What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)

What training are you doing/have you done today? (Vol.3)



762 posts

84 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Hi all, after some advice please. I've just started at the gym with the goal of adding a little bit of size/lean muscle. I'm 6ft 2 and 13st 8lbs but skinny arms and legs which I want to improve if possible. I was initially going to do stronglifts 5x5 programme but the gym owner has given me this workout to follow. Does it seem decent?

The number of reps on some of these seem quite high for me tbh. E.g dips I doubt I can do even a few at the moment. Any advice welcome,cheers.


24,330 posts

223 months

Thursday 27th June
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Tony_T said:
Hi all, after some advice please. I've just started at the gym with the goal of adding a little bit of size/lean muscle. I'm 6ft 2 and 13st 8lbs but skinny arms and legs which I want to improve if possible. I was initially going to do stronglifts 5x5 programme but the gym owner has given me this workout to follow. Does it seem decent?

The number of reps on some of these seem quite high for me tbh. E.g dips I doubt I can do even a few at the moment. Any advice welcome,cheers.
Personally, I'd keep reps in the 5-8 rep range if you want to build mass.


24,330 posts

223 months

Thursday 27th June
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Quick session this morning.

Flat bench 100kg x 10
Incline dumbell 50kg x 6, 40kg x 6

Shrugs 50kg dumbells x 25, 10 close grip bench 60kg
Single arm rows 50kg x 25, 10 c/g bench 60kg
Clasp grip dumbell front raises 40kg x 10, 10 c/g bench 60kg

40kg clean and press (bar was already loaded and I was running late so just used this instead of usual!) X 10
40kg straight bar curls x 10

king arthur

6,662 posts

264 months

Thursday 27th June
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Tony_T said:
Hi all, after some advice please. I've just started at the gym with the goal of adding a little bit of size/lean muscle. I'm 6ft 2 and 13st 8lbs but skinny arms and legs which I want to improve if possible. I was initially going to do stronglifts 5x5 programme but the gym owner has given me this workout to follow. Does it seem decent?

The number of reps on some of these seem quite high for me tbh. E.g dips I doubt I can do even a few at the moment. Any advice welcome,cheers.
If you're a beginner at the gym I wouldn't try to do all of those. Just stick to the basics - squats, deadlifts, bench press, shoulder press, and a pull of some kind such as cable lat pulldown. Then add in isolation exercises, bicep curls, tricep pulls of some kind, lateral raise, chest flys, reverse flys. Not every exercise works for everyone so do the ones you like doing as long as you're hitting every muscle group.


762 posts

84 months

Thursday 27th June
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king arthur said:
Tony_T said:
Hi all, after some advice please. I've just started at the gym with the goal of adding a little bit of size/lean muscle. I'm 6ft 2 and 13st 8lbs but skinny arms and legs which I want to improve if possible. I was initially going to do stronglifts 5x5 programme but the gym owner has given me this workout to follow. Does it seem decent?

The number of reps on some of these seem quite high for me tbh. E.g dips I doubt I can do even a few at the moment. Any advice welcome,cheers.
If you're a beginner at the gym I wouldn't try to do all of those. Just stick to the basics - squats, deadlifts, bench press, shoulder press, and a pull of some kind such as cable lat pulldown. Then add in isolation exercises, bicep curls, tricep pulls of some kind, lateral raise, chest flys, reverse flys. Not every exercise works for everyone so do the ones you like doing as long as you're hitting every muscle group.
Cheers, that is what I was thinking. Keep it simple etc. I don't know what most of those exercises on the programme above actually are! Does higher weight/lower reps work for bulking or do I just need to make sure I am doing progressive overload? Just wondering why the reps on the programme are so high.


24,330 posts

223 months

Thursday 27th June
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Tony_T said:
king arthur said:
Tony_T said:
Hi all, after some advice please. I've just started at the gym with the goal of adding a little bit of size/lean muscle. I'm 6ft 2 and 13st 8lbs but skinny arms and legs which I want to improve if possible. I was initially going to do stronglifts 5x5 programme but the gym owner has given me this workout to follow. Does it seem decent?

The number of reps on some of these seem quite high for me tbh. E.g dips I doubt I can do even a few at the moment. Any advice welcome,cheers.
If you're a beginner at the gym I wouldn't try to do all of those. Just stick to the basics - squats, deadlifts, bench press, shoulder press, and a pull of some kind such as cable lat pulldown. Then add in isolation exercises, bicep curls, tricep pulls of some kind, lateral raise, chest flys, reverse flys. Not every exercise works for everyone so do the ones you like doing as long as you're hitting every muscle group.
Cheers, that is what I was thinking. Keep it simple etc. I don't know what most of those exercises on the programme above actually are! Does higher weight/lower reps work for bulking or do I just need to make sure I am doing progressive overload? Just wondering why the reps on the programme are so high.
If its to bulk up I'd not even bother with isolation/peripheral exercises to start with. As others have suggested, big, basic compound motions in the 5-8 rep range (when I was training for strength I did 4-6 rep range, using a weight I could push for four clean reps until I could consistently get 6 out of it then add weight and back to 4, rinse and repeat) . Flat bench/incline bench, deadlift, squat, shoulder press, a 'clean' movement and a rowing/pulling movement is all you need I'd suggest. If in doubt, simplify.


8,765 posts

184 months

Thursday 27th June
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Yesterday good strong gym session, first one for a few weeks, bench 115kg bag lifts 85kg and weighted pull ups, then a 20 minute swim in the bay, midweek did a hilly bike ride, close to 34kph avg which was a surprise as was feeling pretty dead before hand.


1,380 posts

130 months

Thursday 27th June
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Hill walking in Cephalonia in the heat for the past two weeks
Back now running the Mid Devon lanes each day weight training and doing 20 minutes on the heavy bag

Chased one of my mates Basher Bale sheep this morning and now I'm like Craig David on a Sunday ....Feckin Knackered


24,330 posts

223 months

Friday 28th June
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Quick shoulders this morning, nit ideal straight after chest yesterday but that's the way the week has worked.

Seated dumbell press 35kg x 10

Machine Shrugs 80kg per side 2 x 15
Single arm rows 50kg dumbell x 25 per side

Straps used for both of above as per my other post.

20kg disc front raises 2 x 20 reps
Lateral raises 15kg dumbell x 12

Seated triceps push down stack x 40reps
Unloaded Olympic straight bar curls x 25 very slow.


2,021 posts

24 months

Friday 28th June
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Dealing with osteo after 35 years training..

- Arthroscopy on elbow, went well, more movement and strength has returned
- Practising TUT rather than big weights, big benefits after years of rushing through training sessions, old rules but forgotten/disregarded (1 sec up / 2 secs down, light weight 12-15 reps)
- TRT after 35 years of natural training, has seen my 30 year old self return.
- diet, removed all processed food and lowered carbs massively, pretty much what i would have done pre-contest in my teens, this has made another massive difference, more energy, alert, cognitive ability, recovery, sleep, hair.. all improved and i’m actually enjoying my food more and being creative, Runder biltong packets are fantastic for carrying anywhere anytime and taste lovely, no more shakes etc, much much easier.


708 posts

106 months

Friday 28th June
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Kerniki said:
Dealing with osteo after 35 years training..

- Arthroscopy on elbow, went well, more movement and strength has returned
- Practising TUT rather than big weights, big benefits after years of rushing through training sessions, old rules but forgotten/disregarded (1 sec up / 2 secs down, light weight 12-15 reps)
- TRT after 35 years of natural training, has seen my 30 year old self return.
- diet, removed all processed food and lowered carbs massively, pretty much what i would have done pre-contest in my teens, this has made another massive difference, more energy, alert, cognitive ability, recovery, sleep, hair.. all improved and i’m actually enjoying my food more and being creative, Runder biltong packets are fantastic for carrying anywhere anytime and taste lovely, no more shakes etc, much much easier.
Few of the older lads on a Stagdo ive just come back from are swearing blind for TRT. Apparently 35 is the age to start checking it out, which squares me off about next year, though i'm fairly confident my test is more than adequate to start messing around just yet!

Are you doing it through medical professionals or on your own with guidance? These chaps I spoke to are using a performance professional with regular bloods and amended doses based on previous results etc, very scientific!

Had a heavy leg day wednesday which was probably a bad idea after a heavy weekend in ibiza, almost spewed on squats and nearly passed out when i got home.
Took the hint and stuck to pressups, pikes and butterfly situps yesterday, in the missus yoga room (spare room) - absolutely cooked in the 24°C heat!


625 posts

181 months

Friday 28th June
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Tony_T said:
Hi all, after some advice please. I've just started at the gym with the goal of adding a little bit of size/lean muscle. I'm 6ft 2 and 13st 8lbs but skinny arms and legs which I want to improve if possible. I was initially going to do stronglifts 5x5 programme but the gym owner has given me this workout to follow. Does it seem decent?

The number of reps on some of these seem quite high for me tbh. E.g dips I doubt I can do even a few at the moment. Any advice welcome,cheers.
My first thought is that is a lot of sets to be doing in a session if pushing it hard enough, particularly if your new to it. 8-20 reps that take you to (near) failure is the best range for growth. I'd suggest starting with a weight you can use with good form for around 15-20 reps. You'll still trigger the growth but it's safer than straining with a heavier weight and you'll be able to squeeze out an extra rep more easily at the end. Squats and Deadlifts are a bit of an exception but take it relatively easy on the weight until your form is solid.
Once you're comfortable with the movements feel free to increase the weight and do fewer reps.
There are a few different machines that simulate the dips motion and other exercises, just use one of those to get the reps in untill you can do them normally.

Back to me for today...
Chest and triceps.
Dumbell flat bench 44kg 10 reps, 40kg 3×10 reps.
Dumbell incline 34kg 10 reps, 30kg 3x10 reps.
Dips started with 15 then multiple sets to failure.
Tricep pulldowns 40kg x12 35kg 2x11, 30kg x10


1,302 posts

107 months

Start of week 9 today. Deadlifts this morning, quite tired due to Saturday's beer festival and the subsequent lack of sleep. Got it done though.

Still on 5 sets for deadlifts (132.5kg) and bench (80), down to 2 for squats (115)!

Anyone got any tips for back decompression? For preventative maintenance rather than any current issues. I do a fair bit of hanging and did pilates for years so have some stuff still in the bank from there. Was thinking about buying some equipment, but something small rather than a hyper/reverse hyper/inversion or something.


2,021 posts

24 months

axel1990chp said:
Are you doing it through medical professionals or on your own with guidance? These chaps I spoke to are using a performance professional with regular bloods and amended doses based on previous results etc, very scientific!
Both, Swiss doctors and sports professionals as i wanted it done at the best standard / level, having practiced naturally for that long, bloods every 2 weeks and various other checks to make sure nothing is reacting adversely, this is a long game play so at least 12 months of regular checks, then i’ll back it off to bi-monthly > quarterly > 6 monthly.

They have a real genuine interest in your health and appreciate the effort i’ve gone to my whole life in looking after yourself, i’m a very interesting study for them apparently hehe plenty are into health in Switzerland but not people who’ve grown muscle to my extent over so many years, naturally.

Edited by Kerniki on Monday 1st July 06:46


24,330 posts

223 months

OK, first purely cardio weight session. In and out quick but am toast.
60kg squats x 20, five sets, 100 reps. Did these in bursts of five then a deep breath. Unpleasant but doable, will go for more reps rather than weight next time

70kg clean and press x 10, two sets

New one for me, down/up sqauthrust jumps.

Managed nine.

Felt a wee bit sick.....definitely a good one to Persevere with.

Will have a cardio/weight split tomorrow, reqlly wanna shed some weight over next 6 weeks holiday. Day one down.


24,330 posts

223 months

Yesterday (11:53)
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biggbn said:
OK, first purely cardio weight session. In and out quick but am toast.
60kg squats x 20, five sets, 100 reps. Did these in bursts of five then a deep breath. Unpleasant but doable, will go for more reps rather than weight next time

70kg clean and press x 10, two sets

New one for me, down/up sqauthrust jumps.

Managed nine.

Felt a wee bit sick.....definitely a good one to Persevere with.

Will have a cardio/weight split tomorrow, reqlly wanna shed some weight over next 6 weeks holiday. Day one down.
Covered 13500 steps yesterday on top of the leg workout, bloody hell,mile and a half with dogs this morning and my legs are in bits...its usually day after next day I get sore if I am gonna get sore, so new one this!! Will get to gym later, most likely cardio stuff again, I like first thing for weights.


708 posts

106 months

Yesterday (13:56)
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Not so dissimilar to you, yesterday I did squats for reps and form instead of weight.

Stretching and mobility drills for 20 minutes
Assault bike for 250 cals
Squats @60kg, 5 sets 15 reps, 2 sec down, 2 sec pause, 2 sec up, reset cue's. Absolutely grim.

Surprising how just changing up the little things can throw your body into chaos with pain biggrin

Kudo's on the 5 sets of 20 with speed though, my quads were tight as hell afterwards, cant imagine how yours were feeling!


24,330 posts

223 months

Yesterday (15:31)
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Quick session this afternoon, not enough to burn many calories but don't want to miss a day. Messed about with stairmaster and erg ski machine. Thinking I'd be better messing with 30 minutes of squat jumps and the like as stairs and ski are really boring!!