Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?

Reform UK - A symptom of all that is wrong?



14,142 posts

190 months

bhstewie said:
Definitely nothing homophobic about suggesting the LBGT community are "nonces".

Dear me.
You are extrapolating.


52,522 posts

213 months

Elysium said:
I accept that you said that, but you also felt the need to say it was an isolated incident, which is rather different to the way you presented the Tories embroiled in similar scandals as part of an endemic Tory culture of corruption.

The way you approached it was biased and made it clear that you are supporting a particular side. That's fine, but needs to be called out when you are accusing others of the same thing.

By the way, I actually agree with you that corruption is endemic amongst the Tories. That is one of the reasons why I am quite enjoying watching Reform tear them apart.
Hmmm so it was wrong of me to present the multiple Conservatives being investigated (compared to the one Labour candidate) as being "part of an endemic Tory culture of corruption" but you agree that corruption is endemic amongst the Tories.

I really don't think it's me you know hehe


7,766 posts

205 months

Elysium said:
Which aligns almost exactly with what I have said.

Like it or not, some people are upset by the way some LGBTQ+ activists engage with children. This seems to reach fever point over events like this:

Pretty sure that's what Farage's chap was mithering about.
Ah, that all makes it okay then wobble


3,402 posts

223 months

Killboy said:
Elysium said:
Which aligns almost exactly with what I have said.

Like it or not, some people are upset by the way some LGBTQ+ activists engage with children. This seems to reach fever point over events like this:

Pretty sure that's what Farage's chap was mithering about.
Ah, that all makes it okay then wobble

What a nutter


52,522 posts

213 months

Elysium said:
bhstewie said:
Definitely nothing homophobic about suggesting the LBGT community are "nonces".

Dear me.
You are extrapolating.
I'm literally quoting what he said.

What do you think "They should be out catching nonces not promoting the fkers" meant?


1,924 posts

171 months

Mr Penguin said:
Killboy said:
I think there is a difference. One is using specific insider information.
They both are
The police don't seem to agree with you as they are only investigating the bets on the election date.


7,191 posts

224 months

swisstoni said:
PRTVR said:
Is it not more important than just a victim card ?
If true and he is an actor and may have been paid, given when the programme was released so close to the election, are we not looking at interference in the electoral system?
I’d like to think C4 were duped rather than they were behind the whole thing. That way, madness lies. hehe
hehe agreed its just coincidence that Reform were going after the BBC licence fee in their manifesto.

I believe channel 4 are funded via the BBC.


14,142 posts

190 months

bhstewie said:
Elysium said:
bhstewie said:
Definitely nothing homophobic about suggesting the LBGT community are "nonces".

Dear me.
You are extrapolating.
I'm literally quoting what he said.

What do you think "They should be out catching nonces not promoting the fkers" meant?
I don’t think the person involved was using that language to describe the entire LGBTQ community. That is an extrapolation.

Although most people are entirely comfortable with gender diversity there is a widespread belief, reinforced by the Cass Review, that trans activism has gone too far.

Most of this concern is about potential harm caused to children and there have been examples of inappropriate conduct in this area, most notably in the US with quite bizzare stories of ‘drag queen story hours’ in schools.

I think that is what this person is talking about. Based specifically on the meaning of the word they have chosen.

This does not just affect reform. The conservatives have their own policies aimed at this ideology and Labour is obviously wrestling with its views on the matter. Meanwhile, at this point the pride flag for some represents a disputed political belief, which taxpayer funded organisations like the police should not be funding.

I think you are aware of this, but have chosen to ignore the nuances of the issue and instead engage in faux outrage.

If you want to understand why Reform is getting traction you need to understand these issues. This is not the territory of racists and bigots. Otherwise reasonable people feel that this is wrong and they want to be listened to. Reform are doing that.


3,402 posts

223 months

Elysium said:
I don’t think the person involved was using that language to describe the entire LGBTQ community.
That’s sounds like a bit of an…extrapolation.


14,142 posts

190 months

Killboy said:
Elysium said:
Which aligns almost exactly with what I have said.

Like it or not, some people are upset by the way some LGBTQ+ activists engage with children. This seems to reach fever point over events like this:

Pretty sure that's what Farage's chap was mithering about.
Ah, that all makes it okay then wobble
I specifically said it wasn’t OK in a post just prior to the one you quoted.


4,553 posts

147 months

Reform leader on BBC 1 in a bit....


14,042 posts

166 months

fourstardan said:
Reform leader on BBC 1 in a bit....
Mr Utopia is currently on.


12,344 posts

191 months

He’s an extremely good orator…


6,671 posts

134 months

I have to say I won’t be voting Reform but I’m pretty appalled by the selection process for the audience on the BBC tonight.
It’s ludicrous. Multiple questioners effectively calling him a racist. The format is like watching a shooting gallery. Fairplay to him for ploughing on.


12,344 posts

191 months

He did get a rough ride.


14,042 posts

166 months

Ridgemont said:
I have to say I won’t be voting Reform but I’m pretty appalled by the selection process for the audience on the BBC tonight.
It’s ludicrous. Multiple questioners effectively calling him a racist. The format is like watching a shooting gallery. Fairplay to him for ploughing on.
It was inevitable after today’s media pile-on, I was left wondering just how many PHers were present, it’s been quite quiet in here tonight.

I thought he handled the initial hostility quite well, and made some good points in the small amount of time Fiona Bruce allowed him to speak when she wasn’t interrupting or talking over him.


4,553 posts

147 months

I shake my head at some of the idiots I share society with now days. They'll now go home and not actually use that big muscle in their head when he answered the questions.

I think with Farage he is the only one running with any ounce of energy and drive in this GE and I personally think he needs to get elected to sort out the dynamic for the next 5/10 years in the country.

Forget his existing party candidates at the moment, he's been around since June the 4th.


5,565 posts

109 months

don'tbesilly said:
Ridgemont said:
I have to say I won’t be voting Reform but I’m pretty appalled by the selection process for the audience on the BBC tonight.
It’s ludicrous. Multiple questioners effectively calling him a racist. The format is like watching a shooting gallery. Fairplay to him for ploughing on.
It was inevitable after today’s media pile-on, I was left wondering just how many PHers were present, it’s been quite quiet in here tonight.

I thought he handled the initial hostility quite well, and made some good points in the small amount of time Fiona Bruce allowed him to speak when she wasn’t interrupting or talking over him.
Come on man - it’s Glasto!


8,713 posts

109 months

PRTVR said:
swisstoni said:
PRTVR said:
Is it not more important than just a victim card ?
If true and he is an actor and may have been paid, given when the programme was released so close to the election, are we not looking at interference in the electoral system?
I’d like to think C4 were duped rather than they were behind the whole thing. That way, madness lies. hehe
hehe agreed its just coincidence that Reform were going after the BBC licence fee in their manifesto.

I believe channel 4 are funded via the BBC.
To ease your mind, C4 are publicly owned but fully funded by their own commercial activity including advertising.


12,702 posts

251 months

Ridgemont said:
I have to say I won’t be voting Reform but I’m pretty appalled by the selection process for the audience on the BBC tonight.
It’s ludicrous. Multiple questioners effectively calling him a racist. The format is like watching a shooting gallery. Fairplay to him for ploughing on.
Assuming they poll 15%-20%, then 80%-85% will not support them. And I suspect a large proportion of that majority will not be ambivalent towards them.

Stands to reason that they will get a rougher ride.