Your voting intentions

Poll: Your voting intentions

Total Members Polled: 1251

Conservative : 22%
Labour: 28%
Reform: 14%
Lib-dem: 9%
Indy: 2%
Green: 3%
Not Voting for any of 'em. (Stay At Home).: 12%
Spoil Paper: 8%
SNP: 1%
Plaid Cymru: 0%

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Wednesday 26th June
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turbobloke said:
Kermit power said:
turbobloke said:
Kermit power said:
Tom8 said:
I still find it bonkers that we chuck benefits at people on good incomes for child benefit. Our issue is such a massive bloated welfare system, none of it encouraging anyone to work. I don't blame those who claim or don't work because why would you when you are better off staying at home and breeding?

This is one of the toxic legacies created by Blair and Brown, redistributing in the form of Tax Credits (all about the branding). Problem is that it is easy to give but very hard to take away and sadly the 14 years of tory government have done nothing to undo this. PFI was one of the other major contributors although that is far harder to undo.
If people are better off "staying at home and breeding", why do we have such a big problem with an ageing population?
The two aren't mutually exclusive.

The ageing population is a 'big problem'? If so, blame the NHS.
So you think the NHS should be doing a better job of culling the elderly?
So you think twisting other people's words and coming up with a fictional version is ever a good idea?

Dodge the issue by all means.
Well how else did you expect me to interpret your statement? confused

In 1950 there were 6 working age adults for every pensioner. Today that has fallen below 3 even with lots of working age immigrants coming into the country.

I'm assuming you don't think the NHS are responsible for falling birth rates, so came to the conclusion that you thought they were keeping too many old people alive?

One thing for certain is that nobody with a modicum of awareness can possibly claim that we don't have a problem with our ageing demographic profile unless they're already old enough and selfish enough not to care what they'll leave behind them.


6,199 posts

187 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Anyone thinking of voting Tory should watch the dispatches NHS program last night about Shrewsbury hospital. Then come back to this thread and try to defend it.

Never forget.

bad company

18,950 posts

269 months

Wednesday 26th June
quotequote all
InformationSuperHighway said:
Anyone thinking of voting Tory should watch the dispatches NHS program last night about Shrewsbury hospital. Then come back to this thread and try to defend it.

Never forget.
You know I’m fed up with throwing ever increasing amounts of money at the NHS. It’s a monolithic badly run organisation that needs radical reform or scrapping completely imo. Trouble is it’d be political suicide for any party to say as much.


17,443 posts

282 months

Wednesday 26th June
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It actually falls to a Labour party with a massive majority to set about tackling the monolith that is the NHS.


2,353 posts

242 months

Wednesday 26th June
quotequote all
A week to go here's where I stand at the moment. I have been a Conservative voter all my life, but not this time. I could never vote Labour as Socialism / Communism is a vile philosophy that has failed everywhere that it has been imposed on a population. I won't be voting Conservative as thanks to Boris they have moved more to the left than ever before and shown themselves to be a bunch of absolute clowns shysters and conmen. Good riddance to them! There is no Reform candidate standing in my constituency so it's going to be a spoiled ballot for me. After the election looks like we are going to have to put up with a dose of hardcore Socialism for a while. Like an illness, we might as well get it over and done with as quickly as possible, I give it 18 months before it all collapses in a pile of fail, hopefully by them we might have a party with actual Conservative values that might be worth voting for.


11,470 posts

263 months

Wednesday 26th June
quotequote all
InformationSuperHighway said:
Anyone thinking of voting Tory should watch the dispatches NHS program last night about Shrewsbury hospital. Then come back to this thread and try to defend it.

Never forget.
And again according to the funding more the an extra £350 million a week is being spent on the NHS - with little to nowt to show for it.


2,349 posts

157 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
Jinx said:
InformationSuperHighway said:
Anyone thinking of voting Tory should watch the dispatches NHS program last night about Shrewsbury hospital. Then come back to this thread and try to defend it.

Never forget.
And again according to the funding more the an extra £350 million a week is being spent on the NHS - with little to nowt to show for it.
Strange, that bus made me more determined to vote remain so we didn't waste an even larger sum of cash on the bloody NHS.


7,594 posts

272 months

Thursday 27th June
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swisstoni said:
It actually falls to a Labour party with a massive majority to set about tackling the highly unionised monolith that is the NHS.
They won't, for the reason I added.
Regardless of party though, there are simply too many people employed by the NHS now for there to be any kind of rationalisation - even if it's sacred cow status could be challenged the rise in unemployment from suddenly removing layers of unproductive bureaucracy would instantly kill the project stone dead. The media and the opposition would eat you for breakfast.
You could do it through natural wastage (ie. not recruiting for those positions you don't need) but it would take years.


14,019 posts

99 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
Jinx said:
InformationSuperHighway said:
Anyone thinking of voting Tory should watch the dispatches NHS program last night about Shrewsbury hospital. Then come back to this thread and try to defend it.

Never forget.
And again according to the funding more the an extra £350 million a week is being spent on the NHS - with little to nowt to show for it.
And the Tories were also for remain.


104,878 posts

263 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
768 said:
Jinx said:
InformationSuperHighway said:
Anyone thinking of voting Tory should watch the dispatches NHS program last night about Shrewsbury hospital. Then come back to this thread and try to defend it.

Never forget.
And again according to the funding more the an extra £350 million a week is being spent on the NHS - with little to nowt to show for it.
And the Tories were also for remain.
And nobody has to defend anything against any internet random.

Mr Whippy

29,170 posts

244 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
Tom8 said:
Jinx said:
InformationSuperHighway said:
Anyone thinking of voting Tory should watch the dispatches NHS program last night about Shrewsbury hospital. Then come back to this thread and try to defend it.

Never forget.
And again according to the funding more the an extra £350 million a week is being spent on the NHS - with little to nowt to show for it.
Strange, that bus made me more determined to vote remain so we didn't waste an even larger sum of cash on the bloody NHS.
A big part of it for me is that broader policy encourages unhealthy living and the NHS then ends up supporting all these chronically ill people.

But there is no joined up thinking. You expect governments should do that where smaller groups can’t… and that’s the entire reason for a central government.

They’re all utterly rubbish. They all fail miserably each stint they have.

Thus, imo, it’s the system itself that’s at fault.

Party politics is likely a big part of that in my view. 3-4yr horizon, and if they screw up they sit out for a bit then get voted back in next time round.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
GSE said:
A week to go here's where I stand at the moment. I have been a Conservative voter all my life, but not this time. I could never vote Labour as Socialism / Communism is a vile philosophy that has failed everywhere that it has been imposed on a population. I won't be voting Conservative as thanks to Boris they have moved more to the left than ever before and shown themselves to be a bunch of absolute clowns shysters and conmen. Good riddance to them! There is no Reform candidate standing in my constituency so it's going to be a spoiled ballot for me. After the election looks like we are going to have to put up with a dose of hardcore Socialism for a while. Like an illness, we might as well get it over and done with as quickly as possible, I give it 18 months before it all collapses in a pile of fail, hopefully by them we might have a party with actual Conservative values that might be worth voting for.
That's an interesting parallel universe!


25,849 posts

196 months

Thursday 27th June
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A baffling series of assertions, my favourites being that Boris was left wing and that Labour are going to be hard core socialists in govt. Truly in the eye of the beholder.


16,654 posts

274 months

Thursday 27th June
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He didn’t say Boris was left-wing, he said he took the Tories to a centrist position, which is true. Johnson has been described as ‘a liberal, centre-ground politician’ … I don’t want a Tory party in the centre nor one on the far right, but I do want one somewhere between the two. There’s a fag paper between the two parties currently … the Tories have never been more liberal …

bad company

18,950 posts

269 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
uk66fastback said:
He didn’t say Boris was left-wing, he said he took the Tories to a centrist position, which is true. Johnson has been described as ‘a liberal, centre-ground politician’ … I don’t want a Tory party in the centre nor one on the far right, but I do want one somewhere between the two. There’s a fag paper between the two parties currently … the Tories have never been more liberal …
The danger imo is the left wing influence of Labour & the Unions all coming to the fore after the election.


7,594 posts

272 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
bad company said:
uk66fastback said:
He didn’t say Boris was left-wing, he said he took the Tories to a centrist position, which is true. Johnson has been described as ‘a liberal, centre-ground politician’ … I don’t want a Tory party in the centre nor one on the far right, but I do want one somewhere between the two. There’s a fag paper between the two parties currently … the Tories have never been more liberal …
The danger imo is the left wing influence of Labour & the Unions all coming to the fore after the election.
They're going to demand their reward for all the union subs they're chucking into Labour's campaign coffers. I can't imagine Starmer is going to stand up to them.


5,229 posts

121 months

GSE said:
A week to go here's where I stand at the moment. I have been a Conservative voter all my life, but not this time. I could never vote Labour as Socialism / Communism is a vile philosophy that has failed everywhere that it has been imposed on a population. I won't be voting Conservative as thanks to Boris they have moved more to the left than ever before and shown themselves to be a bunch of absolute clowns shysters and conmen. Good riddance to them! There is no Reform candidate standing in my constituency so it's going to be a spoiled ballot for me. After the election looks like we are going to have to put up with a dose of hardcore Socialism for a while. Like an illness, we might as well get it over and done with as quickly as possible, I give it 18 months before it all collapses in a pile of fail, hopefully by them we might have a party with actual Conservative values that might be worth voting for.
Mate its still worth voting Conservative even just to narrow down how many seats Liebour get.


10,656 posts

143 months

Kermit power said:
That's an interesting parallel universe!
If you really want your mind blown go and have a look at the finance forum and the five things to do before Labour get into power thread flames


4,378 posts

132 months

Kermit power said:
GSE said:
A week to go here's where I stand at the moment. I have been a Conservative voter all my life, but not this time. I could never vote Labour as Socialism / Communism is a vile philosophy that has failed everywhere that it has been imposed on a population. I won't be voting Conservative as thanks to Boris they have moved more to the left than ever before and shown themselves to be a bunch of absolute clowns shysters and conmen. Good riddance to them! There is no Reform candidate standing in my constituency so it's going to be a spoiled ballot for me. After the election looks like we are going to have to put up with a dose of hardcore Socialism for a while. Like an illness, we might as well get it over and done with as quickly as possible, I give it 18 months before it all collapses in a pile of fail, hopefully by them we might have a party with actual Conservative values that might be worth voting for.
That's an interesting parallel universe!
As GSE appears to have a crystal ball, particularly regarding a 'hardcore socialist' party collapsing in 18 months, perhaps he can consult it and get the winning Euromillions numbers for the next large draw?

In my fantasy political world, the Conservatives win and Braverman and Farage unite with the Tufton Street loons to create a right wing idyll for the UK.


17,443 posts

282 months

EmBe said:
swisstoni said:
It actually falls to a Labour party with a massive majority to set about tackling the highly unionised monolith that is the NHS.
They won't, for the reason I added.
Regardless of party though, there are simply too many people employed by the NHS now for there to be any kind of rationalisation - even if it's sacred cow status could be challenged the rise in unemployment from suddenly removing layers of unproductive bureaucracy would instantly kill the project stone dead. The media and the opposition would eat you for breakfast.
You could do it through natural wastage (ie. not recruiting for those positions you don't need) but it would take years.
I’d prefer you didn’t alter my posts to suggest I said something I haven’t.

That said, if the NHS is heavily unionised, then only a socialist government can attempt to make changes to it. It has the ability to have a dialogue with unions to allow change.
A governent of any other shade will (and probably has) been met with closed ranks and industrial action.