Kermit power said:
I find the thought of Trump winning another term horrific, but after viewing the debate, I find the thought of Biden winning terrifying.

If I were a US citizen and the Democrats failed to replace Biden before the election, I think I'd have no choice but to vote for Trump just to avoid the scenario of the joint chiefs of staff begging Biden for a decision that might cause or prevent WW3 as he sits quietly drooling down his shirt.
Bidens performance was poor, but then the next day has an impressive performance at a rally that's being ignored.

trump lied throughout, gave his stupid smug face gurn several times, but as a performer did better in the debate, then returned to his rally the next day with the usual word salad. lies, stumbles

and somehow people are saying it's Biden thats past it whilst ignoring all the issues and similar problems about trump based on a single 90 mins performance.

Noone is saying they prefer Biden as candidate, but whilst the GOP seem keen to push the completely flawed trump again as they are desperate for any chance of power, then it'll be Biden as his opponent.
The problem is that my father can do that too. If my parents have friends over for drinks, my mother will brief him beforehand and drop little reminders that Bill and Julie's (who'll be on your left at dinner, dear) daughter has just had their first grandchild, so he should ask them about that. He can cope with a certain number of conversational plays, but if it goes too long, he'll either be asking Bill and Julie how it feels to be grandparents again, or he'll forget who Bill & Julie are.

To a large extent, it's purely because Biden was running rings around Trump 4 years ago that I find it so worrying. I also look at how upsetting my father finds it, and think it's frankly just cruel to make Biden carry on.


12,390 posts

206 months

Sunday 30th June
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LF5335 said:
What’s noticeable about your posts is that they are always critical of Biden. Sometimes it’s deserved, other times arguably less so. However, you never criticise Trump. This is a Trump thread, where you never offer any comment at all about Trump. That speaks volumes to many on here.
Bore off with your poundshop efforts at playing Poirot. You have got it wrong so many times (remember you said wrongly I was a big Brexit fan?) that if you had any self awareness and intelligence you would wind your neck in.