46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



5,557 posts

133 months

ChocolateFrog said:
Was on nights last night so got to see the debate.

Biden was dreadful.

Not sure how much influence the debates have.
I've only seen a few clips.....but yes, much to my irritation, he did indeed come across as rather tired & doddery.

I imagine he will have lost a few voters there....& young ones in particular will be, I would imagine, more inclined to not bother voting at all.
How can they feel anything but disenfranchised at the awful choices in front of them frown

Is it really too late for Democrats to come up with some decent candidate who could rip Trump to pieces in the last debate?


4,562 posts

162 months

ChocolateFrog said:
Not sure how much influence the debates have.
In this case I think it will have a massive influence, as they have in previous elections (Nixon/Kennedy and Reagan/Mondial). Biden’s performance last night plays into already existing fears amongst voters about his mental competency, and for many the risk of Harris taking over the presidency will be too big given how unpopular she is. Even if Biden makes it till November (he won’t), there is no way he would make it through another four years.

I couldn’t watch it last night. As I said in a previous post, my mum has dementia and I recognise all the signs of cognitive decline; the inability to choose the correct word, the sentences tailing off, and monotone/soft speaking, combined with his recent falls etc, and it’s too painful for me to watch and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Those around Biden, primarily his wife, need to urge him to stand down for his own sake. It’s just not fair on anyone, least of all Joe Biden.


1,962 posts

168 months

hidetheelephants said:
thatsprettyshady said:
I have no idea why people even bother watching TV news anymore - https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/18066638943933072...
Joe Scarborough likes the sound of his own voice, so all TV news is rubbish? Morning Joe isn't really news anyway, it's more or less like UK breakfast TV but more po-faced.
Right, will disregard anything from Morning Joe as po faced breakfast TV and "not really news" from now on then - noted.


9,046 posts

165 months

tim0409 said:
In this case I think it will have a massive influence, as they have in previous elections (Nixon/Kennedy and Reagan/Mondial). Biden’s performance last night plays into already existing fears amongst voters about his mental competency, and for many the risk of Harris taking over the presidency will be too big given how unpopular she is. Even if Biden makes it till November (he won’t), there is no way he would make it through another four years.

I couldn’t watch it last night. As I said in a previous post, my mum has dementia and I recognise all the signs of cognitive decline; the inability to choose the correct word, the sentences tailing off, and monotone/soft speaking, combined with his recent falls etc, and it’s too painful for me to watch and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Those around Biden, primarily his wife, need to urge him to stand down for his own sake. It’s just not fair on anyone, least of all Joe Biden.
I agree 100%. His wife literally walked him off the stage in a way I remember my father walking my grandmother to her room riddled with dementia. It's not at all funny and I don't know why it's being allowed to happen.


1,316 posts

33 months

Petrus1983 said:
tim0409 said:
In this case I think it will have a massive influence, as they have in previous elections (Nixon/Kennedy and Reagan/Mondial). Biden’s performance last night plays into already existing fears amongst voters about his mental competency, and for many the risk of Harris taking over the presidency will be too big given how unpopular she is. Even if Biden makes it till November (he won’t), there is no way he would make it through another four years.

I couldn’t watch it last night. As I said in a previous post, my mum has dementia and I recognise all the signs of cognitive decline; the inability to choose the correct word, the sentences tailing off, and monotone/soft speaking, combined with his recent falls etc, and it’s too painful for me to watch and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Those around Biden, primarily his wife, need to urge him to stand down for his own sake. It’s just not fair on anyone, least of all Joe Biden.
I agree 100%. His wife literally walked him off the stage in a way I remember my father walking my grandmother to her room riddled with dementia. It's not at all funny and I don't know why it's being allowed to happen.
What...kinda like the same way Obama had to walk Biden off the stage the other week?

Surely not as all that footage was fake wasn't it? nono


9,046 posts

165 months

Wheelspinning said:
What...kinda like the same way Obama had to walk Biden off the stage the other week?

Surely not as all that footage was fake wasn't it? nono
It's just a sad situation. I feel bad for the guy.


1,316 posts

33 months

Mortarboard said:
TonyToniTone said:
The obviously faked parachute videos that nobody on here posted, but were used used to obfuscate the discussion on the video's of Joe freezing..

I think last night makes those supporting the threat of the ban hammer look ridiculous.

ETA Not unfit for the role, what do you actually need to see before you decide differently?

Edited by TonyToniTone on Friday 28th June 14:35
Discussion was about the gop posting of videos, not in here. I don't think floating voters are looking to np&e to make their minds up wink

No idea what your ban hammer comment is supposed to mean. Posting behaviour is what warrants a ban, not it's substance, Shirley?

For fitness fir the role- it's purely down to the ability to make the right decisions for the country, as pertains to the role of the executive branch. That's it. That's all the role requires. The president runs neither the house, the congress or the juducuary. It's a very different "government" structure to the uk.

The ban 'hammer' arose a week or two ago on the '45th' thread when a few had the audacity to suggest Biden was struggling and the dozen or so who run that thread requested moderators to intervene.


6,244 posts

58 months

Wheelspinning said:
The ban 'hammer' arose a week or two ago on the '45th' thread when a few had the audacity to suggest Biden was struggling and the dozen or so who run that thread requested moderators to intervene.
That your recollection, is it?

Signs of cognitive decline, that is.......


Timothy Bucktu

15,375 posts

203 months

People were questioning his mental ability a few weeks ago, and several people were suggesting he's fine. Well, what say you now?
It was certainly difficult to watch. Almost inhumane.


2,217 posts

37 months

Disaster for Biden.

I remember posting on this thread when he a physical check and suggested he needed a ‘mental cognitive’ one and was shot down for the suggestion. “He’s always stuttered” etc.


2,330 posts

193 months

Someone gave him a coffee, his speech just now was night and day and he banged it.

It would be great to hear the stories in 20-30 years time on exactly what is going on now behind the scenes.


3,496 posts

252 months

Mortarboard said:
That your recollection, is it?

Signs of cognitive decline, that is.......

That's what happened, petty people copying and pasting post's from this thread into the 45th..


6,244 posts

58 months

Was one poster, iirc who mentioned moderation.

Hardly the "dozens" mentioned, now come on.



25,886 posts

170 months

Seems like the debate nerves perhaps got to him because his speech tonight was completely a different person. Not even remotely doddery or forgetful.

Wonder if it’s too late though. Will be an interesting few months.

We are all Brexiteers now

2,600 posts

164 months

MrBogSmith said:
Disaster for Biden.

I remember posting on this thread when he a physical check and suggested he needed a ‘mental cognitive’ one and was shot down for the suggestion. “He’s always stuttered” etc.
The other favourite was 'are you a doctor then?', when the question of his mental faculties arose.


12,473 posts

265 months

Mortarboard said:
There's been no Denying that biden's old. That doesn't mean he's unfit for the role.
I think if you watch the Steven Colbert interview from 2016 and then flick to last night's debate there is a case to say that during another 4.5 years he won't be able to fulfil the role and that makes him unfit to continue.


1,316 posts

33 months

Mortarboard said:
That your recollection, is it?

Signs of cognitive decline, that is.......

Wheelspinning said:
Mortarboard said:
TonyToniTone said:
The obviously faked parachute videos that nobody on here posted, but were used used to obfuscate the discussion on the video's of Joe freezing..

I think last night makes those supporting the threat of the ban hammer look ridiculous.

Edited by TonyToniTone on Friday 28th June 14:35
No idea what your ban hammer comment is supposed to mean. Posting behaviour is what warrants a ban, not it's substance, Shirley?

The ban 'hammer' arose a week or two ago on the '45th' thread when a few had the audacity to suggest Biden was struggling and the dozen or so who run that thread requested moderators to intervene.
It seems that you now remarkably remember about the 'ban hammer' including who made the request, but feel it appropriate to claim I have 'Signs of cognitive decline'.

Can I ask why you and the other dozen or so on the Trump thread always seem to revert to characteristics of the very man you detest when posters have the audacity to offer a different view; selective memory, name calls, cheap slurs like above?

We are all Brexiteers now

2,600 posts

164 months

Mortarboard said:
Biden is old and doddery.

And still running rings around the GOP.

And the most popular non-felon in the race.

More like shuffling in the wrong direction.

Bonefish Blues

27,608 posts

226 months

robscot said:
Someone gave him a coffee, his speech just now was night and day and he banged it.

It would be great to hear the stories in 20-30 years time on exactly what is going on now behind the scenes.


2,330 posts

193 months

Bonefish Blues said:
All major news sites worldwide.