The colin_p appreciation summer sun and storm thread 2024

The colin_p appreciation summer sun and storm thread 2024



25,940 posts

170 months

Friday 28th June
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Digger said:
p1stonhead said:
Timothy Bucktu said:
So...that was summer then?!
Shorts and sun loungers packed away for another year...FFS!

I hate the UK climate.
Where are you? It’s glorious in London right now.
Where are you in London? Swiss Cottage - cloudy & no sign of sunshine although it should re-appear later this evening.

Tomorrow is looking nice 'n sunny 24C smile
I was in Notting Hill and it was sunny when I wrote that. Not so much now though lol


602 posts

144 months

Friday 28th June
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Windy, cloudy and rain for the 2nd day up here in the NE. Had a glorious week of shorts and BBQ's and sitting outside till late. Hopefully we'll get some more as that's been the first proper decent spell of nice weather we've had this year.


44,558 posts

200 months

Friday 28th June
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Gloriously sunny once again in Suffolk coastal. Though, it's windier and now cloudier than this morning.

(Nuclear power station for scale).


10,051 posts

121 months

Friday 28th June
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Blib you can stop eating ready brek now.


1,464 posts

136 months

Friday 28th June
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Over near Reading it's cloudy, a bit breezy and feels quite cold. Forecast says 18 but it feels less than that.


14,871 posts

194 months

Friday 28th June
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Blib said:

Gloriously sunny once again in Suffolk coastal. Though, it's windier and now cloudier than this morning.

(Nuclear power station for scale).
Is that not the Moon I see for scale? Above the dome?


14,975 posts

217 months

Friday 28th June
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nails1979 said:
Windy, cloudy and rain for the 2nd day up here in the NE
Same here in Ayrshire.


44,558 posts

200 months

Friday 28th June
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Digger said:
Is that not the Moon I see for scale? Above the dome?

That is not not the Moon


10,051 posts

121 months

Friday 28th June
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It is the moon went past my house last night.


11,786 posts

207 months

Friday 28th June
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Just got back from a week in Cornwall renting a cottage in St. Agnes.

Apart from last Saturday and Tuesday, it's been overcast and 17°. Visited Chapel Porth beach yesterday morning, and there was bloody fog rolling in. Had the heating on of an evening three times.


Still, nice part of the world.


14,871 posts

194 months

Friday 28th June
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Tomorrow should be a perfect day in London 24C & sunny all day - shame I have to work grumpy


Original Poster:

48,578 posts

251 months

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Hello from Bangkok. Yesterday was 38 and hazy. Today we had a super cell bubble up over us and now heading to 36 and sunny...

Humidity off the scale


53,266 posts

258 months

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I remember the heat and humidity landing in Bangkok and thinking it wasn't too unbearable. Then I stepped outside the airport building and realised they had Aircon on. hehe


1,970 posts

173 months

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cherryowen said:
Just got back from a week in Cornwall renting a cottage in St. Agnes.

Apart from last Saturday and Tuesday, it's been overcast and 17°. Visited Chapel Porth beach yesterday morning, and there was bloody fog rolling in. Had the heating on of an evening three times.


Still, nice part of the world.
Too foggy for a hedgehog ice-cream at Chapel Porth?


53,266 posts

258 months

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Lovely down here, if a bit cool. All three of my kids are doing their DofE hike this weekend so I was hoping for more cloud!


5,250 posts

199 months

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Another day of grey cloud, wind and precipitation here in the North East. We have had about 5 days this year when it’s been hot enough to sit in the sun. Summer had elided us so far this year and I’m sick and tired of hearing how lovely it is down South.

Its Just Adz

14,382 posts

212 months

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Preston forecast for the next week.


Chicken Chaser

7,951 posts

227 months

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I see I missed summer last week when I was working. Back to rain today and for the foreseeable.


2,063 posts

168 months

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mooseracer said:
cherryowen said:
Just got back from a week in Cornwall renting a cottage in St. Agnes.

Apart from last Saturday and Tuesday, it's been overcast and 17°. Visited Chapel Porth beach yesterday morning, and there was bloody fog rolling in. Had the heating on of an evening three times.


Still, nice part of the world.
Too foggy for a hedgehog ice-cream at Chapel Porth?
Ah, the Hedgehog ice-cream... cloud9

Top tip: don't try to eat one driving a 2.8 injection Capri with one hand along those narrow Cornish roads. You might end up in a bit of a mess.


11,786 posts

207 months

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mooseracer said:
cherryowen said:
Just got back from a week in Cornwall renting a cottage in St. Agnes.

Apart from last Saturday and Tuesday, it's been overcast and 17°. Visited Chapel Porth beach yesterday morning, and there was bloody fog rolling in. Had the heating on of an evening three times.


Still, nice part of the world.
Too foggy for a hedgehog ice-cream at Chapel Porth?
Nah, car park was full so ended up at Porthtrowan tucking into pasties bought from the St. Agnes bakery lick