Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!

Mclaren 750S into Europe, the usual nonsense!


Mr Tidy

23,835 posts

132 months

Friday 28th June
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Back on track - thanks br d. thumbup


852 posts

79 months

Friday 28th June
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Following along for the ride clap


41,847 posts

195 months

Friday 28th June
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br d said:
absolutely love pics of that place (Leadenhall Market seems a pale imitation - especially when you factor in the weather)

br d said:
The hotel is lovely, it has everything, restaurants and bars and pools and spas and all that but I messed up.
Whenever I take these trips I avoid school holidays. Don't misunderstand me, I don't dislike kids, I don't have any personally but my friends and my sisters kids are very important to me, I love them. But when I travel I don't really want to be surrounded by them. Sorry to the parents out there, I'm not being a miserable bd I just prefer a bit of calm!
I'm not convinced that you're a miserable bd - or if you are then my wife and I are the same. In principle I/we have no issues with kids, however, I just don't like kids actually y'know being kids. That is to say screaming, shouting, running around like their hair's on fire and so on

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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That's the thing Dodgy, I have two nieces I would absolutely do anything for, when all my friends started having kids I enjoyed being in their company and another friend has a 5 year old that melts me everytime I see her.

But I suppose there is that difference between liking kids and having them.
It's nice to spend time with them but it's also nice not to!

Yeah that place in Milan was beautiful. I'm ashamed to say that Tanya gave me a run down of it's entire history and I've forgotten most of it!

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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This is a lovely drop of beer, has a really strong odour of oranges but doesn't taste of them.

These are fking hot though!

Went out early this morning to try the drone out, it went miles before it even dropped a bar. Obviously there's very little interference around here but impressive non the less. The longer battery life is really helpful, I'm going to make a real effort to get some good footage.

I did a long video flying over the valley and a shorter one coming in toward the hotel.
This is very boring and skippable but here it is anyway.

Came back and took the car out, had to go left from the hotel as right would take through all the road works and I'm not doing that again until I have to.
The road eventually ran out at a bus turn around so I parked up there and got the board out.

Don't think I actually should have parked here but I did get right over onto the rough ground, certainly wasn't in the way of the busses turning.

Managed to find some trails up into the woods so had a nice onewheel session for an hour or so.

When I got back a bus had unloaded and there were lots of people around the car, I stayed out of the way to they drifted off.

Got back to the hotel, car looked cool parked up at the entrance.
You're not supposed to park here because it's only the entrance to the garage but - and this is going to sound awful - when I said to the reception can I leave it while I get breakfast they said "of course! It is very beautiful!"
I wasn't in anyone's way and all the nearby spaces were taken but it's often the case that hotels will move any amount of barriers and hotel cars to accommodate, I presume it's because lots of people then take pics of the car and the hotel name which will end up on social media.

I know, I'm a wker.

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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Mikebentley said:
Won’t the recent surgery have altered your balance? If so please be careful on that board as we all love your trips.
Hasn't affected my balance but tbh I shouldn't be on it, surgeon was very like "you can go but don't do anything physical"

I'm still getting the odd twinge but I think it will be fine if I don't do anything stupid.

Dr Potluri, a fking diamond. A 70 year old little Asian guy who said he could have retired 10 years ago, doesn't need the money but just likes helping people.

When we discussed the op he said "Don't worry, I did my first one of these in 1977" He could do it blindfolded, done an incredible job.
Imagine being somebody who has dedicated their whole life to easing people's pain, very humbling.

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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Any people who do their own YouTube videos here?

I have a channel I've had for 15 years or something but I only use it to put the little vids up that I post in these blogs. I want to leave them there so if people stumble upon my blogs my nonsense will always be available to them.

But recently I've had a couple of vids come up on the general YouTube site, I suppose this is inevitable as they are available to YouTube but I really don't want this.
Can I set it so that if people click the links in these threads they work but otherwise they are hidden to the general YouTube audience?

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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Doofus said:
Presumably you're taking a pogo stick this year.
Why not, I'm game!

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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Leins said:
Great stuff Brad, one of my favourite threads. In the immortal words of S-Express, enjoy this trip.

… although they may not have been referencing a Euro-hoon come to think of it!
Oh I love that song! That's going on my silly earbuds after a few more beers!

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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prand said:
I've been keeping a look out for Br d's annual posts, and here it is. Looking forwards to this year's adventures!
Hi prand, hope you are good.

Edited by br d on Friday 28th June 14:59

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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Sway said:
fking get in Brad.

Dont for one minute these threads are getting stale - your uncanny ability to discover new and interesting shenanigans makes every one a treat.

Hope you're doing good buddy.
Sway! Great to see you mate, hope you and yours are doing good too.

You and so many others here have been amazingly supportive when things weren't going too well for me. I can never thank you enough.

Stella Tortoise

2,789 posts

148 months

Friday 28th June
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br d said:
After Chamonix a dive through the Mont Blanc tunnel and head for Milan.
I think 54 euros for one way is expensive but what are you going to do?

Those 100 miles or so after the tunnel are fantastic driving, your in a valley flanked by towering, snow peaked mountains with medieval castles dotted along the route and huge rivers gushing down the rocks from melting snow.
This is what the Alps is all about for me. I was enjoying the views so much I was the slowest thing on the road, getting regularly over taken by petrol tankers.
Putting your foot down is always fun but sometimes it's just nice to pootle and take in the sights.

I then fked up the toll after the really long drive down to Milan, went into the Telepass one by mistake and then the barrier wouldn't open! There were loads of cars behind me in an instant and I was fked! The Italian guys behind me were cursing out of their windows so I got out and started doing that quintessentialy British thing of holding my hands up and going "What? What do you want me to do?"
Which was very ahole of me because it was completely my fault and I'd have been just as pissed off if I was stuck behind some idiot who doesn't know what lane he's supposed to be in!

Luckily one of the shouty guys said "Help, the button, help" so I found that, pushed it and after another tirade of Italian from the speaker the barrier opened.
But I'm going to get a fine for that.

I went down to Uboldo which is where my friends Francesco and Tanya live, they put me up for a couple of days. They are lovely people, he's Italian with perfect English and she is Russian with perfect Italian and English.
I've mentioned before that he's a songwriter and record producer, he's absolutely flying, he's had 10 platinums on the Italian charts this year and top 50's on the Spotify charts. He works with all the big Italian singers, mostly chart stuff but even the big opera singers.

He has a big studio in Milan but he's also converted the top floor of his house into another studio. I sat with him for an hour while he literally wrote a hit.
An Italian female vocalist with lots of chart hits had a new song but she wasn't happy with the arrangement which the studio had done for her, so francesco's production company had sent him the stems and said "can you do better?"

He deleted all the music, loaded up just the vocal tracks and set to work. Incredible to watch. The guy is a brilliant musician but more than that he's an intuitive producer, he just started layering all these drum samples then he wrote a superb funky bass line in about 20 minutes. Then he layered pads and a few samples from Splice, sidechained a couple of things, EQ'd everything, compressed everything and finished with some reversed samples for the drop and tidied it all up.
In a little over an hour.

When he played the finished thing it was amazing!

The bloke earns fortunes and he's worth every penny.
He's 40 now but wants to get out of the music business soon and start opening restaurants!

They took me to Milan and I got some pics.

On the second evening me and francesco went to a super posh restaurant in Milan. I don't know what it was called but it was a Michelin starred vegetarian place. I told him he didn't have to go there for me but he said it's really good anyway.

It was brilliant, best food I've ever ate. Beautiful wine, champagne the whole thing.
Back in my council estate days I would have no doubt thought this sort of place 'poncy' but mate it was wonderful. 8 courses. I took a few of pics.

Wonderful people.

One of the days they were both working so I drove up to lake Verase and boarded around it, it was lovely weather and I stopped at a little diner and had a slice of pizza, perfect!

He had an underground garage with a steep up ramp, each time I used it I made sure the lift on the car was engaged. As I drove away and said goodbye to them I pressed the button but it didn't take!
The bottom of the car ground hideously and it left a nasty dig under it.
I'll get a picture tomorrow.

Edited by br d on Thursday 27th June 15:35

Edited by br d on Thursday 27th June 15:36
I doubt it helps much but, for balance, I was stuck behind a few Spanish cars this year at the tolls when I could have whistled through with my Bip&Go device.

It did feel like revenge for all of my previous mishaps at toll booths.


608 posts

47 months

Friday 28th June
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br d said:
This is a lovely drop of beer, has a really strong odour of oranges but doesn't taste of them.

These are fking hot though!

Went out early this morning to try the drone out, it went miles before it even dropped a bar. Obviously there's very little interference around here but impressive non the less. The longer battery life is really helpful, I'm going to make a real effort to get some good footage.

I did a long video flying over the valley and a shorter one coming in toward the hotel.
This is very boring and skippable but here it is anyway.

Came back and took the car out, had to go left from the hotel as right would take through all the road works and I'm not doing that again until I have to.
The road eventually ran out at a bus turn around so I parked up there and got the board out.

Don't think I actually should have parked here but I did get right over onto the rough ground, certainly wasn't in the way of the busses turning.

Managed to find some trails up into the woods so had a nice onewheel session for an hour or so.

When I got back a bus had unloaded and there were lots of people around the car, I stayed out of the way to they drifted off.

Got back to the hotel, car looked cool parked up at the entrance.
You're not supposed to park here because it's only the entrance to the garage but - and this is going to sound awful - when I said to the reception can I leave it while I get breakfast they said "of course! It is very beautiful!"
I wasn't in anyone's way and all the nearby spaces were taken but it's often the case that hotels will move any amount of barriers and hotel cars to accommodate, I presume it's because lots of people then take pics of the car and the hotel name which will end up on social media.

I know, I'm a wker.

Just been on the breweries website, what a range they do.

Have one for me BrD

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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DeuceDeuce said:
Glad you decided to surface & love that guitar.

I spent a very rainy day in Chamonix last summer so just played pinball for hours trying to get the top score. I only got second and lost the use of my hands for a day or so.

Stay safe and have fun : )
Can you remember the bar?
I love Chamonix. They have a couple of clubs which never shut up all night on Fridays and Saturdays though, they just stand in the street and shout till 7 in the morning, you can hear it all over town!
I went out on the onewheel at 5:30 on the Saturday morning and when I passed one of the clubs there were young blokes crashed out on the floor and staggering all over the place. They were spread all across the narrow street so I had to weave between them and I was sure someone was going to push me off but they all had that can't quite focus cos too drunk look in there eyes and I was through before they realised!

Ah to be young and sleeping on pavement at 5am with a fag drooping loosely from the side of your mouth again!

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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Ussrcossack said:
Just been on the breweries website, what a range they do.

Have one for me BrD
Yeah mate the barman said the same, it's a local brewery, he talked me through about ten different beers and I ended up very confused but this one is lovely.


4,367 posts

165 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
br d said:
Any people who do their own YouTube videos here?

I have a channel I've had for 15 years or something but I only use it to put the little vids up that I post in these blogs. I want to leave them there so if people stumble upon my blogs my nonsense will always be available to them.

But recently I've had a couple of vids come up on the general YouTube site, I suppose this is inevitable as they are available to YouTube but I really don't want this.
Can I set it so that if people click the links in these threads they work but otherwise they are hidden to the general YouTube audience?
Publish them as "unlisted" in the publishing options, that way they are only available via the link and cannot be found by searching or checking your YouTube profile page. smile

Edited by BrettMRC on Friday 28th June 15:31


3,847 posts

180 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
br d said:
This is a lovely drop of beer, has a really strong odour of oranges but doesn't taste of them.
Sounds like a woman I used to know. Is what I would say if I said stuff like that. Which I don’t.

Edited by troc on Friday 28th June 15:35

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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BrettMRC said:
Publish them as "unlisted" in the publishing options, that way they are only available via the link and cannot be found by searching or checking your YouTube profile page. smile

Edited by BrettMRC on Friday 28th June 15:31
Brett, thank you, that sounds exactly what I'm looking for.

br d

Original Poster:

8,577 posts

231 months

Friday 28th June
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I've got pretty drunk.
I'm back in the room.

So I'm thinking about this room.

If I open this door wide.

Can I make the drone take off from here.

And fly out through that door. And stuff.

Now I have no idea if the drone can do this. Or if I can do this! Cos I'm pretty pissed. And these are very sensitive control things.
But you have to try it don't you?

So I take off in the room, I'm amazed it takes off in here! I spin it for effect, then go for the door. First try it won't do it, it won't go through the door, the fker. I faff about, press all the buttons, fall asleep for a while, wake up, realise it's still not going through the faffing door. Then remember you have to turn off obstacle collision detection, (can't believe I spelled all those words right!) so I do that. I turn off ockstickle delusion collection.

Then I get it through the door! It works!

And I even get the fker back into the room! But as you can see, I'm pretty ste at it.

Happy though.

I'm expecting the hotel manager to knock at any moment!


15,104 posts

196 months

Friday 28th June
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That's one heck of a quality drone.

I was part hoping @2:00 you might investigate what your neighbours were up to in their room . . . biggrin