46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



19,429 posts

262 months

Anyone remember 'Weekend at Bernie's'?

The Moose

22,934 posts

212 months

EddieSteadyGo said:
Many voters know Biden isn't the actual person in charge, and there is a team behind him pulling the strings, rather like Reagan towards the end. And I think it is possible to argue that the team is doing 'ok' in terms of many of the policies they are implementing. So from that perspective, why not try and keep it going?
Maybe because that's not what the president is supposed to be?


6,349 posts

46 months

pneumothorax said:

re "You’re not an expert but you can do instant diagnoses of major illnesses with absolute certainty. Wow. You must be awesome in your chosen speciality"

Sorry but I am sure we are crossing wires here. I am apolitical and simply came here to post something that I know something about, it's how forums work and it is why they are useful imo.

I am also not "absolutely" certain that JB's primary problem is Parkinson's but I would say it is very likely based upon my experience in diagnosing and managing the condition. I am also not an "expert" in anything apart from telling people that there is nothing wrong with them (I am an ooh/urgent care GP)

My suspicion that he has Parkinson's/Parkinsonism ( there is a distinction) is not based upon what I saw last night however, I have thought it from when I first saw him walking around after becoming President, his gait is almost pathognomonic. He has a very obvious "Festinating" way of walking.

Google it.

My (really speculative) take on this is that Mrs JB loves him, he was a formidable man and now he isn't. He has effectively an untreatable neuro-degenerative disorder, it's likely called Parkinson's and she is surrounding herself by medics that are concentrating on throwing several expensive kitchen sinks at the treatment of that disorder. They are hoping that the Parkinson's meds are going to help with his cognitive decline.

They will not, the chap's brain is failing. He needs sympathetic medical care. What he does not need is to be flying around the states, being pumped up with meds and being ridiculed all over the world.

I suspect Trump also has underlying issues but it would be really really speculative of me to suggest what they might be.

What do you think is wrong with him?
Why can’t you diagnose Trump though? He has issues walking; he drags his left leg frequently. He waffles on endlessly about random things with little cohesion.

As for apolitical and not being an expert, why are you so convinced that he’s being managed by meds. Prefacing it with a supposed disclaimer, is feeble at best.


4,630 posts

31 months

I expect he’ll announce his retirement in the coming days.

Michelle Obama / Newsom ticket?

Then Trump will call it a day!


25,849 posts

196 months

James6112 said:
I expect he’ll announce his retirement in the coming days.

Michelle Obama / Newsom ticket?

Then Trump will call it a day!
Nah, the hamberder of doom is coming for him.

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

James6112 said:
I expect he’ll announce his retirement in the coming days.

Michelle Obama / Newsom ticket?

Then Trump will call it a day!
I really hope so. The trouble is that the longer it goes on the more he'll get locked into it where admitting the reality of it gets harder and harder. If he does it now he can leave with dignity. He just needs a really good speech to announce it with and the job's done.


5,287 posts

18 months

Obama is an absurd suggestion.

There are plenty of people who will step forward who want the job should Biden be forced to withdraw, which is what needs to happen.

Harris will need bribing with another job she is unsuited for, to disappear gracefully too.

The Dems are morons to get to this point, but it's recoverable if they act immediately.


1,904 posts

78 months

The choice here is Biden being coerced or doing very little, or Trumpian logic about sharks, wet batteries, windmills and domestos.

Not much of a choice, but Biden seems to acknowledge his limits.


17,101 posts

243 months

732NM said:
Obama is an absurd suggestion.

There are plenty of people who will step forward who want the job should Biden be forced to withdraw, which is what needs to happen.

Harris will need bribing with another job she is unsuited for, to disappear gracefully too.

The Dems are morons to get to this point, but it's recoverable if they act immediately.
Obama is a good choice because she doesn’t want the job. Almost everyone with the desire to become President disqualifies themselves by what they’re prepared to do to get electedsmile


16,994 posts

231 months

A black woman? Some peoples heads would explode!


6,349 posts

46 months

James6112 said:
I expect he’ll announce his retirement in the coming days.

Michelle Obama / Newsom ticket?

Then Trump will call it a day!
Trump isn’t running to save America from Biden. He’s running to try to keep himself out of jail and able to benefit financially from the information he receives that he can sell to the highest bidder(s). He will never drop out.


2,221 posts

37 months

LF5335 said:
pneumothorax said:

re "You’re not an expert but you can do instant diagnoses of major illnesses with absolute certainty. Wow. You must be awesome in your chosen speciality"

Sorry but I am sure we are crossing wires here. I am apolitical and simply came here to post something that I know something about, it's how forums work and it is why they are useful imo.

I am also not "absolutely" certain that JB's primary problem is Parkinson's but I would say it is very likely based upon my experience in diagnosing and managing the condition. I am also not an "expert" in anything apart from telling people that there is nothing wrong with them (I am an ooh/urgent care GP)

My suspicion that he has Parkinson's/Parkinsonism ( there is a distinction) is not based upon what I saw last night however, I have thought it from when I first saw him walking around after becoming President, his gait is almost pathognomonic. He has a very obvious "Festinating" way of walking.

Google it.

My (really speculative) take on this is that Mrs JB loves him, he was a formidable man and now he isn't. He has effectively an untreatable neuro-degenerative disorder, it's likely called Parkinson's and she is surrounding herself by medics that are concentrating on throwing several expensive kitchen sinks at the treatment of that disorder. They are hoping that the Parkinson's meds are going to help with his cognitive decline.

They will not, the chap's brain is failing. He needs sympathetic medical care. What he does not need is to be flying around the states, being pumped up with meds and being ridiculed all over the world.

I suspect Trump also has underlying issues but it would be really really speculative of me to suggest what they might be.

What do you think is wrong with him?
Why can’t you diagnose Trump though? He has issues walking; he drags his left leg frequently. He waffles on endlessly about random things with little cohesion.

As for apolitical and not being an expert, why are you so convinced that he’s being managed by meds. Prefacing it with a supposed disclaimer, is feeble at best.
Even the layperson can see that Biden’s “issues” are far more overt and obvious than any Trump has.

The magnitudes are totally different and that’s why everyone is talking about it and I’d suggest makes it far easier to speculate on what may or may not be wrong with him.

Trump has also been on the front foot by consistently talking about flying through physical / cognitive tests (whether lying or not), which is strategically a good move (probably from someone smart in his campaign).

I’m sure why you’re trying to hard to discredit pneumothorax by suggesting he’s biased / implying he has an agenda.

It’s a classic “playing the man and not the ball” because you can’t debunk what he’s writing and don’t like what he’s written.

Why would he necessarily write about Trump on the Biden thread. The “look at Trump” approach isn’t really helpful to this issue which is apparently causing such alarm with the democrats.

They need to get a grip of it and manage it or increase the risk of Trump winning.

We are all Brexiteers now

2,600 posts

164 months

MrBogSmith said:
ven the layperson can see that Biden’s “issues” are far more overt and obvious than any Trump has.

The magnitudes are totally different and that’s why everyone is talking about it and I’d suggest makes it far easier to speculate on what may or may not be wrong with him.

Trump has also been on the front foot by consistently talking about flying through physical / cognitive tests (whether lying or not), which is strategically a good move (probably from someone smart in his campaign).

I’m sure why you’re trying to hard to discredit pneumothorax by suggesting he’s biased / implying he has an agenda.

It’s a classic “playing the man and not the ball” because you can’t debunk what he’s writing and don’t like what he’s written.

Why would he necessarily write about Trump on the Biden thread. The “look at Trump” approach isn’t really helpful to this issue which is apparently causing such alarm with the democrats.

They need to get a grip of it and manage it or increase the risk of Trump winning.
His constant 'what about Trump?' appear quite deranged.


1,337 posts

33 months

We are all Brexiteers now said:
MrBogSmith said:
ven the layperson can see that Biden’s “issues” are far more overt and obvious than any Trump has.

The magnitudes are totally different and that’s why everyone is talking about it and I’d suggest makes it far easier to speculate on what may or may not be wrong with him.

Trump has also been on the front foot by consistently talking about flying through physical / cognitive tests (whether lying or not), which is strategically a good move (probably from someone smart in his campaign).

I’m sure why you’re trying to hard to discredit pneumothorax by suggesting he’s biased / implying he has an agenda.

It’s a classic “playing the man and not the ball” because you can’t debunk what he’s writing and don’t like what he’s written.

Why would he necessarily write about Trump on the Biden thread. The “look at Trump” approach isn’t really helpful to this issue which is apparently causing such alarm with the democrats.

They need to get a grip of it and manage it or increase the risk of Trump winning.
His constant 'what about Trump?' appear quite deranged.
Tbf, its no different the other 12 hard-core posters on here.

It's very apparent that Biden has an illness that has made him unfortunately act in the manner he has for a long while now, and all the furore about the 'deep fake' videos have come home to roost for the Biden faithfull on here.

As another poster alluded to, is disgraceful for Bidens wife to push him to continue rather than remove him from this process; even more so with her medical qualifications.

Look at that clip after the debate; do you think Biden or his wife will decide to pull out and be replaced; not a chance.

Biden shall have deteriorated by the next debate, and if he does turn up, this weeks debate will be a warm up.

There is zero chance of Biden being elected now.


6,349 posts

46 months

I see the gang’s back in force. I don’t think Biden is the right man for the job. He’s too old, there should be better candidates. Trump is an utter disgrace on any and every level or metric.

I am not defending Biden. I am asking why people can criticise Biden with claims that are just as appropriate when levied against Trump, yet somehow appear incapable of levying them against Trump. I don’t think that’s a difficult challenge, although it does appear impossible for many.


1,337 posts

33 months

LF5335 said:
I see the gang’s back in force. I don’t think Biden is the right man for the job. He’s too old, there should be better candidates. Trump is an utter disgrace on any and every level or metric.

I am not defending Biden. I am asking why people can criticise Biden with claims that are just as appropriate when levied against Trump, yet somehow appear incapable of levying them against Trump. I don’t think that’s a difficult challenge, although it does appear impossible for many.
Biden is the wrong man for the job, and instead of hiding his condition with accusations of 'deep fake' videos, a suitable candidate should have been put forward a long time ago.

It's far too late now, and Biden and his wife wouldn't even consider entertaining that going by the video after the debate.

I cannot forsee any reason that Trump doesn't become 47th POTUS.


6,288 posts

58 months

Except there are two huge preposterous things that must be true, if the erstwhile doctor's spot diagnosis is correct.

Not one, but two

First off, if the dementia/Parkinson is so self evident that it can be diagnosed from a few video clips, then the wider Whitehouse knows, and will have known for quite some time. And it wouldn't just be a few inner circle folks. For jb, his family, and the DNC to then say "yup, Joe's the guy" would be preposterous. If you think they're that stupid, I have a couple of bridges and a state of the art moonbase to sell you.

Secondly, if the Whitehouse knows, the RNC knows. If the gop knew biden has dementia/Parkinson, they'd have doctors and records subpoena'd and in front of the congress/house in a heartbeat There'd be none of this pussy-footing around making snide comments and misrepresenting videos.

So both of these, equally preposterous things would have to be true.

Folk are hearing hoofbeats, and thinking zebras (or even unicorns)


Bonefish Blues

27,644 posts

226 months

Mortarboard said:
Except there are two huge preposterous things that must be true, if the erstwhile doctor's spot diagnosis is correct.

Not one, but two

First off, if the dementia/Parkinson is so self evident that it can be diagnosed from a few video clips, then the wider Whitehouse knows, and will have known for quite some time. And it wouldn't just be a few inner circle folks. For jb, his family, and the DNC to then say "yup, Joe's the guy" would be preposterous. If you think they're that stupid, I have a couple of bridges and a state of the art moonbase to sell you.

Secondly, if the Whitehouse knows, the RNC knows. If the gop knew biden has dementia/Parkinson, they'd have doctors and records subpoena'd and in front of the congress/house in a heartbeat There'd be none of this pussy-footing around making snide comments and misrepresenting videos.

So both of these, equally preposterous things would have to be true.

Folk are hearing hoofbeats, and thinking zebras (or even unicorns)

The first is a point I made yesterday in direct response to the remote diagnosis as I pointed out its implications. Whatever Dr Jill is, she loves her husband.

Although wrt the second, it would very much suit the GOP to keep Biden exactly where he was, as one of the very few people that Trump could beat. Too Machiavellian? Who knows.

Edited by Bonefish Blues on Sunday 30th June 13:48


6,349 posts

46 months

Bonefish Blues said:
The first is a point I made yesterday in direct response to the remote diagnosis as I pointed out its implications. Whatever Dr Jill is, she loves her husband.

Although wrt the second, it would very much suit the GOP to keep Biden exactly where he was, as one of the very few people that Trump could beat. Too Machiavellian? Who knows.

Edited by Bonefish Blues on Sunday 30th June 13:48
However, if it suits to have Biden there, why go in so hard on him?


12,802 posts

219 months

LF5335 said:
i am asking why people can criticise Biden with claims that are just as appropriate when levied against Trump, yet somehow appear incapable of levying them against Trump. .
You are joking? There’s an entire thread dedicated to 4 or 5 nutters repetitively spamming PH with just that. If you question any of it you’re literally run out the thread. It’s a total echo chamber of exactly what you’ve just said doesn’t happen.

Edit. Christ I’ve just realised who you are. What is this your 5th or 6th log in now?